Hi Rob!
Thanks for creating such a great plugin.
Though I have a few issues on one of my clients websites.
The plugin works fine on some of the pages but on the front page it seems to not load parts of the plugin. I’ve gone through the code and managed to narrow it down to that it doesn’t load the “tool-container” DIV and “glt-footer” DIV is completely empty.
Load failure: https://www.znogg.com/
Load failure: https://www.znogg.com/blog/
Works fine: https://www.znogg.com/uppfinningen-gor-det-lattare-att-plocka-upp-hundbajs/
Works fine: https://www.znogg.com/products/
If the plugin is activated on one of the pages it loads on the translation also works for the front-page when navigating back to it.
I appreciate all the tips and help I can get.