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  • Thread Starter stooryduster


    Hi Denzel – thanks for the reply. Appreciated.

    I can’t find ‘image post format’ in the Hueman theme.

    The ‘format meta box’ doesn’t appear in the edit comic part of Comic Easel sadly.

    I did create a couple of normal posts though and a ‘format meta box’ appeared in the edit post area where I could choose what to put in the right and left sidebar but no options with it for images as in the Hueman getting started screenshot. The featured image I added in my trial posts does become part of the regular WordPress boxes on the right. But even in these regular posts the featured image doesn’t show up in the preview in Hueman – but does in other themes I switched to.

    I tried exploring in the Customise theme area. The options I get do not match the Hueman getting started ‘Choosing your layouts’ screenshot. I just get one drop down menu and I’m in ‘Main Body Design’- for the life of me I couldn’t find ‘Choosing your Layouts’.

    I appreciate your help. Perhaps a bit more detail would get me to what I’m missing.

    Is it the ‘image post format’ bit I’m missing to get it to work?

    I also looked in Widgets but had no luck there either.

    Hueman is an excellent product. I enjoyed exploring it.

    Hi Just to say

    My went down with the same issue. Now fixed thanks to the thread. My own fault for neglecting the status of the site as noted by Scott above. It is now fixed by disabling the plugin through FTP. Commenting out the lines in the PHP didn’t work for me. As a non coder I wasn’t sure what counted as a line. Plus my page had four lines with that string of code in it. Any way – cheers for the prompt attention even if I arrived late to the party. – Alan Scott

    I have the same problem I upgraded recently. They worked fine previously and continue to do so. It’s just the new phonetic words added since the upgrade.

    I worked on a local copy on my local machine and managed to get phonetic symbols to show if I insert and save them in the visual editor of companion and save it.

    But if I try it in the html area which is the area I prefer to work in it loses the characters and replaces them with question marks.

    Strangely it won’t work on the live web version though.

    Initially I suspected that MySQL was not saving posts in UTF-8 but it was.

    I also suspected Snow Leopard on my Mac which has also been giving me grief with phonetic fonts on my Scottish Words calendar. But that was down to conflicting specialist Phonetic typefaces installed.

    I think it must might be down to Theme Companion – help Frumph.

    Thread Starter stooryduster


    There must be a solution. I don’t even know where the bits of code relevant to widgets reside in the installation – or as an additional question – if I make a change how can I get it to survive through upgrades?

    Thread Starter stooryduster


    I wanted to change the WordPress archive in my ComicPress themed blog from a single long list of blog entries to multiple columns so that scrolling is minimised. I’m answering my own question here.

    As a non programmer I am so chuffed to have slightly adapted the brilliant dynamic triple column layout solution by Jeff Star of Perishable Press to suit my needs. I’m sharing the adaption here.

    My pride is only marginally dampened by the fact that what took me hours over days nibbling away like a dog on a bone would take a real programmer ten minutes or so without even giving it a second thought. That’s why I’m not able to support it if goes wrong. Sorry.

    I wanted the 3 col fix to list my blog entries by year. Not the total amount. And also to list it in pairs by date and title. My blog titles are only one word long. You can see the result here. using the Comicpress theme.

    I edited the archive-comic-year.php file by first php commenting out the code that created the existing one long single column table of a year’s worth of entries.

    I then pasted into that file the Perishable Press dynamic triple column solution by Jeff Star which gave me all my blog titles for the entire blog as three divs ready to make into a layout using CSS. It worked fine first time.

    By a process of trial and error I found that adding this to the Perishable Press code: 'year='.$yearselect.'&showposts='.$columnThreePosts. got me my posts by year.

    In effect replacing this, the original code:

    <?php query_posts('showposts='.$columnOneTwoPosts.'&offset='.$columnOneOffset); ?>

    with this, the new code:

    <?php query_posts('year='.$yearselect.'&showposts='.$columnOneTwoPosts.'&offset='.$columnOneOffset); ?>

    I then wanted to show my year blog entries by date title pairs. (Which should be a pair list but I was lazy and did it as a table. I’ll fix it later.)

