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  • Hm, never tried this myself, but under the “options” tab in /wp-admin/, click “Permalinks”. In the textfield try typing this:
    That should do it I believe. ??

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Header

    The CSS is wrong:
    background-image: url(‘/images/site/logo.gif’);
    background: url(‘/images/site/logo.gif’) no-repeat;

    crow: it’s five! get it right! ??
    And I really wish that all the, um, “echo-ing” functions would have the first parameter as an output call.
    Although I’m guessing that’s why we have hooks, filters, and such. They allow you to execute code within the function itself.

    A post slug typically is a shorthand version of the post’s title with certain characters escaped or dropped. It’s used in an individual post’s URI to help identify posts and avoid conflicts with similar posts. ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: New Pluign: Faked Folders
    Thread Starter stevarino


    Dextrine: it looks like a template error, but that’s just me guessing. Where are you getting these errors? How much of the plugin can you get running?
    And error pages. Love the idea, have no clue why I didn’t think of that before. ??
    They are possible with this plugin (I got mine working) but they require a bit of messing with the .htaccess file itself. I’m not sure what caused the errors you guys got, but I’m curious what rewrite rule you used. To make things easier for the next batch that tries this I’m going to incorporate error pages into the next release. Thanks for the feedback!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Static pages…. faked….

    Hm… Is your WP install in the root directory? Would pull up your weblog? The URIs are relative to the WP install. Also do you use a .htacess file for your permalinks? The plugin is tied to it at that file moment. If that doesn’t solve it, then can you send the re-write rules on the plugin’s main page?

    This should really be a piece of cake. Just make a small plugin that parses through the list_cats filter. Then it’s simply a matter of deciding where it goes.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: help with some php

    Ah, try this then:
    function the_author_image_url() {
    global $id,$authordata;
    if( ! is_null( $authordata->user_image_url ) && trim( $authordata->user_image_url ) != "" ) {
    echo $authordata->user_image_url;

    Should work.

    I dunno… We might have conflicts with so many uris of “support/bullets_in_links” and such. Then we would have to start numbering THOSE! And let’s not even think about the “support/popup_comments_not_working” uri mess bound to happen! ??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: help with some php

    oops, that was me… not logged in. ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Static pages…. faked….

    Sorry if this comes off as rude, but you should check out my plugin Faked Folders. It uses WP’s own CMS for editing, so adding/updating content is just like a post’s. You can also assign specific templates and plugins to folders so they act nothing like your weblog… Or as an exact clone of it… ??

    Although my method is horribly outdated, there are several improvements which some have kindly offered availible in the entry’s comments and pingbacks. ??
    I really should get around to updating these…

    While I think the script is great, it relies on the language tag (lang) to determine the computer language. I believe that’s actually against the w3c’s standard:

    The lang attribute’s value is a language code that identifies a natural language spoken, written, or otherwise used for the communication of information among people. Computer languages are explicitly excluded from language codes.

    Basically RFC 1766 sets the stage on what’s an acceptable language for the tag and what’s not:

    The language tag always defines a language as spoken (or written) by human beings for communication of information to other human beings. Computer languages are explicitly excluded.

    Also the plugin uses pre tags for markup. I believe code would be a better choice, with the content’s language specified by the class attribute. This allows greater flexiblity in the code’s output such as inline code samples.
    Sorry for the outburst and rant. I’m really interested in the plugin and must check it out later. But I have a few ideas I want to try with what I believe is a different motivation to aim for.

    Hm, try switching the loop code with this…
    <?php if($post == $posts[0]) {
    the_date("", "

    • ", "
      } else {
      the_date("", "
    • ", "
      } ?>

    • <?php the_time(); ?>
      <?php the_category(); ?>
      <?php the_content(); ?>
    • I think that’s what I meant to type… ??

    Forum: Installing WordPress
    In reply to: Upgrade of WP

    Thats the second time the board has incorrectly marked up URIs tonight… ??
    I would be forgiving but there’s a really easy way to fix that.

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