Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MCE Table Buttons] Plugin ArchivedPlenty of people will continue to use the Classic Editor plugin to avoid the Gutenberg disaster, can you reconsider archiving? It’s a super useful plugin I’ve appreciated for years, thank you for your work.
I’m seeing this as well and I’m using the most recent version of Chrome. Caches cleared and in incognito mode.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress MU Domain Mapping] Chosen domain name as the CNAME DNS entryNice! What CNAME records would I use if I wanted to direct both the naked and www domain to my server?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Black Studio TinyMCE Widget] Attach visual editor to custom pluginI don’t suppose you could post a working snippet? ?? I’m getting a broken editor using that ID.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle] A few post field type bugsThanks I was able to get the widgets working in a separate directory.
Last suggestion! A link field type that supports both external and internal links (the latter via autocomplete) would be great.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle] A few post field type bugsHi Greg, just a couple more:
– the textarea field strips out all line breaks unless you enable allow_html_formatting.
– I wasn’t able to get my own modules working outside the so-widgets-bundle/widgets directory. I tried following the instruction and used the hello-word example but I kept getting the same error (Fatal error: Class ‘SiteOrigin_Widget_xyz_Widget’ not found in …). I played around with the class name but couldn’t get it to work.I’m really liking working with the framework, it’s a much leaner solution than installing something like ACF or Piklist which are one of the few frameworks that offer widget support. Plus the preview support is nice.
One suggestion I have would be for a slightly modified Select Posts screen that’s triggered from the Post field, it relies on the user already knowing the post title they’re looking for (via the autocomplete). If there was some kind of list of posts to select from that’d be a nice addition. Perhaps even making the posts selectable from the “This query returns # posts” screen.
My other suggestion would be for field toggle support (show/hide fields based on other selections).
Last suggestion! The ability to add a placeholder attribute on a field.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder by SiteOrigin] Widget not savingIf you try naming a form element xyz[] you may see the issue, PB won’t save the data to an array in the same method as WP will save the data to an array on the widgets screen. Without a fix it’ll be difficult getting any repeater field working in PB (although if you know of one that works I’d love to see what they’re doing right).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder by SiteOrigin] Widget not savingThis seems to be caused by appending the ‘[]’ characters to the select’s name attribute. Page Builder nests the array in a null key when multiple values are saved (can’t get rid of that though, the Widgets section (Appearance > Widgets) requires the brackets).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder by SiteOrigin] Widget not savingWhen I assign the variable an array and assign it a single value, Page Builder still generates an empty key-
Array ( [] => 246 )
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder by SiteOrigin] Widget not savingSorry I was just referring to my own custom widgets.
When I print my array from the Widgets screen, I get this:
Array ( [0] => 246 [1] => 198 )
When I print my array from a widget inserted into Page Builder, I get this:
Array ( [] => Array ( [0] => 246 [1] => 198 ) )
Page Builder is nesting the array when multiple values are selected from my multiple select (but it doesn’t so this if only one value is selected).
<select id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( 'post_id' ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( 'post_id' ) . '[]'; ?>" multiple="multiple"> <?php $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'page' ); $array_post_id = $instance['post_id']; $myposts = get_posts( $args ); foreach ( $myposts as $post ){ setup_postdata( $post ); echo '<option value="'. $post->ID .'" ', is_array($array_post_id ) && in_array( $post->ID, $array_post_id ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '','>'. $post->post_title . '</option>'; } ?>
Do you see any issues with the above?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle] Boilerplate for custom widgetsOne more question, is there anything I should namespace to prevent clashes with any future widgets you may be adding?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle] Boilerplate for custom widgetsGot it, thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Content Shortcode] Arrays in fieldsThat works great, thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Content Shortcode] Arrays in fieldsHmm I’m not seeing any result (I downloaded the latest update).
Perhaps a screenshot of the array would help: this array I would expect this code:
[loop type='location'] [array socialicons] [field socialicons_network]<br> [/array] [/loop]
to produce:
google-plusForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Content Shortcode] Arrays in fieldsThat would be perfect!