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  • Whats your exact problem?

    Hi @hifidesign

    Sorry i just threw that blog up quickly and will look into the comments issue – your comment is on there now.

    The widget taxonomy fix in that link will work but my client wanted to order property types and locations in a specific way (e.g. villas, apartments, townhouses, commercial) and so my work around (although not so gracious) allows for that. I think most agents will want to do that from my experience.

    Thanks for the heads up on the page navigation fix – I will test that now – it definitely looks better than repeating the code in different php files.

    You also have to add the price currency and price formatting in the functions.php file in the featured listings widget function to get the featured listings on the home page to look right. I will be adding that to my post.

    Kind Regards

    Take a look at my guide to fixing the agentpress theme and agentpress listings plugin – it should help!


    Sorry for the delay

    You can find the write up here

    I had to rush writing it as I have so much work on right now – let me know if you have any problems or If I didn’t explain any of the points well.

    I hope this helps out a lot of people!





    Hi David

    Ive finally fixed all the problems I listed and others and will be writing up a definitive AgentPress fix guide over the weekend to help all those out there who are struggling with the same problems.

    I would write it up now but its 5pm, I’ve just finished work and ready to go have some beers – BUT! I will post it on Sunday and will send you a link.

    I will be covering:

    1. How to correctly order taxonomies in search drop downs.

    2. How to handle amount of listings per page and pagination.

    3. How to order Listings by the custom price field

    4. How to add a “no results found message” on search results page

    As well as several other mods which are unrelated to this plugin which I think most people building a real estate website will be interested in.

    Until Sunday!

    Have a good weekend!



    I’m in agreement with hifidesign – this plugin/theme combination is dreadfull. So dreadful It baffles to me as to why you have even released this. Its supposed to be for a noob that has no knowledge of coding and yet you leave out so much essential functionality its a joke and then when anyone asks you for any real support you just refer them to the wordpress reference (which would never help a noob) or tell them they can contact your developer and pay him to make the fix!

    Im actually not a noob and I dont think hifidesign is either and the plug in is totally baffling – you provide no documentation whatsoever and seem to have made absolutely no effort in fixing some of the essential problems which the plug in has had for a very long time.

    So how can a plugin that is meant for a real estate agent with no coding skills have the following problems?

    1. It doesnt order properties by price (and don’t say that ordering by taxanomy (which you dont even provide an option for and a noob would take a long time to figure out) is an option as it is just a price range) So the noob has to figure out how to hack the listings-search file so that it orders by the custom field _listing_price. The noob will have to take some serious php and wordpress classes to work out queries and even if they did they would still be totally baffled by the way the plugin is set up.

    2. After selecting a taxonomy and performing a search it only shows 10 listings (what this thread is about) – yeah this totally makes sense the other 90 listings the agent has will just never show – nice one! So the noob finds that he can increase the setting in the reader settings but then doesn’t have pagination so has to figure that out too – jeeees!

    3. You dont even have a “no properties found” if the listings return null.

    I wish I could just walk away from this terrible plug in and never see it again – id prefer to build a theme totally from scatch – but I’m in the unfortunate position of taking over from another developer who chose to use this terrible plugin and I’m having to spend hours trawling the web to figure out how to make this into the most basic of real estate websites. In the end I think I’m going to ditch it as its just too much hassle and spend my evenings after work (as its difficult to explain to my boss why such simple functionality is so hard to add to the theme) coding it from scratch myself.

    Anyone considering using this template please take a look at these points and consider whether you can afford to have such an unprofessional website.

    Honestly Ron – it may work for the most unprofessional smallest real estate agents (who have 8 listings at a time) but for the rest of the developers that have the unfortunate job of hacking your plugin you have caused SO SO MANY HOURS of frustration!

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