Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Path] How can I include user_submit_name value in the post<div class="entry-content"> <?php if (function_exists('usp_author_link')) usp_author_link(); ?> <?php echo $post->post_content = ' kirjutas: ' . $post->post_content; ?> <?php /*the_content();*/ ?>
This is not working if you have a image in your post. ??
Any advice is welcome.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Path] How can I include user_submit_name value in the posthere is an example, how it works exactly as needed:
Everything is in one line, author name shows up only if submitted by regular user or anonymous user.
from: USP prefix submitted content function my_the_content_filter($content) { global $post; $usp_author = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'user_submit_name', true); if (usp_is_public_submission()) { $content = $usp_author . ' writes: ' . $content; } return $content; } add_filter('the_content', 'my_the_content_filter');
here is change I made to my child-theme content.php:
... </header><!-- .entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <?php if (function_exists('usp_author_link')) usp_author_link(); ?> <?php echo $post->post_content = ' writes: ' . $post->post_content; ?> <?php /*the_content(); */?>
Thank you.
This must only show up, when post is submitted by regular user or unregistered user.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Path] How can I include user_submit_name value in the postfunction my_filter_content( $content ) { // if( is_singular( 'post' ) && is_main_query() ) { if ( function_exists( 'usp_author_link' )) { $new_content = usp_author_link(); $content .= $new_content; // } } return $content; } add_filter( 'the_content', 'my_filter_content' );
I also commented out the is_singular part
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Path] Localization and Path theme‘sudo apt-get install poedit’ and updating the translation.
BTW, I used the xx_XX naming for the translation files. This was probably another reason, it did not work before. Maybe.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Path] How can I include user_submit_name value in the postThank you Sami but I still end up with a post where name and content are not one continuous line
“user_submit_name here”
writes: Blaa blaa blaa aka what ever he wrote
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Path] How can I include user_submit_name value in the postThis will have to show up in a post (content).
Here is the code used to call the name from the custom field
<?php if (function_exists('usp_author_link')) usp_author_link(); ?>
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Path] How do you activate 3 column layout?Few minutes after I posted this, I figured it out… so typical. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Guest Posts] How to show the author custom fields in postmeta?I am in a similar problem. I must get $key="author" and place it before the content. I have managed to hack this together: At the moment, it looks like this: <div class="entry-content"> <?php $key="author"; echo get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, true) . ( ' writes:'); ?> <?php the_content(); ?> <?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<p class="page-links">' . __( 'Pages:', 'path' ), 'after' => '</p>' ) ); ?> </div><!-- .entry-content -->
Problem is that the result looks wrong because the name (Name) form custom field “author” is not on the same line with the content.
It looks like this
Name writes:
Content blaa blaa
What I need, is:
Name writes: Content blaa blaa
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Category Icons] Sepmress and Tag iconI had to change this a bit to get only the fist tag added.
Now it looks like this:<!-- change --> <span class="sep"> | </span> <span class="post_cat_m" itemprop="keywords"> <?php $posttags = get_the_tags(); $count=0; if ($posttags) { foreach($posttags as $tag) { $count++; if (1 == $count) { echo $tag->name . ' '; } } } ?> </span> <!-- end change -->
At the moment, it displays only the first tag (as text) and this is exactly how it has to be.
My question is same, how can I make this part of the code to display icon for the “tag”[ Please do not bump, that’s not permitted here. ]
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Changing direction of tnavigationarrow from left to RIGHTForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Reverse order of previous and next posts in SpunCan this fixed in the actual code so users do not have to hack this every time there is an update? (Yes, I use child theme)
I had to struggle with this BS too ( and looks like I am not the only one.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Spun them and WooCommerce problemsYou probably need to install the WooCommerce to understand what I am talking about. It takes you about 10 seconds + what ever you spend on creating just one product with a picture ??
Add to Cart and Product name overlap. You can not add product to your cart because image changes from square to circle etc.
There is a bullet above product image
and so on and on and on…You must understand how completely pointless it is for me to describe every page to you, if you do not have the module installed.
I managed to fix this by editing spun/inc/template-tags.php
Here is a patch:
--- template-tags.php 2013-11-12 21:20:54.000000000 +0200 +++ template-tags-spun-child.php 2013-11-12 21:13:28.000000000 +0200 @@ -40,17 +40,19 @@ <?php if ( is_single() ) : // navigation links for single posts ?> - <?php previous_post_link( '<div class="nav-previous">%link</div>', '<span class="meta-nav">' . _x( '«', 'Previous post link', 'spun' ) . '</span>' ); ?> - <?php next_post_link( '<div class="nav-next">%link</div>', '<span class="meta-nav">' . _x( '»', 'Next post link', 'spun' ) . '</span>' ); ?> + <?php next_post_link( '<div class="nav-previous">%link</div>', '<span class="meta-nav">' . _x( '«', 'Previous post link', 'spun' ) . '</span>' ); ?> + <?php previous_post_link( '<div class="nav-next">%link</div>', '<span class="meta-nav">' . _x( '»', 'Next post link', 'spun' ) . '</span>' ); ?> <?php elseif ( $wp_query->max_num_pages > 1 && ( is_home() || is_archive() || is_search() ) ) : // navigation links for home, archive, and search pages ?> - <?php if ( get_next_posts_link() ) : ?> - <div class="nav-previous"><?php next_posts_link( __( '<span class="meta-nav">«</span>', 'spun' ) ); ?></div> + <?php if ( get_previous_posts_link() ) : ?> + <div class="nav-previous"><?php previous_post_link( __( '<span class="meta-nav">«</span>', 'spun' ) ); ?></div> <?php endif; ?> - <?php if ( get_previous_posts_link() ) : ?> - <div class="nav-next"><?php previous_posts_link( __( '<span class="meta-nav">»</span>', 'spun' ) ); ?></div> + + <?php if ( get_next_posts_link() ) : ?> + + <div class="nav-next"><?php next_posts_link( __( '<span class="meta-nav">»</span>', 'spun' ) ); ?></div> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?>
This is human readable and you can probably understand what was changed.
Strange, that this UIx bug is not fixed.
( old post: