You need to put the md5 hash of your password in ljsynch.config.php and edit ljsysnch.php to not hash the password.
Grab, change “YOURPASSHERE” to your LJ password, rename the file passwd.php an upload it to somewhere on your server. Then access that URL in your web browser. Copy and past the text from your browser to you ljsynch.config.php.
In ljsynch.php, comment out the line
$msg_array[‘hpassword’] = utf8_encode(md5($journals[$lj_meta[‘unt_lj_username’][‘value’]][‘password’]));
and uncomment
$msg_array[‘hpassword’] = utf8_encode($journals[$lj_meta[‘unt_lj_username’][‘value’]][‘password’]);
(or change the original line. I don’t remember exactly what the original file says, as I’ve edited it.)