Forum Replies Created
Yes, you got it. When I comment the line everything looks fine.
You know what the problem is now?
- This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by struppi.
Today comes an update and I was excited if this would solve the problem. But unfortunaley not. I still see those warnings.
It is only in the backend and only when I list the “page” site and the “Menu” listings – and really only the menu, not the other lists (I have a german translation there are also “Menü-Eintr?ge” and “Menü-Abschnitte” – here is everything ok).
I have create several Menus a half year ago. Since last week everything was ok. But I noticed this last week, I don’t work everyday with it.
I remove the Plugin and re-install it. Nopthing has changed. I still see this warnings.
I have upload a screenshot das denn so einfach w?re. Ich bin zwar schon lange auch als Entwickler t?tig, aber vor allem als Hobby und besch?ftige mich mit den Kleinger?ten erst seit ca. 2 Jahren intensiver.
Mir war klar, dass die Ursachen auch (oder vor allem?) an verwendeten Theme (Glob) liegen k?nnten. Daher war die Bemerkung auch eher als ‘hint’ gedacht, da ich leider noch nicht die Zeit hatte mir das Problem genauer anzusehen. Aber auch für dich, weil es vielleicht den einen oder anderen abh?lt das Plugin einzusetzen ohne das du eine Reaktion bekommst.
Ich hab mal kurz drüber geschaut und im Webentwickler ein paar CSS-Werte ausprobiert.
Eine Verbesserung k?nnte die Verwendung der relativen Schriftgr??e xx-small sein, die zumindest bei mir ausreichend gross bei allen Fenstergr??en ist.Das andere Problem, dass das overlay aus dem Bild wandert liegt an den Berechnungen, die habe ich mir aber nicht genauer angeschaut. Wenn ich das Browserfenster auf Smartphonegr??e verkleinere ist der negative Versatz nach links nicht mehr notwendig und das overlay ist etwas zu hoch (wenn die Schriftgr??e auf xx-small gestellt ist).
Ich habe mich aber seit einigen Jahren nicht mehr genauer mit der Pluginentwicklung besch?ftige, daher fehlen mir aktuelle Kenntnisse über die M?glichkeiten, die du dort hast um auf die Themeeinstellungen bzw. den verwendeten CSS zu reagieren.
Ich schau mir das aber mal genauer an, wenn die anderen Probleme beseitigt sind. Die Seite wo ich das verwende, wurde erst letzte Woche “scharf” gestellt und da ist das ein eher kleines Problem.
Au?erdem finde ich fünf Punktwertungen doof, da nichts perfekt ist ??
This seems a very common issue in severals Plugins. I also find a general solution which should fix all plugins with this problem.
But for me it’s shooting a sparrow with a canon, if I can fix the problem with just edit one file and add a char.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Gutenberg] How to publish?Thank you for the answers!
I had installed the classic editor and there I can publish my posts.
rollback is not possible in this case, the old site is too old.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Audio player has visibility "hidden"!!!Thanx. No need anymore fpr this.
I just wrote a plugin which remove the style code.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Audio player has visibility "hidden"!!!I don’t want Javascript on my site. So it’s not possible to use the WordPress [audio] without Javascript and with my own CSS?
That’s really a crap.
Since WP 3.5 you can’t choose a site thumbnail from other sources than the mediathek. Will there be any solution?
I have used NextGen for the article thumbnails and want avoid to upload all my pictures again ??
I didn’t noticed this (I block third party cookies and google tracking code). So for me it look that you aren’t “fully aware of the guidelines”.
Since I just need the related list I rewrite the plugin and throw the spy things away.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Do you like external code?Hmm, my fault – I didn’t read the guidlines and they say clear:
All images and scripts shown should be part of the plugin. These should be loaded locally. If the plugin does require that data is loaded from an external site (such as blocklists) this should be made clear in the plugin’s admin screens or description. The point is that the user must be informed of what information is being sent where.Who control this?
I talk about this plugin, did you read the guidelines? images and scripts shown should be part of the plugin. These should be loaded locally. If the plugin does require that data is loaded from an external site (such as blocklists) this should be made clear in the plugin’s admin screens or description. The point is that the user must be informed of what information is being sent where.
Are they? And for me it’s not clear, why you have to provide a theme? I thought I did download a plugin not a theme.
and again the problem was, that this was made me afraid. Many blogs was hacked and got included foreign code which is doin some bad things. So my first thoughts are: my blog got hacked!
Because I did not use any external tools for my blog.For me this is not ok and I think this should be sign anywhere, that a plugin load code from external sites.
I am an users and I don’t value this. Als I am a bit curios why this plugin should add a theme? I have my own theme.