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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Where to start on this .htaccess issueAs it happens I’d forgotten about this post and for whatever reason I didn’t see the response from “sameprob”
However I did read the stuff supplied via “esmi” and it would appear that I concluded on doing the same as “sameprob”.
Effectively I overwrote all core files (again) and for each plugin that the security scanner said was suspect (a number of them detailed by sameprob) I replaced with fresh versions – since having done that I haven’t seen any further repeats of the problem.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Where to start on this .htaccess issueThe site was hacked with an automated hack if I recall correctly.
I’ll go through the above posts one by one but I believe we cleared out any “issues” back when. I’ve used and use the exploit scanner and whilst it throws up queries on some of the plugins it throws them up whether it’s a clean install or even if that same plugin is used on one of my own personal blogs.
So that indicates to me that the scanner is picking up on coding that “could” be used but in these cases isn’t. IYSWIM ??
Anyway, again thank you and I will go through the process …. again ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Where to start on this .htaccess issueInteresting – I haven’t bothered to look inside the file. Just deleted the line in the htaccess
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Where to start on this .htaccess issueOh ok thanks for the responses anyway.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Where to start on this .htaccess issueFolks I appreciate the replies – but with all due respect I’m getting nowhere.
I guess I’ll disable certain addons one at a time and see what happens.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Where to start on this .htaccess issueOK – I have tried changing the htaccess permissions. Maybe not severe enough though. What is the toughest I can go without disrupting its operational effectiveness?
As to what / where thumbs.db are / from – thanks but I know.
What I don’t know is why on a *nix based web server with a wordpress install I’m suddenly getting this in my htaccess file:
php_value auto_append_file /home/USERDIR/public_html/Thumbs.db
As hinted earlier I have 3 htaccess files and this line will randonly appear in any or all of them. They are in my home directory. They are in my USERDIR directory and they are in my blog directory.
There are two website URLs running here – one is an ecommerce setup running OSCommerce and the other a blog running under WP. I guess the ecommerce could be generating that line as well but why in the blog directory?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Where to start on this .htaccess issueBut my point is that something in the PHP code – be it a plugin or be it Wp is generating this extra line.
I never said thumbs.db was a Wp file or a whatever file – I merely copied & pasted the line exactly as is. With the line in it causes a error 500. Without it the websites work just fine.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Where to start on this .htaccess issueAnd I’m still clueless ??
From what I can understand, the aspects that handle images are the media uploader part of WP and the following plugins:
Featured Content Gallery – been there since day 1. This problem is maybe 1mth old.
Sermon Browser (maybe) – can happily disable this one as it’s only a test thing anyway.and that’s about it – thus my confusion as this is definitely coming from somewhere but where is the issue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Where to start on this .htaccess issueThanks for the reply.
I’ve already been down that route and they advise that something from the blog site is auto changing / updating the htaccess – thus my appearance here ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: missing imageWorth trying I guess.
Thouigh I use all the same plugins on another blog without this problem. Thanks for the reply, I’ll reply again when I’ve tried that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: VIBE SEO showuing GA code.I’ll take that as a nobody knows then and as the author’s site is still down I can’t ask them … so ….
Can anyone recommend a.n.other SEO plugin that also allows use of the Google Analytics UA code as a combined thing?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Page doesn’t always load properlyIt’s not GA.
I thought it was that because of the status update bottom left – in fact it was the item immediately preceeding GA that was cuasing the issue.
I use the Intense Debate plugin and it turns out that one of the addon modules for ID (I think it was the translate one) was causing my page to appear blank for me.
Simply removing the module for ID solved my problem and as I don’t think my blog is read by many non-English readers I don’t think it’s too big a loss. Hope this helps anytone else in a similar spot.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Page doesn’t always load properlyTo be honest I didn’t expect anybody else to be able to replicate it.
The issue doesn’t happen all the time but fairly frequently does after I’ve created a new post.
Will try the analytics approach, I guess I should have thought of that one ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Page doesn’t always load properlySorry – didn’t think it was relevant as when it happens it’s only in my use of FF that it shows up.
As I said above, other browsers continue to work just fine.
Anyway, is the site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Fatal Error – template.phpI’ve now fixed this.
Used another search engine which found a post in this forum …
My solution was to add
php_value memory_limit 32M
to my .htaccess file.
The post I found has several options you can try – your mileage may vary but the post is here: