Forum Replies Created
Hi @ristretto6,
As you need this quite urgently you can rollback to version 1.3.8 which is the old original way the galleries were output. You can download it from Once your sale is complete and you have some time maybe setup a staging site with the latest version and we can see what we can do to get the latest versions working for you.
Hi @thenewguy_14,
You have some custom CSS in your styles.css file which is conflicting with the new gallery CSS, the images seem to be loading correctly but are hidden by this custom CSS. Please comment out or remove the CSS classes on lines 259-263 of your styles.css file, basically any of the CSS class names targeting
I mixed up the version numbers in my previous response, could you please provide me with a url where I can see the error?
Hi All,
There’s a few different errors here presenting in a similar fashion so I’ll try answer each separately but first I’ll explain the reason behind the majority of the problems listed so you can better understand the issue.
In 1.4.x we added advanced loading of images which relies on JS to determine which images should be loaded and when etc. so the JS must be initialized in order for the images to be displayed which is normally not a problem. At the moment to initialize the JS we rely on jQuery’s ready callback functionality however there is a drawback to using this method. Internally jQuery stores all ready callbacks in an array and then when needed it simply loops through and executes each one. The problem with this is that if two plugins, A and B, are both using the callback and plugin A’s initialize code throws an error, plugin B’s initialize code will never be run.
@ristretto6, @jeuriss, @saulwynne this is the reason FooGallery is not being initialized on your pages. You can see this by opening up the console in your browser and executing the following which will then load your galleries:
.We will be adding in an option to use a custom ready callback instead of the jQuery one which will work around this issue so themes or other plugins failing do not prevent the galleries from loading. I’ve outlined below each of your individual issues in more detail.
@jeuriss the error on your page is being thrown by the jQuery migrate plugin due to a selector being used in the Fusion menu JS which is part of your theme. In the ~/wp-content/themes/Avada/Avada/assets/js/main.min.js they are using the following selector:
".fusion-menu a:not([href=#], .fusion-megamenu-widgets-container a, .search-link), .fusion-mobile-nav-item a:not([href=#], .search-link), .fusion-button:not([href=#]), .fusion-one-page-text-link:not([href=#])"
which according to the migrate documention is invalid due to the use of[href=#]
, the#
needs to be quoted.@saulwynne the error on your page is being thrown by the ~/wp-content/themes/metro/js/sidebar-height.js but can be easily fixed. At present the initialize code is attempting to use the shorthand for jQuery which is simply
however in WordPress jQuery does not register the shorthand in order to avoid conflicts. To fix this error line 4 in the above mentioned file needs to be changed fromjQuery(document).ready(function(jQuery) {
tojQuery(document).ready(function($) {
@ristretto6 the error on your page is two fold. First the error preventing the initialize is being thrown by the ~/wp-content/themes/HighendWP/scripts/jquery.custom.js file on line 1529 where it is attempting to initialize a plugin called autocomplete which is supposed to be used for the header menu ajax search. The second part to your issue is a little more complicated and I have not found a solution yet. If you run the code
in your console you will get another error saying “Masonry is not defined”. For some reason on your site Masonry is not registering itself on the window object and so can’t be initalized using it’s class name. I’ll need to figure what is going on however I think it is due to your theme including Isotope and us including Masonry.@mwinterstorm I believe your issue is different to the above. On your page there is no FooGallery JS being included in the page at all. I’m just confirming with @bradvin about possible causes.
@carrosparaeventos could you provide me with a url?
- This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by steveush. Reason: Mixed up version numbers
Please see my response to your previous post @
Sorry but this is not something we test for or support out of the box. AMP support would require a number of changes to the way the CSS, JS and HTML is output. As can be seen in your example page, AMP pages don’t include the FooGallery JS and CSS files due to restrictions. Also if you take a look at the changelog for you can see they are having to build in support for AMP into popular plugins, and charging a premium for it.
As for the images they no longer use the src attribute as they get loaded by the JS, which is not being loaded into your page. Previously I think it used to “work” for you as it did as you say output the old img tag with a src attribute however seeing as there is no CSS or JS for FooGallery being included in the page that was all you were really getting, the raw HTML with no styling or layout.
We will look at and discuss the possibility of basic AMP support but it would not be able to support the current available feature set of FooGallery due to the limitations placed on page content by AMP itself.
Hi @gregsh303,
I’ve found the issue while stepping through the minified code and it’s an issue with the anchors/links in the gallery having the
class stripped off them and replaced withmtli_attachment mtli_pdf
. The items in the gallery require thefg-thumb
class to function and layout correctly. Please disable the plugin altering the thumbs or exclude the thumbs used by FooGallery from being altered. Looking at where thosemtli_*
CSS classes are coming from the plugin causing the issue is called something like MimeTypes Link Icons.Thanks
Hi @gregsh303,
Could you please enable the debugging option in the FooGallery Settings > Advanced tab for me. You’re getting an error which should not be possible and I will need to step through the JS to see what is going on.
That’s great to hear, I’ve added this change into the CSS for the next release.
Thanks for the feedback.
Hi @robertj_w,
Please try adding the below to your page along with the previously supplied CSS.
.fg-masonry-fixed .fg-loaded .fg-image { max-width: 100%; }
Seems the fixed width Masonry was missing the max-width off the image as it was a fixed size, but it should definitely not overflow as it did. The above should be the last bit missing to make sure it adjusts the images accordingly.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by steveush. Reason: Fixed mention
Hi @robertj_w,
I have found the issue and a fix will be in the next release. If you want to fix the issue now before the next release is made simply include the below CSS in your page.
.foogallery { width: 100%; max-width: 100%; }
Hi @quan88,
Are you referring to the title portion of the caption being restricted to a single line? If yes, you can use the below CSS to allow it to wrap multiple lines.
.foogallery .fg-caption .fg-caption-title { white-space: normal; }
Hi @worldwebsite,
I take it this is from a previous customization you made, unfortunately with the new release we have changed much of the CSS and even the HTML structure of our galleries to provide more features. Previous customization’s like yours will need to be updated to match the new CSS and HTML.
That said I would not recommend trying to force Simple Portfolio into a 2 column layout simply because the underlying template does not really support it. In Simple Portfolio the item size and position in the page is all set by JavaScript, trying to force 2 columns using CSS as you have shown above will get you two columns but the items themselves may look weird/oddly shaped.
For a gallery with column layouts that looks good on both desktop on mobile I suggest trying the Masonry template.
I think you are experiencing the same issue as this person: I believe I have a fix and we are going to release a new update today.