Hello, I’m using Astra theme, if it’s helpful. I think what I’m using is just basic Info Box it comes with it.. (I’m not sure it’s the same Info Box that’s for Gutenberg Editor or a specific Info Box that came with Astra theme) but I’m not sure, as I’m a WP newbie. Let me share my screenshot how I selected it: https://imgur.com/a/y5LMmZb
I’m trying another slider right now, and it seems to work better without the CTA issue. If you access my website right now, you might be able to see two sliders in the landing page. The second slider is GutSlider. It’s worth noting that I experienced same CTA issue when I was using the basic “Slider” that came with the Astra theme.
It’s been so weird, though. Sometimes when I was using my laptop (MBP 16 inch) only outside at a library and check it, it works without a problem. But, as soon as I get home, I usually connect my MBP with my external monitor and test it, I see the issue right away. So bizarre..
Sorry, but I might be using another slider cause I need to launch this website soon, but thank you!