Stefan Kalscheuer
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cachify] Php fatal errorIssue with config validation is now fixed in 2.4.1 so the example above should work if you require authentication for Redis.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Statify] Privacy / Datenschutzerkl?rungHi Gerdski,
We consider Statify compliant with GDPR and BDSG (Germany) regulations. You may make it transparent and inform your users about the fact that their page visits are counted, but we do not store or process any personal information like IPs, do not use cookies or session data and do not transfer any data to external entities. So there should be no requirement to do so.
The term “track” appears in some places, but actually it’s more counting than tracking. The database does not contain any more data than you see on the dashboard.
Little more words on this topic can be found here (in English and German):,
StefanForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cachify] Php fatal errorActually, it is supported. Documentation lacks little bit behind.
add_filter( 'cachify_redis_servers', function( $server ) {
// default: $server = [ 'localhost ']
return [
'', // host/ip/path (required)
6379, // port 6379 by default, -1 for socket
2.0, // timeout in seconds
null, // unused
0, // retry interval in milliseconds
3.0, // read timeout in seconds
[ 'auth' => [ 'username', 'password' ] ]
} );Supporeted since PHPRedis 5.3, see
BUT: apparently there’s a bug in v2.4.0, so the last parameter is rejected.
Validation is also limited to PHPRedis 5.x syntax, not 6.x…We will fix this in 2.4.1. (issue #315 (GitHub))
… and probably also should improve error handling, so it does fail gracefully with an admin notice instead of passing the PHP error. (#316)
StefanForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cachify] (HDD) Site Health Status – No page cacheHi Micha,
thanks for bringing this up. Unfortunately, the observation is correct in some scenarios.
Do you have any specific web server (seeing Apache httpd headers on the linked site, likely .htaccess) configuration applied or just enabled Cachify without further steps?
Cache served through Cachify
WordPress is initialized, Cachify reads cached data from DB or in your case HDD and serves it to the client (most parts of the page generation is then skipped).In this scenario no caching-related HTTP headers are sent. We should probably add these with a following update…
Cache directly served through web server
Your web server reads cached files from HDD and serves them to the client.In this scenario it depends on your (or your provider’s) configuration. You will likely get “last-modified” and “etag” automatically with only our minimal config snippet (.htaccess or nginx conf) in place.
StefanPS: You can look for the “<!– Cachify …” comment at the end of the HTML output (on second anonymous access where you expect a cached result). If this is present and response time is fast enough, Cachify does it’s job and the health check is just a bonus.
- This reply was modified 4 months ago by Stefan Kalscheuer.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Statify] Works with WordPress 6.6.2Just pushed a small maintenance update, essentially some internal details, but finally an updated “Tested up to”.
Please let us know if you experience any issues.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Statify] Works with WordPress 6.6.2Yes, should work fine.
Just noticed that the update setting “Tested up to: 6.6” had an issue during deployment. Sorry for that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cachify] Wordfence: Cachify Abandoned PluginCachify 2.4.0 was release today after a few weeks of additional testing and last minute corrections. If you experience any issues with the update please let us know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cachify] Wordfence: Cachify Abandoned PluginWell, you’re right. But making a little dummy change like raising the compatibility flag does not make the plugin “maintained” by strict definition … Frankly, it also doesn’t really make it worse than just ignoring warnings.
The next release 2.4.0 is currently in preparation (finally, after 3 years). We can try to push forward a final test round. (GitHub release PR with beta package, if someone’s curious to try it:
If there’s no movement by end of the week I will give 2.3 a quick test with WP 6.6 and maybe just raise the compatibility if there’s no reason against. (I won’t do it blindly)
- This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by Stefan Kalscheuer. Reason: add GitHub release reference
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Statify] Works with static sites?You still need the
endpoint available (or REST API atwp-json
with the next release) – obviously, data must be processed and stored somewhere. And make sure that the Statify JS is included in the static markup during generation.If both is given, tracking should work fine the same way it does with cached sites.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AntiVirus] Warnmeldung bei PrüfsummenverifikationHallo AW,
ich würde behaupten Nein. Wir verwenden in AntiVirus den “rest_enabled” Hook nicht. Um den Verursacher hier zu finden, müsstet du vermutlich einmal per Volltextsuche durch die WP Installation gehen.
