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  • Thread Starter Tom De Smedt


    I’ve found my original function but it seems to be broken and I’ve no idea whats wrong:

    function te_get_theme_information( $args ) {
          $theme = "";
          // Set the $request array
          $request = array(
              'body' => array(
                  'action' => 'theme_information',
                  'request' => serialize((object)$args)
          // Generate a cache key that would hold the response for this request:
          // Check transient. If it's there - use that, if not re fetch the theme
          if ( false === ($theme = get_transient($key)) ) {
              // Theme not found - we need to re-fetch it
              $response = wp_remote_post('',$request);
              if ( is_wp_error($response) )
                  return $response;
              $theme = unserialize(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response));
              if ( !is_object($theme) && !is_array($theme) )
                  return new WP_Error('theme_api_error', 'An unexpected error has occurred');
              // Set transient for next time... keep it for 24 hours should be good
              set_transient($key, $theme, 60*60*24);
          return $theme;

    Here’s the call to it:
    $themeinfo = te_get_theme_information(array('slug' => $slug, 'ratings' => true));

    If you have any idea of whats wrong with the above I’d be very grateful.


    Thread Starter Tom De Smedt


    what file do the .container class styles get declared?

    Yeah same issue for me.

    Theme Author Tom De Smedt


    Identify the element on the page you want to hide using Developer Tools (, then add display:none;

    Theme Author Tom De Smedt


    No Problem

    Theme Author Tom De Smedt


    It sounds like you have some code thats breaking your site.

    Try switching themes to “Twenty Sixteen”. If its still broken then you have a broken plugin. and you should deactivate them one by one until you identify the broken plugin.

    If switching the theme, with all your active plugins, fixes things then it looks like its Savile Row theme is broken and I can only assume that you’ve changed some code as I not had any other reports of a broken theme and I’ve tested it myself and it was working for you before.

    You can try deleting the existing Savile Row and installing a new copy.

    Theme Author Tom De Smedt


    The plugin you added probably has a bug in it then.

    Adding the CSS I supplied will not stop your site displaying but a badly coded plugin will.

    Try deactivating that plugin you just added. and look for a CSS editor plugin thats got good support and no known bugs for the latest version of WordPress.

    Where have you added the CSS?

    Theme Author Tom De Smedt



    there is no option in the theme to remove this so you have a couple of options:

    Download and install a plugin that allows you to add custom CSS then add the following to it

    .site-content footer > div:last-child {
        display: none;

    This will hide the author block


    You can edit the php templates and remove the code blocks that display the author section.

    Thread Starter Tom De Smedt



    Thread Starter Tom De Smedt


    I’ve replaced these settings that contain the word ‘widget’ and everything seems to work.


    Are now:

    Thread Starter Tom De Smedt


    Looks like its an issue with the naming of add_settings add_controls:

    Using these names for settings and controls break the customizer:


    I’ll look to replace these names and see if it fixes the issue.


    Thread Starter Tom De Smedt


    I’ve targeted it to the Footer Colors section. Everything else, including other color pickers and working fine.

    Heres the code that breaks my theme:

    $array_footer_color_controls = array(
    		array('widget_bg', __('Widget Area Background Color', 'indiepro'), '#FFF', true),
    		array('widget_txt', __('Widget Area Text Color', 'indiepro'), '#2b2b2b', true),
    		array('widget_txt_highlight', __('Widget Area Highlight Color', 'indiepro'), '#E0B549', true),
    		array('widget_txt_highlight_hover', __('Widget Area Highlight Hover Color', 'indiepro'), '#E0B549', false),
    		array('copyright_bg', __('Copyright Bar Background Color', 'indiepro'), '#2b2b2b', true),
    		array('copyright_txt', __('Copyright Bar Text Color', 'indiepro'), '#fff', true),
    		array('copyright_txt_highlight', __('Copyright Area Highlight Color', 'indiepro'), '#E0B549', true),
    		array('copyright_txt_highlight_hover', __('Copyright Area Highlight Hover Color', 'indiepro'), '#E0B549', false),
    $wp_customize->add_section('indiepro_footer_colors_section', array(
    		'title'		=> __('Footer Area Colors', 'indiepro'),
    		'panel'		=> 'indiepro_footer_panel',
    		'priority'	=> $priority++,
    	$fcount = count($array_footer_color_controls);
    	for ($i = 0; $i <  $fcount; $i++) {
    		// check what transport method is needed
    		if($array_footer_color_controls[$i][3] == true){
    			$tMethod = 'postMessage';
    			$tMethod = 'refresh';
    				'default'     => $array_footer_color_controls[$i][2],
    				'sanitize_callback'	=> 'indiepro_sanitize_color',
    				'transport'			=> $tMethod,
    			new WP_Customize_Color_Control(
    					'label'      =>  $array_footer_color_controls[$i][1],
    					'section'    => 'indiepro_footer_colors_section',
    					'settings'   => $array_footer_color_controls[$i][0],
    					'priority'	 => $priority++,

    Theme Author Tom De Smedt


    Hi Travispneo,

    Sorry for the delay in response. I don’t get to look at these forums as much as I should.

    Both those requests will require you to edit the theme templates I’m afraid.

    1: edit the template: inc/template-tags.phpline 688

    Replace the following line
    <a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_theme_mod( 'logo_' . $key . '_url' ) ); ?>">
    <a target="_blank" href="<?php echo esc_url( get_theme_mod( 'logo_' . $key . '_url' ) ); ?>">

    2: This is a little more tricky
    Paste the following into the bottom of your stylesheet or in your child theme stylesheet or a custom CSS editor plugin:

    .featured-content a h4{
    	font-size: 1.4em;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        letter-spacing: 2px;
        color: #0A4D6D;

    Next edit the following template, inc/template-tags.php

    The lines 533 – 544 should start and end with the following code:
    533 = <div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class( 'col-sm-4 animated box-' . $count ); ?> class="col-sm-4 col-sm-4 box-1 animated" data-fx="fadeInUp">
    544 = </div><!-- #post-## -->

    You want to edit whats between those lines so they look like the following:

    <div class="featured-content">
      <?php echo '<a href="' . esc_url( get_permalink() ) . '" rel="bookmark">';?>
         <?php the_post_thumbnail( 'savile-row-featured' ); ?>
         <div class="overlay">
    	<h4><?php the_title(  ); ?></h4>
    	<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
      <?php echo '</a>'; ?>

    Now I’ve only briefly tested this out so you should always take a backup and test locally first. Hopefully that should get you the desired effect.

    Theme Author Tom De Smedt


    Hi Nancy,

    I’m sorry you feel this way but we have replied to your emails, each one on the same day.
    We’ve had a look at your site and it looks like you’ve added some of your own styles that have impacted on the design.

    We are more than happy to help you in more detail and as you’ve purchased our pro version you should add your requests to our support forums for a speedy and full reply as these forums are looked at much less frequent as we are a small team.


    actually you might need:

      z-index: 1000;
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