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Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Primary Site Backend not accessibleHi Andrea, still no joy
I checked Edit and both template and style are set to twenty ten already so it does not seem to be themes.
I turned off all plug-ins vis the stocastica.com/wp-admin page and then tried the primary site from a new web page. Still get the same error.
I could live with it except that I need to run Buddypress on one site and it seems to reference the primary site in some way and this is triggering the same error. Just to stress probably needlesly Buddy press is deactivated and I still have the problem.
I have not posted to the Buddypress site yet as it seems to be a problem without BP activated.
Real puzzling me.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Primary Site Backend not accessibleFirst many thanks for cleaning up my multiple post! Sorry for being dumb but I can’t see a way to delete them myself
I went straight to WP3 and did not WP mu so do not have a mu -plugin folder that I can see.
I have disabled all plugins and have the same problem with or without plugins running.
I set the Primary site theme to twenty ten as default in the Edit page
but I still have the error thats why I am stumped.Very cool of you to respond so quickly!
Well I solved it by rebuilding the functions.php via the CPanel.
Any other newbie who swings by I hope this helps
which has just got more ‘interesting’ in that I can no longer access the site admin either. I have tried going in via Super-Admin from another site I run but get to the Backend but I now exactly the same error so it may not be the child theme after all?
I logged out and shut down the browser first just in case I was getting a cached response.
Very confused now…? ??Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Can't see second child themeOK- Like most things it turned out to be easy.
The WP v cpanel issue was because I had not changed the style.css files to rename the introductory text. WordPress appears to scan the style.css file to extract the information it needs to present in the theme admin page in WordPress.
I still don’t know why the first versions of the child theme folders could not be seen-but they can now.
I hope this helps someone else in the future.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Can't see second child themeOK-Now I am really puzzled
I tried rebuilding the child themes by deleting the old twentytenmockery child theme and,via a temp file in the cpanel copied the twentytencosmos child theme that works into a temp folder,renamed it as twentytenmockery.
I then moved it into the /wp-content/themes/ folder.The cpanel shows me the directory structure I would expect to see
within /wp-content/themes/ I have two folders,one twentytencosmos and one twentytenmockery
but, WP does appear to be a little confused
I can now see two versions of the twentyten child themes which is a step forward but both are caller twetytencosmos- not twentytencosmos and twentytenmockery i.e. different to cpanel
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Can't see second child themeI meant ‘your note’ sorry!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Can't see second child themeHi,thank you for the reply.
I can see both of the child themes in the cpanel of bluehost.
Both contain a style.css and a functions.php file viewable and the content of both files can be seen via cpanel file viewer.You note above describes what I can see from cpanel.
I can only see one child theme in WP
Bit of a poser!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: can't activate twentyten child themeOne thought a week late-if you are using WP3 you need to activate the theme in the SuperAdmin panel before any sites can see the theme.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Call to undefined function errorJust to add I had just updated my plugins but I only had one running. I de-activated this plugin in case this was the problem but I have seen no change to the error.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Twenty Ten: Widen Sidebar, Remove Title, Resize HeaderCheers for the link X-Maj! I am slowly making progress-it’s the split between PHP and CSS that is warping my brain. Got to love WordPress though!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Twenty Ten: Widen Sidebar, Remove Title, Resize HeaderThis has been very helpful to me as well. I am also learning about child themes.
I have one more question that is related to this thread.I changed the header image size in functions.php to be larger that the content width.
This worked, but the header image position was unchanged and the image was no longer central to the content div.
I can’t see how to centralise the header image.
Any help would be very welcome.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: WP3 Multiple sites-Child theme selectionMany thanks- simpler than I thought!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Modifying the 2010 theme – multiple sitesOK-I think I have answered my own question-I can add child theme for each site and mod these.
Any experts out there who swing by and this is correct please could they add a
“Yes Numpty” reply or-if I am missing something a heads-up would be very cool.Cheers
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Atahualpa 3.4.4 Upgrade woes-Newbie question warningThank you both for your very fast responses!