    Again after trial and error I found the code changes required. Replacing this code:

    <li><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>

    with (bearing in mind I’m using tables) this code:

    <tr><td class="archive-date"><?php the_time('M j') ?></td>
    <td class="archive-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></td></tr>

    When it is all together it looks like this code:

    <table class="month-table"> <?php query_posts('year='.$yearselect.'&showposts='.$columnThreePosts.'&offset='.$columnThreeOffset); ?> <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <tr>  <td class="archive-date"><?php the_time('M j') ?></td>
    <td class="archive-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>">
    <?php the_title(); ?></a></td>  </tr>
    <?php endwhile; endif; ?> </table>

    Ignore the html and CSS and look at the php and you should be able to work out the differences. 'year='.$yearselect.'&showposts ' and <?php the_time('M j') ?> are it.

    Originally I had a number for the column division since I knew roughly the amount of posts per year. This was ugly so to get the post count numbers to do the division into an even three columns, after much trial and error, I replaced this code:

    $count_posts = wp_count_posts(); $numposts = $count_posts->publish;

    with this code:

    $posts = &query_posts('showposts=-1&cat='.comicpress_all_comic_categories_string().'&year='.(int)$archive_year);
    $numposts = count($posts);

    To do the layout I wrapped the three divs that defined the columns in another div to act as a wrap and gave it a unique name.

    In the CSS I set my layout to have column-01 float left, column-03 float right giving them widths to fit within a width set for the wrap div leaving enough room for the content of column-02 in between.

    Finally before the closing of the wrap div and after all the column divs you need a class or a div that declares clear-both. Most themes have this style somewhere in their CSS.

    Any other styling was to get it looking good to taste.

    Again you can see the finished pages here and analyse the styling if you want.

    I typed this 2 weeks after I got it working so apologies if I’ve remembered what I did wrong. If I did I hope some PHP wizard will step in and correct the errors if any.

    Thread Starter stooryduster


    Handled. I moved WordPress into root where the comic image directories were. It went smoother than expected. No problems.

    It’s a hybrid site with static pages and WordPress. Quite pleased that I now have it running with no hacks and entirely driven by CSS. Fallen way way behind with posts and will have to catch up.

    Thread Starter stooryduster


    I moved the comics, comics-rss and comics-archive directories from a sub-directory into the root where Comicpress manager and WP Edit Posts was looking for them. I changed the relevant settings in WordPress and Comicpress as indicated in the codex to handle the new location and it is all working fine.

    Not what I wanted to do but needs must and it’s not that much of an inconvenience. The biggest thing was the worry I had that I might end up opening an even bigger can of worms. I didn’t.

    Thread Starter stooryduster


    Thanks esmi

    but I already found and followed that advice when I moved the index.php. Everything works as it should. I can even change my permalink structure and it all works fine.

    The only problem is with the thumbnails not showing up in the WP Edit Posts and in the the ComicPress bulk editor. Everything else is working fine.

    I was hoping to keep all the directories in a sub directory but it may be I’ll just have to move them to where they are being looked for. I think that would probably solve the problem.

    Thanks anyway.

    Thread Starter stooryduster


    Hi Stooryduster after much research and experimentation I figured out this is what you need to do.

    Plus help from Frumph on the Comicpress forum.

    It is certain that the Comicpress theme is missing the wp tag ‘php the_content()’ in the page that displays your blogs under chosen categories. That tag tells wp to display what is written in your blog (The tag has a back bracket question mark one end and a question mark forward bracket the other.).

    The correct file to edit – in Comicpress – I happen to know is ‘archive.php’. Open it in a text editor that won’t add any formatting to your text such as Dreamweaver or Bbedit.

    Do a search for the word ‘category’ and look for this part which is the area where you want to add the ‘the_content()’ tag.

