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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] Remove the "Subject: " without editing your filesHi
Just to let you know
a) I reverted back to the old plugin version which worked perfectly for me
b) I didn’t remove or de-activate any plugins
c) This morning I ensured no PC/Laptop was logged in as admin to my site – all cookies cleared and windows shut.
d) All posts went on correctly.
e) No draft posts existed with tmpTitle or tmpPost at all.
So whilst I don’t want to stick with old code – if it aint broke then don’t fix it they say and it was working fine until I upgraded.
Obviously I want an easy life so I don’t want more trouble n strife by upgrading again without knowing whether I will have days of debugging etc.
Any ideas let me know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] Remove the "Subject: " without editing your filesI know the old turn them off and turn them on again debug, I can just feel it’s going to be Jetpack for some reason!
I will give it a try over the weekend.
I know it’s an old plugin version but it was the last one that worked for me so I kept with it. Maybe Jetpack came out then?
I wouldn’t be at all surprised by your sentence that it’s to do with an interactive login as I leave my PC open with my website logged in all the time just to be sure. I need a solution as I cannot carry on doing that.
Thanks for all your help
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] Remove the "Subject: " without editing your filesHi
Today just another huge batch of draft emails with just tmpPost and tmpTitle in them. However I did have one email that managed to put in the correct title & categories but had no body. This caused problems with mails to my clients as the email was basically blank.
I even added a GET request to my command n control app to fire the get_postie.php command every 5 minutes just to be sure it was being run if any other CRON job wasn’t running it just like I have jobs to ensure the page is
a) in the DB
b) on the website
So I don’t keep sending in emails and log when the job was completed.I can see from my own log files the emails were sent off correctly and if I manually run postie from my PC it loads in the email and sends me confirmation correctly.
I had to add all the emails in by hand today so will be reverting back to the earlier version of the plugin which was 1.4.4 (when I helped with the XSS/SQL injection).
If you can think of what has changed recently or since that version then please let me know.
My process once again
-Runs on a LINUX box, behind cloudflare, all post checks done with my “bypass” cloudflare subdomain to prevent caching.
-My app at certain points of the day generates content on the DB (SQL Server), then a C# process on another machine sends in an email to my site after checking with an API I built it’s not already on there.
-Postie should be fired by my own CRON job to wp-cron run every 10 minutes. Although I think I will keep my postie CRON fire job in just for double safety.
-The emails are processed and published to paying customers (behind paid for categories)
-Some are emailed out once the system knows there is a post on the site.I know updating Jetpack or other WP built plugins (or core code) usually causes problems which is why I loathe to do it. However this old version of Postie has been working for ages now without a problem. I tried upgrading on the same day (coincidence?) that I upgraded some other plugins including Akismet, Cloudflares plugin and Jetpack.
I sent you in an email to that test account by the way. I think the subject issue was to do with some regular expression problems there used to be detecting categories that may have been fixed >>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] Remove the "Subject: " without editing your filesHi
I already have an automatic cron job set up as that article suggest.
When I run your debug I get this output.
Postie Configuration Test
Postie is in /home/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/postie/
WordPress cron is disabled. Postie will not run unless you have an external cron set up.
Cron: Of (missing f?)
Alternate Cron: Off
iconv: installed
Warning! Postie requires that imap be enabled if you are using IMAP, IMAP-SSL or POP3-SSL. (I do have IMAP installed)
mbstring: installed
Clock Tests
This shows what time it would be if you posted right nowPost time: 2015-04-09 20:47:28 (hour behind my real time – php shows the real time, WP doesn’t)
Connect to Mail Host
Sucessful POP3 connection on port 110
No waiting messagesQuestions
1. I do use an alternate cron, it’s just a WGET job I set up to call the WP Cron job as it’s been disabled, however because I am callingwget -U StrictlyCron -q -O /dev/null
and not the example you suggest which says to call postie-get-mail direct
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -O /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1
Will that cause issues?
I would have thought not as the standard CRON job I am calling myself is still running and should call Posite anyway (I would have thought it would) as it used to.
2. It says I do not use IMAP. However I use IMAP to get my emails and SMTP to send them in. Both my Postfix and Dovecot IMAP / POP3 Server are running on the site. Do I need to change settings? I always get back emails from wordpress saying a post has gone on when it has.
Can you see something wrong with this debug output?
Also I post as “admin” so I turned that setting off as you suggested. I will wait and see what happens tomorrow but I didn’t get anything but tmpPost / tmpTitle draft posts today.
