13 years, 10 months ago
Ugh! Happened again. I don’t have any plugins activated and I’ve reset the plugins folder. Other ideas?
I found the thread (I searched before I posted! really ??
I only had two plugins activated Akismet and “My Page Order”. I deactivated “My Page Order” and the admin area is back.
But it had worked with the “My Page Order” before.
16 years, 4 months ago
Interesting. I downloaded the tar.gz file to my server, unpacked the file, moved necessary files to the new dir, and renamed the dir. Guess I’ll downloading it again.
I’m having the same problem. When I run upgrade, I get the msg Your WordPress database is already up-to-date!
Your WordPress database is already up-to-date!
but in admin I get the msg ‘WordPress 2.6.2 is available! Please update now.’