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no probs, the workaround of saving draft first then publish is no hassle.
sorry to throw a cat amongst the pigeons, but the issue of missing placeholder info was happening on new events created from wp-admin area
wp-admin–>Events–> Add Event
Enter a title, description, (it autosaves a draft here), then a date and a location,
I then click PUBLISH button (this is the first time the event has been saved), and I get the tweet:New Event: test2. 02/08/2013 at .
(the event start date is wrong, the event location is missing.
Still in wp-admin, I then click the UPDATE button (in the same place as the publish button), and I get the tweet
Event updated: test2. 25/12/2013 MyLocation.
(event start date is correct, event location is correct.)
(the tweet templates are the same other than the first two words).A workaround is to simply press ‘save draft’ first, then click ‘publish’ on a new event, and this fixes the issue.
Is my use of the custom filters causing the issues? The function names ‘my_evt_location’ and ‘my_evt_startdate’ don’t exist anywhere else other than with my filters in functions.php for the theme…I don’t really know what I’m doing here
FYI I have a separate plugin that that imports events via separate process, which only tweets EM placeholder info if I save to draft first, then save_meta, then save&publish
/* new event object $event = new EM_Event(); /*define other event attribs here*/ /* before saving event, force post to draft */ $event->force_status = 'draft'; /*save event*/ $event->save(); /* save_meta is called from within save? in case not: */ $event->save_meta(); /* play with categories, then save and publish */ $event->force_status = 'publish'; $event->save();
The dtstart and dtend are indeed in m/d/Y in your csv. You could try either switching the importer code over to m/d/Y or just adjusting your csv to match d/m/Y
your csv is tab delimited. (csv stands for Comma Separated Values!)my interpretation of the importer code is that it should be able to handle tab delimiters (the csv import library dynamically detects the delimiter), but is not a scenario I have tested. Play it safe and stick with commas? If you have commas in your event, this appears to be ok, so long as the field is surrounded by double quotes (as per the ‘categories’ field in my example CSV
You mention you are producing your CSV from Excel, and this is probably the cause of your headaches:
try my suggestions above, which are
1) format the dtstart and dtend cells in Excel to be custom number format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss
1) export from excel in .csv (MS-DOS) formatmake sure to examine your output csv file in Notepad or other text editor to check for proper formatting.
can you post the first two lines of your csv to pastebin so we can have a look at your header and a sample post?
(please open your csv in Notepad or similar, not Excel)my suspicions lie with the date format being spewed out from Excel.
I have this set to a custom number format in Exceldd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss
My limited PHP knowledge tells me that the import is looking for a dtstart/dtend in the format d/m/Y H:i:s (lines 483 and 489 of Class.EM_ImpExpImport.php) see php date formats
yours is perhaps producing a csv with m/d/Y?thankyou for your reply Joe,
I too don’t know enought about Events Manager to tell what is happening when an event is saved via the EM admin interface.Luckily for me the majority of my events I will be creating via a third party import plugin, in which I can control post-insertion in the manner you suggest above. I will adjust the code and see what happens.
[EDITED 31-7-13 15:03] There appears to be a timing/triggering issue when including placeholder information in a tweet about a new event.
Tweets for an updated event are working fine.
I have set the template for tweets for both new and updated events to be
Event updated: #title#. [[my_evt_startdate][[my_evt_location].#url#
where my_evt_startdate and my_evt_location are surrounded with doublebrackets, and defined in my funtions.php as below.
The tweet for a new event reads
Event updated: My Event Title. 31/07/2013.
(note the missing event location, and also that the event date is today’s date)
Making a minor change to the title of the event and publishing the change, the tweet then reads correctly:
Event updated: My Event Title2. 09/08/2013 My Location Name.
(note that the location has been filled in, and also that the actual date of the event is populated instead of today’s date.
So it appears the the placeholders are populated after the tweet has been triggered, and that #_EVENTDATES returns today’s date in the absence of a defined date?