    <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post() ?>
             <?php global $archive_comic_width; if (in_comic_category()) { ?>
                <div class="post-comic-head"></div>
                <div class="post-comic">
                   <div class="post-info">
                      <?php if ($enable_comic_post_author_gravatar == 'yes') { ?>
                         <div class="post-author-gravatar"><?php echo str_replace("alt='", "alt='".get_the_author_meta('display_name')."' title='".get_the_author_meta('display_name'),get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('email'), 64)); ?></div>
                      <?php } ?>
                      <?php if (function_exists('comicpress_show_mood_in_post')) comicpress_show_mood_in_post(); ?>
                      <?php if ($enable_comic_post_calendar == 'yes') { ?>
                         <div class="post-date">
                            <div class="date"><span><?php the_time('M') ?></span> <?php the_time('d') ?></div>
                      <?php } ?>
                      <div class="post-text">
                         <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2><small> By <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?> on <?php the_time('F jS, Y'); ?> <?php edit_post_link('Edit Post', ' [ ', ' ] '); ?></small><br />
                         <?php if(function_exists('the_ratings')) { the_ratings(); } ?>
                      <div class="clear"></div>
                   <div class="comicarchiveframe" style="width:<?php echo $archive_comic_width; ?>px;">
                      <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><img src="<?php the_comic_archive() ?>" alt="<?php the_title() ?>" title="Click for full size." width="<?php echo $archive_comic_width ?>" /></a><br />
                   <br class="clear-margins" />
                <div class="post-comic-foot"></div>
             <?php } else { ?>

    If you want to experiment to see what appears where in the final web page try adding an easy to find and replace word such as Hellooooo in the page you are editing.

    Be sure to keep it between opening and closing html tags and never inside the php tags.

    Divs are the grouping boxes on the page. They form the page layout with position controlled by the css. A helpful site for beginners in html and css is

    Since you have a server running locally you can save the php page and then open it in a browser through your web site to test the results.

    You can undo the change in the php, then make another change, save again, refresh the page again in the browser and so on repeatedly to experiment.

    If you get a blank empty page you know you’ve done something wrong.

    To save you the trouble this is where you add the php ‘the_content()’ tag, see below. I added and enclosed it in html paragraph tags. It’s after the closing h2 tag. Notice the opening and closing post-text div containing it all.

    <div class="post-text">
                         <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2><p><?php the_content() ?></p>
                         <small> By <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?> on <?php the_time('F jS, Y'); ?> <?php edit_post_link('Edit Post', ' [ ', ' ] '); ?></small><br />
                         <?php if(function_exists('the_ratings')) { the_ratings(); } ?>

    A tip I got from Lorrelle the genial headmistress of WordPress is here which was the article that led me to this solution. It is about using ‘the_excerpt()’ tag rather than ‘the_content()’ tag.

    This tag forces an excerpt from the post rather than displaying the whole thing. If you have long posts it’s better to keep it all just on its original blog page – usually.

    I know this helped.


    Thread Starter stooryduster




    That makes it straightforward then. I can manage all that no problem. I’ll make sure I use logical directory structure and naming and it could become almost simple. Search and replace plugin I’ve used before but you’ve saved me trying to find it. Cheers esmi.

    Thread Starter stooryduster


    Converting a long list running down the page into a more manageable four columns through php.

    Spanking! Thanks. Problem solved. That is once I added the code to the correct php file after several wrong attempts. What’s worse I’d even created a particular file with an easily recogniseable name. Doh!

    The lesson learned is to keep a log of all modifications. Mod Log. You’ll forget even after one day otherwise – imagine when the time comes to upgrade weeks hence, horrible. Make comments in the css and code too, explaining hacks and enclosing them. I know the experienced folk already do – and as a help to the rest of us.


    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter stooryduster


    Thanks for the swift response. I’m off to try it. I’ll report back if it works.

    As a thank you have a look at some of the stuff on – it will make you laugh at least once.

    I’m working to transfer all this into WordPress along with the Comicpress theme but trying to control the look of the thing is hard work. I’m particular about detail, being a designer.


    Thread Starter stooryduster


    Downloaded – too tired to try now but if its a fix, which it looks like, then that’s twice you’ve bailed me out. The first on an older post you made that I found earlier which answered a problem.

    Much appreciated.


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