Hi, I am new to WordPress and web site generation.
I have a site (managed wordpress 5.4.2 through IONOS), using hitchcock theme. I have made 20 posts and a couple now aren’t displaying some images on mobile devices. In fact the same is happening on two separate mobiles (ie same pictures not showing).
All pictures have an alt text designation and it seems strange that I am losing just a few images. All images appear on the desktop. I have cleared mobile cache and no change. I have changed the theme and no change. This is the post most affected with images 14,15,16, 25 and 32 not displaying on a mobile (samsung browser) and images 1,2,3,5,8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 25, 27, 32 (on chrome browser).
When I change the alt text designation for an image (e.g From Leftlake 14 to Leftlake 14a), this is updated and shown on the mobile devices (but without the image).
I hope there is someone out there who can help.
Many thanks, Steve