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  • I had already done the install step but I repeated it anyway. I got an error telling me the table already existed. But it is now working so there you go. Now I spotted that a member name points at a wp-stats page which doesn’t exist for me. I’m using the new plugin version for stats so I’ve changed this to the correct path and it works fine. What I would like though is that the URL for the page being visited shows on screen instead of having to hover the mouse over the URL link. Anyway of doing that?

    I am also having the same problem as piginzen. Did you find a solution?

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Query Call
    Thread Starter Stuart


    Oh right. Thanks skippy. Just wondering if it was something I could use elsewhere.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Query Call
    Thread Starter Stuart


    No. That’s the “time” call. This one returns the number of queries and I’m wondering exactly what’s meant by queries.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP 1.2, Statistics

    Oh I forgot. Yes please do email your version wp-traffic.php to stuart(at) whenever it’s convenient. I did spot the little “naming” controversy in the other thread. Catch ya later.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP 1.2, Statistics

    Ha ha. ?? Comment word count totally sorted. For me anyway, I don’t know about threads. I already use MtDewVirus’ comment plugger so now I’ve uploaded his comment word count plugin but instead of putting the call into my index.php I’ve added it to the “list” in your statistics.php and voila. Another good reason to point people at my stats pages. Thanks for the help. I’ll go search out that hack now. ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP 1.2, Statistics

    Carry on with J3rom3’s bug. It’s more important. Mine works. I have a distinct impression if I didn’t actually get it from MtDrewVirus I went through a link there. I’ll have a look round as well. I obviously haven’t gone to bed yet. Oh, and I wasn’t thinking of an individual post-comments word count. Just an overall count in the general stats at the top of the stats main page. I’ll check those links you’ve given me.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP 1.2, Statistics

    Well as long as they are blanks then. ?? Er, actually I think you’re over-complicating the first part. I think if people want all that kind of info there is a “visitors stats” plugin they can use. Personally I get all that info from my ISP page by page if I want it including links etc. No, all I wanted was if someone visits my blog and maybe finds a particular post interesting they may go on to view the comments by clicking the button. They may not leave a comment so you would see from the click count that there were, say, 50 views but only 30 comments. I have no interest in people who have my feed in something like FeedDemon cuz they can view posts and comments without ever coming near the site apart from the first time to get the feed addy. Not that I have any problem with them but for this I’m only interested in people who actually come on-site and click buttons. As for the comment word count I just thought it was a good idea and I’d throw it at you. I don’t use threads and I don’t mind waiting. Actually if it’s only counting the first comment in a thread it still giving you better info than nothing at all.
    Now I’m going to have to be careful here cuz I don’t want to put too many links in and get spammed. As I couldn’t get it up and running I’ve erased the hack zip file I had. I’m pretty sure I either got it from or via the MtDewVirus site. I know MaxT uses it and this is the call you have to put into the index.php file:-
    \<?php show_post_count($post->ID, $before=”(Visited “, $after=” times)”); ?>\
    If you want the site addys I’ll go get ’em put they are both regulars so you may already know them. On top of that there was a lot of stuff added to the my-hacks.php file which went against my better judgement as I’m hooked in to the plugins idea. If you need more let me know but it’s like 3:45am here and I’m thinking of going to bed.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP 1.2, Statistics

    I feel proud to have been linked to. ?? Two things. I’ve been looking for something to put the number of visits or views to the comments of a particular post ie how many times the comment button is clicked. I know there is a hack out there but I’ve tried it and just keep getting errors and it comes with excess baggage as most of the stats it comes with are in this plugin anyway. I think it may also be conflicting with a plugin, quite possibly this one. So what’s the possibility of adding that in to here. Also how about a word count for comments. I have a feeling that the comment word count on my blog is probably 3 or 4 times the post word count and a combination of the two would give a better idea of the blog’s overall size. Don’t shoot me.

    It is just better to put the full address in then rewrite rules or whatever doesn’t come into it.

    @danithew – I’ve just checked you’re site and it doesn’t appear to be picking up the style sheet at all. As Beel says look at your “index.php” file and near the top you will see “@import” followed by the style sheet in brackets. Put the full address of the style sheet in the brackets ie starting with “http:” etc etc. These shortcuts may save time and space (although this shortcut is wrong anyway) but further down the line you may have problems with plugins or other stuff that won’t work with a shortcut.

    I’m just guessing here but when you re-named the file you didn’t use a “_” instead of a “-” after “wp” or maybe a comma instead of a fullstop (period) before “php” ? Both the upgrade.php and the install.php (I don’t know which it is you’re doing) should be in the “wp-admin” folder and the “wp-config.php” file should be immediately outside that folder.

    Just looking at your second post as 1.2 doesn’t use that file there shouldn’t be a call to it. Are you looking at the file on your server or the file on your PC. It’s possible that the new file hasn’t overwritten the old file properly. Check both versions out. If the version on your PC doesn’t contain that call you need to upload it again only this time delete the version on your server first. It is recommended that you delete all the old WP files before uploading the new version to eliminate just this kind of problem. I’ve just looked at my file and it does not contain that call.

    Here’s some things I know. WP 1.2 doesn’t use wp-config-extra anymore. I think it may have something to do with the move to plugins but don’t quote me. I presume you’ve added extra smilies. If that’s the case you now need to add them to the vars.php file in the wp-includes folder. If you haven’t added extra smilies it might be because you’re using an old hack for smilies. There is now a plugin and it would be better and easier if you used that. You will need to remove any odd bits of the old code you may have added to your comments page or quicktags. If you download the plugin from Alex’s site and check the help file you will probably be able to see where the old bits of code are.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Acronym Replacer

    No worries. It’s sorted now.

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