The last version that worked was pretty old at least 1+ years old. But at least it worked.
What has changed in the last year that could cause these issues?
I don’t want to really roll back but these tmpPosts are causing a lot of missed posts people pay for and I usually end up doing them by hand which takes time.
There has to be a reason a draft post doesn’t get converted each time it is processed UNLESS by admin manually.
Surely all the settings behind the scenes are the same so the only difference is that it’s the WP Cron job calling it rather than a button clicked by a logged in admin or am I missing something?
Any help would be great.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] Remove the "Subject: " without editing your filesI will send one in when I get a chance but today no emails were automatically processed by the system and I had dozens of posts with just tmpPost and tmpTitle in my list.
However when I manually ran the postie job it all seemed to run fine and the posts were processed.
I have an automatic cron job set up which your systems fails to spot as I call the wp_cron.php job with my own cron job every 10 mins to prevent it being called on every page call and overloading the server.
I don’t know if this is a problem or not e.g not finding a cron job???
But automatic = no posts
Manual = posts ok.This is more of a severe issue than the Subject: being in the post.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] tmptitle and tmppost are appeaing in my postsHi
I had an issue today where all the emails had been sent in. Some go off to blogger and they appeared no problem. The ones on WP don’t and stay as drafts with just tmpTitle/tmpPost in them.
Luckily I have code that re-sends the post if not on the site but that doesn’t help if they cannot get onto it. I don’t know if I should try Jetpacks system or the default but it is very intermittent which makes me think it might be a memory issue not that I can find any bugs in my php/apache error logs.
Also when I first visited the site I was logged out (as admin) and when I logged in the next lot of posts came in and when I ran (manually) postie they all went on to the site okay.
However when another email came in and Postie ran automatically it just stayed as tmpPost. This is really weird as it worked fine yesterday and most days. It just happens every now and then usually when I am really busy and need to be working on something else!
Can you think of any quick fix ideas
e.g increase the memory limit in a file somewhere
tell me where you insert your post so I can skip tmpPost tweets
check something on the webserver / email clients / mail servers / format of the mail.
Has something changed with WP regarding admin levels and something won’t allow postie to run if I am not logged in on my PC as admin (as I usually am).
Anything out the box that could be an issue.
This has worked fine for years – only since upgrading to WP 4.1 does it seem to have got worse. I am loathe to ever do a WP upgrade as everything seems to break. Files don’t get copied up and plugins stop working until I go and re-save their settings.Has anybody else had this problem or something similar? The tweeting is a minor so I am more concerned about getting posts on 100% of the time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] tmptitle and tmppost are appeaing in my postsSorry about some misspelling I have some issues with my eyes at the moment
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] tmptitle and tmppost are appeaing in my postsI would have to search as they are full of “Client Denied Errors” due to firewall blocks etc.
I haven’t ever seen any errors but this is an intermittent problem so doesn’r happen every day.
A full breakdown of the problem would be.
1. Emailed in articles are posted out by my app which do get processed in the end with proper titles and bodies but sometime they get tweeted out like thid > which you can see does go to a real article. It was just processed and emailed out like this even though a real tweet was also posted out e,g
2. The process is the email is sent in. Postie runs. My Strictly AutoTags plugin runs to add relevant tags. Then once this is finished a custom hook tells my Stricty AutoBOT plugin to run and use tags for #hashtags and send the tweets out. If no tags exist yet then default ones are used (as in the first example)
3. So if you are only using these as temp words I don’t get why some posts would work fine ans others not. Even if my AutoTags plugin hadn’t finished making tags by the time the tweets went out (which it shouldn’t anyway due to my custom tagging_finished hook which initiates the Tweeting) then the default #hashtags are used like in the problematic tweet.
4. As that tweet doesn’t actuslly have no body or title I don’t know why the tmpTitle tmpbody is being used still.
Another problem I have is
1. I send emails in – no mailserver errors returned sending them out.
2. Then Postie doesn’t process the post and they just sit there in the draftd section with just tmpTitle and tmpbody as content.
3. As no content is added, no tagging is done and no tweeting is done.
4. I also don’t get back emails saying the emails have been sent in (I guess this happens after processing?)
5. So my posts don’t get published. No tweets and no articles exist.
6. However when I go in and restart Apache (or reboot) and restart the Mail Servers Postfix/Dovecot. Then restart my service (the app that sends out the emails etc) – it seems to fix the problem and the emails turn into posts and are tweeted out – although this doesn’t sort out problem 1 (the tmpTitle in the tweet etc)
1. An out of memory error is happening causing the posts not to be published
2. Some sort of Jetpack conflict is happening as they have email postd, tweets on publish and do on.
3. There needs to be some sort of debugging to log what happens when Postie rund with sn article to log why tmpTitle is not changed or content added.I want to really find the code that inserts your post (onc processed) into WP POSTS table. So I can check and ssy if the title id still tmpTile then I skip it – as my service checks for the exisence of posts on the site AND in the database and keeos sending them until they sre there.
