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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Redirection issues after 6.3.8 updateone reason I liked separate TML pages for different actions is that I could have enabled user registration but then put a more advanced Gravity Form user registration form in it instead of the TML registration template… that system allowed greater flexibility, I hope the developer brings it back
last update is over 1 year old guaranteed to work with 3.2.x but now WP is almost at 3.5… is this plugin still mantained?
if no update required and no bugs are reported for more recent versions of wp perhaps the developer could mark it wp 3.4.x compatible, at least people know it’s still supported…
in debug mode, while on member profile pages, WP SEO throws this error:
Notice: Undefined property: WP_Query::$post in [...mypath...]/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/frontend/class-frontend.php on line 658
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in [...mypath...]/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/frontend/class-frontend.php on line 658
suppose you want to display the TML login form somewhere in your template (in a widget, in the header, in the footer, anywhere), you just use the function:
theme_my_login( array( 'show_title' => false, 'show_reg_link' => false, 'instance' => 1, 'login_template' => 'login-form.php' ) );
show_title allowed me to turn off the title display (I didn’t want it); also I didn’t want to display the registration link (which are managed by another plugin in my case; then you can specify a template
to avoid the redirect problem I had
I entered in my index.php (which was otherwise empty)
include( 'front-page.php' );
I had to do this because I’m not using the WP blog function (where index.php would be the blog index) and my home page template is represented by front-page.php;
If you have other redirect problems, try to look into your redirect settings in the TML control panel; also double check your htaccess and permalink structure
hope this will help you
ok I figured the problem out and I hope it’s useful for the plugin developer
in my setup I’m using WordPress as CMS and I’m not using the standard blog function and index.php is empty
however, if I use TML as a function to display the form somewhere on my page (header) and if there’s a login failure (wrong pwd, user name, blank field, etc), the form will redirect to index.php and not to front-page.php which is the wordpress home page and website root
I had to put an include inside index.php to call front-page.php whichh fixed the issue, because TML was erroneusly redirecting to index.php even if I was executing the form from front-page.php
I found out a solution for the minor issue in my 2nd post, after reading the documentation from the plugin’s author page https://www.jfarthing.com/docs/theme-my-login/shortcode – I didn’t notice the shortcode section paremeters could apply for the function – the function documentation is a blank page, sorry
that fixed the title issue
but the redirection problem still occurs – if user attempts to login from homepage and login data is invalid, then user will get a blank screen; if it’s from any page in the website, it will be ok – I wish to fix this
also, on a sidenote, I had to edit a plugin theme file to get rid of the $title being displayed in my menu… unfortunately $title in such case is not wrapped by any HTML element which I could style by CSS, ie by hiding it
the code I’ve edited is located at line 151 in includes/class-theme-my-login-template.php
$title = __( 'Log In', 'theme-my-login' );
I’ve replaced Log In with a blank string, this retains the title on login page but I can get rid of it in my menu… perhaps I did not do it properly, I didn’t know if there was a way to filter that out…
if it’s really hardcoded, perhaps the author might consider to grant users the possibility to edit title names and eventually leave them blank if they want
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With the recent updates of BBPRess the issue seem to be solved
I didn’t do anything – I had also another issue with dates not being displayed in a user friendly format (ie I had messages marked with “posted 473 days ago” instead of “posted 1 year, months ago”) – that is solved as well with the recent updates
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] [Plugin: WordPress SEO by Yoast] title bug with bbpressoh… I forgot
to make it work you also need to go through Yoast SEO settings for forum, topic , reply post types and topic-tag taxonomy
you need to set your own SEO titles like you did for normal posts and pages and any other taxonomy or post type in your setup
if you already did, try to save settings again
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] [Plugin: WordPress SEO by Yoast] title bug with bbpressno it’s not a bbpress bug and neither yoast’s
bbpress by default modifies the title in the header when the user is viewing a topic, a reply, etc. – and I can see their point for doing so
bbpress does so by filtering wordpress wp_title() with the action bbp_title()
this conflicts with Yoast SEO, since this plugin filters wp_title() as well (haven’t looked at Yoast code but it’s my assumption that does so)
by removing the bbp_title() action that filters wp_title Yoast SEO can do its job again
eventually Yoast might include in his plugin an action do detect presence of bbpress and prompt the user to remove bbpress titles and use SEO titles instead
the solution proposed in the previous post worked for me with bbpress 2.x and wp 3.3 up to 3.4 beta
make sure you have added it correctly in the functions.php file of the theme you are using – do not hack Yoast , bbpress or wordpress core files for this
Hi Daniel,
I know that you must be already aware of this issue, given the posts above. Anyway I’m writing to report the same issue here with version 2.1.10
malware scanner detected the following:
/home/pwtpdlha/public_html/ content/plugins/backwpup/pages/page_backwpupsettings.php /home/pwtpdlha/public_html/content/plugins/backwpup/pages/func_backwpupeditjob.php FILE HIT LIST: {HEX}base64.inject.unclassed.6 : /home/pwtpdlha/public_html/content/plugins/backwpup/pages/page_backwpupsettings.php => /usr/local/maldetect/quarantine/page_backwpupsettings.php.25415 {HEX}base64.inject.unclassed.6 : /home/pwtpdlha/public_html/content/plugins/backwpup/pages/func_backwpupeditjob.php => /usr/local/maldetect/quarantine/func_backwpupeditjob.php.25960
I think most malware scanners don’t really like Base64… it’s been exploited by too many malwares
looking forward to see an update of this excellent backup tool ??
keep up the good job
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] [Plugin: WordPress SEO by Yoast] title bug with bbpressfound solution
add this in the functions.php
remove_action( 'wp_title', 'bbp_title' );
this will disable the default breadcrumb-like structure in the titles of bbPress pages (forum, topics, etc.)
you’ll need to setup WordPress SEO accordingly
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] [Plugin: WordPress SEO by Yoast] title bug with bbpressI have the same problem
Hi Daniel,
I haven’t worked at this yet – I just got the wordpress codex reference for pre_get_posts sitting in my bookmarks at the moment ??