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Hi Nithin
thank you so much, that has helped and is now showing as expected.Please refer to the two images regarding the settings and user experience.
Health Check Plugins did not flag up an conflicts or errors.
So I am not sure why my some of my users experince is the autograde not working?
thank you for the feed back.
I dont use Sensie Pro, I can see that on my test user account it, the auto grading works. So, do you think this could be a caching issue?
I’ll use the plugin and update you.
thank youOK so, Divi developers have had a look, this is what they said and did:
Thanks for the video. I’m sorry that the Sensei LMS plugin is not well compatible with the Divi Visual Builder/Theme Builder. We have reported this as a compatibility issue to our Development Team for investigation.
Because we need to do some work from our end to make it compatible by adding wrappers/selectors, etc. markup related stuff.
But I’ve applied some codes to make it compatible if you like that. ??</img> I’ve used the following code in the Snippets plugin by creating one.
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'cs_declare_sensei_support' ); function cs_declare_sensei_support() { add_theme_support( 'sensei' ); } add_filter( 'sensei_load_default_supported_theme_wrappers', '__return_false' ); add_action('sensei_before_main_content', 'cs_theme_wrapper_start', 10); add_action('sensei_after_main_content', 'cs_theme_wrapper_end', 10); function cs_theme_wrapper_start() { echo '<div class="container"><div class="divi_wrapper">'; } function cs_theme_wrapper_end() { echo '</div></div>'; }
And used the following CSS here Divi -> Theme Options -> Custom CSS.
div#content:has(.divi_wrapper) { padding-top: 80px; }
f you want, you can continue with that layout. Otherwise, you may need to switch back to the Block Editor, please.
OK so that what they did. What I have found out through this process is that its very messy to work straight from the visual builder. However, with using the Divi Block and inserting the layout, I can also edit the divi layout within the divi block, it just means if I wanted to add a new section that is made from scratch, I would have to make a mock page, make the new section and save to the divi library. from there I could copy and past this section within the divi block editor. I hope that makes sense.
Hi This worked thank you
Thank you for your feedback.
Since using DIVI and them sensie, traditionally this was before, wordpress block came into to use, therefore, I could create the both course and lesson pages with divi section and moudules with sensie. I have always used the divi theme.
I have used text section, followed by the a code section where I would place the video embed, then text section to place the course for example
Also this was also when the classical text editor was in use, since doing the modifications,the so called classic editor section where all present which may have contributerd to the this light red banner coming up, i have now removed all the classic editor sections.
I was hoping that there was some compatiability for Divi theme and Sensie LMS.
The image of the attempted Block Recovery is exactly what was coming up on some of the lessons, but not all. On another course, this did not apper at all, so not sure when and why this happens.
I will address this with Elegant Themes.
When addining the new sensie block in the default editor, I can edit the divi sections, however, if i edit from a live webpage on the website by activating the divi visual bulider, there is obviously some conflict taking place as the all the sensie styles or and content loks completely messed up.
However, since using the senise blocks within the default editor the sensie course, lessons, quizz appears to operating as expected, except for the autograde on the quizzes where that is unpredicatbale how reliable this functions works. When I click on the autograde, and then update and then go to the lesson, I take the quiz, here I am never sure if it will autograde, most of the time it works, but when it does not, I then edit lesson, and the autograde button is in the off position. Sometimes it takes a few update safe before I can take the quizz for it to autograde.
Thank you
OK thank you
Thank you for following up and your advise and help.
Hi, I have followed the instructions in the lessons section, when doing this process, I did see occassional, code on the page with a block on the top with a blue botton on the right “attempt recovery” when i click this I would see the usuaul default page as one would expect, however, all the divi sections go missing. I was able to recoup the date using the revisions section to go back and recover and saved those specific divi sections in the divi library. I could then reload the lesson page as expected. On the same page, a quiz appears which sould not be there. I delected this section, but it does want to dissapper. every time i refresh the quiz is always there, i made a work around for now so that practitioner are not stuck. Let me know if you wish for another screen cast for this type of behaviour with deleteing quizz block that dont want to go.
Start from 13:30 this is where I go into how the quizz behaviour is currently operating, with Auto grade not working or working and then not working. The view quizz button not appearing and then appearing after using the default editor, the view quizz appears but the video does not From the start to 13:30 is relevant to the questions asked. So here is the screen cast where I go through the process of using divi theme and sensie and the current changes and behaviours that I have mentioned. The video is 23 minutes, but to this thread you only need to watch up to 13:30
thank you for your additional information and link.I am not using learning mode.
I do have some images that are presented inline. This is an option in the question block. This is relevant to only 5 question, and the expected function and behaviour is as expected.
My last post indicated that the relationship is between the snippet i have been using in earlier verions of sensi together with protected pages, that worked as expected.
The snippet is to hide the view quiz button on the protected page.
Since the last three version updates the expected behaviour is no longer working.
I am not sure why when i trigger the protected page option and then enter course, lesson, enter pw and the click the view button quiz that the quiz does not show at all.Wehn I switch the page option to public, there is no pw page, there is no pw to enter, I go to the course page, click the lesson, click view quiz and see all the questions together with images.
This behaviour is the same on the live site and a test student account
If there anything else you need from me to asssit you please let me know.
Thankyou for your help and attention.
SKHI Thank you for the update.
Since my last post, I have updated to the latest version of LMS Sensie.
The behaviour now is when the snippet is activated and the password protection is selected, you put the password, you see the lesson and the view quizz buttoon, onced clicked you cannot see the quizz questions.When the the selected page option is set back to public and the snippet code remains activated, the behaviour is that the page is obviously not password protected, the view quizz button as expected and onced clicked all the quizz questions are as expected.
i hope this may narrow the beam a little…
thank you
SKHi Thank you for response.
The last to updates I am referring to are 4.3.0 and 4.4.0On 4.4.0 version when I activate the snippet code to hide the view quiz button on the word protected page, this functions as expected.
Once I put the password in, I see the lesson as expected and the view quiz button.
Once I click on the view quiz button there is blank page. None of the questions are there. Once I deactive the snippet code, and refresh the questions all appear.I have not upgraded to 4.4.1 yet.
PLease advise
thank you
SKHi Gaurav,
Thank you for your response. Yes, I did as mentioned and have now managed to have to live site and the staging site working as expected.
There may have been some cache issues for the updates to take place, the was some glitches where shortcode modules where placed in the lesson divi builder since the last two updates, not the most recent one recieved today.
I removed the source code module and some scripts in the snippet plugin and all is functional as expected.
thank you