At least that would be a quick fix for the problem of tweeting out with tmoTitle.
What do you think?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] tmptitle and tmppost are appeaing in my postsHi
Just to add something.
I notice this problem because I get no emails back from the ystem telling me “x has been posted” etc.
I then go into WP and see lots of posts with just tmpTitle tmpPost there.
If I restart Apache and my email servers it then seems to work fine.
I don’t know why this would be happening.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] tmptitle and tmppost are appeaing in my postsI am getting posts that are just tmpTitle and tmpPost.
This then follows on to Tweets that tweet this article out.
I searched the Postie code base but couldn’t find the words. I want to be able to ensure NO post is saved/published when the title/article is just tmpPost / tmpTitle.
I want to ensure these articles are not posted.
How can I stop this and where is the code so I can look / edit it?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strictly Auto Tags] Not generating tags all the timeHi
Well I can tell you I get the same thing happening from time to time and I have yet to work out why it does it.
I have two sites both with 30,000+ posts and 5000 tags. Most posts come from automated feed importers that load articles in from feeds at various points through the day.
Personally I have noticed that
-when it’s not tagging I can still manually run the feed import and it will load in posts AND tag them ok.
-when I upgrade a WP version I have LOTS of problems. The last upgrade was a killer and I never really want to go through that again. I think almost every plugin I had just stopped working and when I just went to the plugin admin page and clicked “save” it got it working again. I can only think that the plugins get removed from WP cache or something stops them from being run. A re-save forces them to be re-loaded.
-I have also noticed this happens when I upgrade WP plugins like Jetpack.At one point I thought it was memory but I use my plugin and it never reported on low memory/CPU etc. It reports on a lot of stuff that TOP does such as Disk Swapping, SQL queries running at the time, Apache Memory and PHP memory being used and slow queries / connections etc. Plus it tells you how fast your site is loading. It’s a real life saver plugin for me and I wrote it because I couldn’t find anything else that did anything similar.
I have only been able to determine that WP/Jetpack upgrades cause me lots of hassle across multiple plugins and also that when the tagging stops randomly a re-save of the admin options starts it again.
Why I don’t know?
Maybe with proof we could go to WP support and ask them what is going on?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strictly Auto Tags] URL detection including trailing comma and period in URLHi
I guess you are talking about the automatic link detection feature that changes textual links into clickable ones?
Can you provide some example text of the link BEFORE it is parsed please.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strictly Auto Tags] Not generating tags all the timeDid any of those things help?
It would be good if you could let me and the rest of the users of the plugin know if you found something on that list that did work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strictly Auto Tags] Not generating tags all the timeCan I ask whether this usually happens after
-an upgrade to WordPress core code
-an upgrade to a plugin if so which
-when you are low on memory?Try running TOP in a console next time and log your serverload and memory.
Also what makes it start tagging again?
Next time try just going to the admin page and resaving your options and tell me if that helps.
Also how many tags do you have and how many posts?
Also try a “clean tags < 2 posts” to see if that fixes it.
These are all things that should not work (no logic to why they should) but seem for me when I get the same intermittent problem usually after a WordPress or Plugin update.
Please please let me know what works for you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strictly Auto Tags] Paid version – Upgrade errorHi
Only the free version is hosted and controlled by WordPress’s system.
The paid for version is a separate stand alone version where you must pay for it and copy the files by FTP to your server.
Upgrading is not a possibility.
As I only charge £40 for the paid for version there is no expectation or claim in the licence that someone paying for a version in 2012 for £40 can expect to get upgrades for the rest of the plugins life for free.
If you want a new version of the paid for version you would need to pay for it.
I have put a lot of work into the plugin and £40 is not a lot of money when your a web developer and your boss charges your services at £750 per day to clients so I need to do it this way to earn money from all the hundreds of hours I have and continue to put into this project.
The free version gets bug fixes and some new functionality but will lag behind the paid for version by a long way.
Re-Copy up the old paid for version you had by FTP and that should fix your problem. You can then do the manual fix that I told you about to get round the problem or pay for the new version that has the option to override it from the control panel.