My limited knowledge thinks it might be similar to the below post? is where my knowledge ends! Perhaps there is a better method of retrieving the location and start date.
additions to functions.php:
add_filter( 'wpt_custom_shortcode', 'my_evt_location', 10, 3 ); function my_evt_location( $value, $post_ID, $field ) { if ( $field == 'my_evt_location' ) { $EM_Event = em_get_event($post_ID, 'post_id'); $mylocation = $EM_Event->output('#_LOCATIONNAME'); return $mylocation; } return $value; } add_filter( 'wpt_custom_shortcode', 'my_evt_startdate', 10, 3 ); function my_evt_startdate( $value, $post_ID, $field ) { if ( $field == 'my_evt_startdate' ) { $EM_Event = em_get_event($post_ID, 'post_id'); $mylocation = $EM_Event->output('#_EVENTDATES'); return $mylocation; } return $value; }
typo in my code in my original post. Corrected below:
add_filter( 'wpt_custom_shortcode', 'my_event_location', 10, 3 ); function my_event_location( $value, $post_ID, $field ) { if ( $field == 'my_event_location' ) { $EM_Event = em_get_event($post_ID, 'post_id'); $mylocation = $EM_Event->output('#_LOCATIONNAME'); return $mylocation; } return $value; }
I have come up with a solution which integrates well with Event Manager’s placeholders
in my theme’s function.php I added
add_filter( 'wpt_custom_shortcode', 'my_event_location', 10, 3 ); function my_url( $value, $post_ID, $field ) { if ( $field == 'my_event_location' ) { $EM_Event = em_get_event($post_ID, 'post_id'); $mylocation = $EM_Event->output('#_LOCATIONNAME'); return $mylocation; } return $value; }
Then in WP to Twitter’s Basic Settings–>Settings for type events–>template for tweet
New event: #title# at doublesquarebracketsmy_event_location
doublesquarebrackets(this forum won’t allow double square brackets to be posted!)
This may not have been such an achievement for most people…but I am pleased!
Thankyou for the advice
Joe thankyou for your quick response. I can see your suggestion of a custom template tag filter working to retrieve the information.
It will be a steep learning curve for my limited php and EM skills. In the absence of an existing solution or a more simple approach, if I get it working I’ll post the code here.
[marked as resolved]
an example csv is here
note that the column locations are not important (I think) as the importer converts the data to a named array; it is the name of the column headings (the first row) that are crucial and must match that as defined in the class.EM_ImpExpImport.php file.I admire this import utility’s ability to handle custom event attributes and to look up existing locations
Angelo Thankyou this worked a treat, I commented out the line that initialised jquery within the theme (/wp-content/themes/arjuna-x/functions.php) leaving WP to init jquery, and all now works.
many thanks
thanks angelo_nwl, this looks very relevant. I will take a look now
an example csv is here
note that the column locations are not important (I think) as the importer converts the data to a named array; it is the name of the column headings (the first row) that are crucial and must match that as defined in the class.EM_ImpExpImport.php file.there is a small fix to the file
/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-import-export-0.0.3-alpha/class.EM_ImpExpImport.php in order that it will read your event start/end date+time. Line 480 onwards – see commented out sections in the below code- previously it was hardcoded to start each event at midnight.Note also that the end three columns are custom event attributes defined within our Events Manager instance, and the headers should match EXACTLY the event attributes you define in E.M.
Note also that you can define multiple categories for a single event by enclosing them in double quotes, comma separated within the quotes. Excel’s .CSV MSDOS format copes with this well, despite my initial reservations that the additional comma inside the quotes would break the import; it did not.
Note also that I have pre-defined the location within Events Manager, then instead of risking having the importer create extra location entries via geocoding, I simply give it the exact name of a pre-existing location and the import routine matches this for you.
i.e. I have not tested uploading an event at an unknown locationthis worked for me: I am a php and Events Manager novice. be warned.
(thankyou to Marcus and the author of the importer ( for your wonderful software)
for the events manager bulk importer mentioned at
The code out-of-the-box is hardcoded to start each event at midnight.
edit this file:
/wp-content/plugins/events-manager-import-export-0.0.3-alpha/class.EM_ImpExpImport.phpcorrected code is here (a bodge; I don’t really know php)
The fix is at line 480. You will see I have commented out the old regexp date match search, and also the line where the time of the event was hardcoded – for both the start and end date.
Your CSV can then contain a start/end date in the format
,28/08/2013 18:00:00,28/08/2013 21:00:00,
and this imports very well.(the regexp is now searching for dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)