Forum Replies Created
Thanks. I’ve fixed the issue and pushed a new update. Version 1.2.2 should fix the problem.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTTP Error on Media Upload (WP 3.9)Kathleen:
My hosting company just fixed it by installing the “Default to GD” plugin which “Sets GD as default WP_Image_Editor class.”
The plugin is (currently) available here:
That was the fix. It was resolved by installing that plugin. If that particular fix doesn’t work in your case, search other threads or start a new one of your own. This one has been resolved.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTTP Error on Media Upload (WP 3.9)The plugin is (currently) available here:
It’s one function:
<?php /* Plugin Name: Default to GD Plugin URI: Description: Sets GD as default WP_Image_Editor class. Author: Mike Schroder Version: 1.0 Author URI: */ function ms_image_editor_default_to_gd( $editors ) { $gd_editor = 'WP_Image_Editor_GD'; $editors = array_diff( $editors, array( $gd_editor ) ); array_unshift( $editors, $gd_editor ); return $editors; } add_filter( 'wp_image_editors', 'ms_image_editor_default_to_gd' ); ?>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTTP Error on Media Upload (WP 3.9)My hosting company just fixed it by installing the “Default to GD” plugin which “Sets GD as default WP_Image_Editor class.”
My host is running php 5.3.27
So I guess this is resolved now
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: HTTP Error on Media Upload (WP 3.9)I am now able to upload my 1kb picture, but not an 18kb one or bigger.
Thanks for the quick replies. I really appreciate your putting this on your list. This is such a great tool you have, and I know I’ll be able to use it in other contexts as I’m constantly setting up WP sites for folks.
It looks like that will do the job. The problem is that I’m leaving these instructions for people who, while they are technically inclined (one programs microchips in assembly), they don’t know or have the time to learn much php. I was hoping there would be something on the front end that would accomplish this.
Do you know of a way I could modify one installer file so that they could keep reusing the same one? Even this wouldn’t be great, because we intend this program to help us go both from dev to production, and from production back to dev…
Wow, that’s great, thanks!
In the meantime, however, I found a cool way of getting around the problem and still use production mode:
I changed my Site URL in general options to and that seems to work great. I haven’t noticed anything not working on the site as a result of that. Is there any reason wh this might be a bad idea?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Photo Fetcher] Multisite?I found a solution! All I needed to do was edit _output_gallery.php and add the following block of code after the FB access token was looked up:
global $wpdb; if($wpdb->blogid == 1) { //If it's on blog 1, re-grab the correct token manually $access_token = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT <code>option_value</code> FROM <code>wp_{$GLOBALS['current_blog']->blog_id}_options</code> WHERE <code>option_name</code> = '{$fpf_opt_access_token}'"); }
Blog id 1 is the one that reposts everything, so if it’s on blog 1, I make sure to grab the correct blog’s access token.
Thanks for your help in letting me know I was barking up the wrong tree. I never thought that the blog I was working on was that different from other blogs. I appreciate your work on this plugin as well as the free help you’ve offered.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Photo Fetcher] Multisite?Sorry, Justin, you’re right. I guess they have a plugin called “Sitewide Tags” that imports all posts into one central blog. Now I just have to see if I can figure out how to get these plugins to play together nicely. I may yet have to visit your website for more official help with this problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Photo Fetcher] Multisite?Sorry, WPyogi, I didn’t know (Or had forgotten). I’ll refrain in the future
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Photo Fetcher] Multisite?So if you post on the store blog (or any other sub blog) does that post appear on the primary site? That’s how it’s set up on ours. If user1 ( writes a post, it appears on his own blog, but also on the blog at Therefore, contains all posts from,, etc.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Photo Fetcher] Multisite?The error I get on the “home” blog is “This plugin does not have a valid Facebook access token. Please use your admin panel to login with Facebook.” I assume it’s because of the inability for the home blog to access the plugin options for each of the individual sites. It feels like the basics of how the plugin works may have to be altered in order to fix this issue.
If you are willing to work on this issue for a “donation”, just tell me how much you think you’d need for the changes, and I’ll pass the figure on to my client. Otherwise I’ll have to make the changes myself (something we’re avoiding for reasons of future updates to the plugin)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Photo Fetcher] Multisite?I deactivated all plugins except FB Photo Fetcher and switched to the default theme, to no avail.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Photo Fetcher] Multisite?Do you use a default “Home” blog that shows posts from every user? Is that even a normal feature of a multisite installation? It’s that home blog that shows all posts from all users where the plugin breaks.