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  • Thread Starter steverf


    No one has any ideas or suggestions on how to list/view a catalog of PDF files with a link to open the pdf file in a new window ?

    Sure would appreciate some ideas…

    Thank you

    Rolling Back ?
    Mine was so messed up that I deleted the theme and activated an alternate theme that had been prepared at an earlier date.

    I deactivated and “deleted” the Bouquet theme so I suppose I have not place to retrieve a roll-back version…. Darn…

    Hope there is a replacement version soon… I liked that theme.


    Same problem here after the update from 1.2.2 to 1.2.4. It messed up my entire theme. I had to delete the theme and use a different one. I like the theme and sure hope the developer gets it fixed.

    Thread Starter steverf


    What I meant to say was,…The original person, having a login account and properly logged in, cannot edit or delete their own comment ??

    PB, AL

    Thread Starter steverf


    Esmi, thanks for teh really fast reply….
    Are you telling me that the person posting a comment CANNOT edit or delete the comment once posted ??

    Perdido Beach, AL

    Thread Starter steverf


    mfields, many thanks for the code…but …
    what will this do, where will a user logging in be taken and do I have to add any parameters ?

    Many Thanks,


    Perdido Beach, AL

    Thread Starter steverf


    We will try that one out too…
    Better to have 2 solutions than one problem..
    Many thanks !


    Thread Starter steverf



    Thanks for that…
    An elegant and simple solution to a problem that cropped up several months ago and once again after the upgrade to ver. 2.6.1
    A simple and easy solution that drew lots of “round-a-bouts” and “how-to-dos” and seemd to get more complicated everytime I tried to explain my simple problem…

    Many Many Thanks !

    Perdido Beach,AL

    carand, Thanks for the reference to Stayput…
    I tried it but it did not seem to work for me. Not sure why…
    However I did modify a php file that solved the problem…
    See my post at:

    Many thanks for your help !


    Thread Starter steverf


    KOFC126… You had the solution.
    I edited the .php file and made your recommended solution.
    After all the round-a bouts with everyone , trying to explain that I simply wanted to By-Pass the DashPanel and go directly to the blog after a login… your solution was quick and painless…. and WORKED !
    The PLUGIN (WordPress-Login-Stayput) referenced earlier in this post, did NOT work. Actually I could not find it in the site either and it is not listed in the 2.6 compatible plug-in listing either….
    I always try and stay away from plugins that can only be obtained form external sources and are not listed on the official WP site….

    Many Thanks for your quick and thoughtful assistance….
    I really appreciate that !

    Perdido Beach, AL

    Thread Starter steverf


    Clayton, thank you for your response…
    I does sound like a circle… but this is very very simple…
    and I went through the same questions last year…

    Default WP 2.61 Installation, Nothing fancy
    1. Log in from the default WP Login Screen
    (Which takes my users Directly to the default WP DashPanel)

    2. On the top of the default Dashpanel there is a link called “View Site” which , when clicked, takes the user to the default WP Blog Page represented in different forms depending on the theme selected. For the sake of argument lets stick to DEFAULT INSTALLATION, CLASSIC THEME.

    3. The page we want our users taken to is the DEFAULT WP PAGE the user is taken to when he clicks on “VIEW SITE” in that annoying Default WP DashPanel.

    That should be easy enough, it is all Default WP stuff…Without going in any circle of cyclic redundancy.

    Desired Process: Login, BYPASS DashPanel and GO DIRECTLY to the Default page called by the default “VIEW SITE” at the top of that Default Dashpanel….

    If I created a NEW install right this second… I would be taken to the DASHPANEL after the default login. Seems simple, yet not one quick easy simple answer, yet….

    We shall see what happens now…
    Perdido Beach, AL

    Thread Starter steverf



    Not sure that is what I was asking for…
    I want the normal, basic user, after logging in, to be taken to the “VIEW SITE” screen instead of that awful Dashpanel.



    WOW..I agree, Valux !
    I have the very same problem and I posted yet another message on this same topic. Sorry, did not see yours first. I, like you, DO NOT want my visitors to be taken to a dashpanel after logging in… Most, simply want to post or reply and have no interest in being forced to a dashpanel to see more “stuff” ! I am sure I had a plugin that took care of it but I have upgraded and the plugins I have now do not fix that problem. I sure hope someone will address this troubling issue… and it is Definitely, not trivial !

    Perdido Beach, AL

    WOW…This is a very important issue.
    Especially if someone is actually getting deep into your web site…
    I am very surprised that no one has responded to this…

    Forum: Installing WordPress
    In reply to: User Avatar ??
    Thread Starter steverf


    Sounds like a neat idea, however, my users are not blogging to thousands of blog sites… probably only one or two. I guess “Master Bloggers” or “Blogger Spammers” would benefit. Maybe I will find a plugin that will help… since avatars were mentioned and somewhat supported in WP, I assumed that it would be handled internally…opps…mistake there …anyway..thanks for your ideas and help !
    Perdido Beach, AL

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