Die Meldung ist letztlich auch nur eine Warnung, die Funktionalit?t ist auch in WP 6.4 noch vorhanden.
Ich erinnere mich an manche Stellen im Netz, wo insb. in den Anf?ngen der WP API mal empfohlen wurde, den Zugriff u.A. mit diesem Befehl zu unterbinden. Falls das zuf?llig in der functions.php passiert ist, w?re das eine Erkl?rung für die Abweichung. Aber das passiert ja eigentlich nicht “aus versehen” im laufenden Betrieb…
StefanForum: Plugins
In reply to: [AntiVirus] Warnmeldung bei PrüfsummenverifikationHallo AW,
der Zusammenhang mit dem PHP 8.2 Update ist spannend, dafür habe ich auf Anhieb keine Idee. Kann natürlich auch zeitlicher Zufall sein.
Die Warnung besagt, dass die Prüfsumme der Datei “wp-includes/functions.php” nicht mit der in der WordPress API gemeldeten übereinstimmt – also m?glicher Weise manipuliert wurde oder fehlerhaft ist.
Du kannst natürlich die Prüfsummen-Prüfung in den Einstellungen deaktivieren. Dann gibt es keine Warnung mehr, aber wird eben auch nicht mehr geprüft.
Wenn du die “wp-includes/functions.php” nicht bewusst ver?ndert hast, solltest du prüfen, ob sie ggf. fremd oder durch Fehler ver?ndert wurde.
Entweder die Hammermethode “Version 6.4.1 erneut installieren” (auf der Update Seite im Admin Dashboard) oder etwas pr?ziser die aktuell laufende WP Version herunterladen ( ), entpacken und die “functions.php” abgleichen bzw. überschreiben.Gru?,
StefanForum: Reviews
In reply to: [AntiVirus] bug in the new versionUpdate: We just released v1.5.1 which includes a small fix that should resolve this issue.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [AntiVirus] bug in the new versionThanks for reporting this.
We will have a look into the issue and push a bugfix as soon as possible.
GitHub reference:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Statify] How reliable is Statify in recording page visits?It’s not only bots and crawlers, also error pages, logged-in users, access to the admin dashboard, etc.
And a fair amount of HTTP(S) requests is simply additional resources, images, videos, scripts, stylesheets, fonts, icons, API calls, … So one real page “visit“ can easily make 20 requests – of which Statify counts 1.
Also the Statify tracking via JS itself is one additional request, which at least doubles the numbers in the access logs.
There is a chance that Statify is misconfigured and thus counts less hits than it should. E.g. when using a “long“ page cache that exceeds nonce lifetime (default is 12h IIRC). In this case you might see numerous requests to the Statify endpoint with error 403 in the logs.
But after acc, a factor of let’s say 10 to 100 (strongly depends on some factors) between actual page views by humans and HTTP requests in the access logs is something you should expect in normal operation.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Statify] Database sizeThe answers strongly depend on some factors.
Every visit has an ID (8 Byte) and a date (3 Byte).
Plus referrer URL and request path which can vary from 0 to 255 characters (i.e. each 1020 Byte worst case)Plus DB index overhead.
Minus potential optimization from the DB backend, both paths and referrers are often duplicated.From a real-world site I have 4000 visits in a database with a total of 560 KiB storage (224 KiB data, 336 KIb index). So roughly 150 KiB per 1000 visits, maybe 200-250 should be a fair estimate.
(if aggregation will be there anytime in the future, the reduced size will also depend on the distribution of targets and referrers)