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  • Heh, phpMyAdmin – the command line to WordPress.

    Oh wow. Thanks TG for the great response! Looks like we’re making progress! ??
    My big point would be:
    5) ease of migration through WP upgrades and other hacks
    and that’s where most of us are stuck. As soon as we achieve point (1), we’ve sacrificed upgradability.Using my static-pages hack, I found MtDew’s Recent Posts hack to be unusable without major modification. If people lose the ability to upgrade or enhance WP, then our hack is getting in the way and needs to be removed. This is my point behind the “hack problem vs. missing-feature problem.” We want integration, yet seperation and that requires global changes to the WP system. ??
    Oh, and little responses to your response… The ranting wasn’t because I was mad, but rather being locked up in classes all day with nothing to think about. ?? And the “noble” idea of giving the people what they want isn’t too noble. I just think if you don’t, they’ll go somewhere else. Who knows, maybe someone will make a WP fork with static content. Wouldn’t that be ironic?
    – Stephen

    Ah. Sorry, I’m not a big fan of syndication so I’m kinda fuzzy here. If you’re using MS Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird I think there’s a plug-in. As far as actual emails, maybe a service offers one. :\
    Just checked out bloglines and they offer a notifier – a small app that tells you when a feed is updated. Not what you wanted, but pretty close?

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Papel Continuo

    Just wanted to chime in that the design is awesome. A great unique effect.

    I really wish this would be added as a core feature of WordPress. Anyone know if static pages is on the list, and if not why?

    The RSS feed at the top. ??
    If you don’t have an RSS reader, several websites offer services that will do it for you. For instance:

    I can see this back-firing so easy.
    Exactly how do you want this? Like have [black/white] listed [ips/ip ranges]? It would be pretty simple to create a function in my-hacks.php, say good-ip(), that returns true or false, and in your index.php simply put a if(good-ip()) { around your foreach loop.

    Oops, I should have said this first. Before you worry about your CSS, you should really fix up your html. That might be causing all kinds of layout bugs.

    Heh, this was fun.
    In your outside class (it should be an ID fyi), you have the side margins set to 220px. Change this to 20px. Then in your entry class, add this rule:
    <pre>margin: 0 200px;</pre>
    That works for me ??

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: idiors guide?

    Heh, you’ll have to forgive us. We’ll post 500 lines of CSS if we think it’s even questionably better then a tag-replacement.
    In your index.php file, look for the <h1> tag near the top, and inside that the <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?> php tag. All you need to do is replace that with this:
    <img src=”your-image-here.jpg” alt=”<?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?>” />
    That should do it!

    Well, you need to create the “my-hacks.php” file in the same folder as your wordpress “index.php” and then, well, just check out the the wiki’s info on my-hacks.php.
    That’s the first few steps. If you need anything else feel free to ask. ??

    The problem isn’t WordPress, it’s the CSS or perhaps even the browser. If you could share a screenshot, link, or just more information then we might be able to help you out some more.

    I’m curious why they have the teaser up anyway. Why not simply announce it when it’s done. Not like Six Apart will go unnoticed in the weblog community. ??

    [Typekey] prohibits unauthorized comments. This is accomplished by requiring commenters to log in with a verified account before they can post, and by offering weblog authors the power to approve or ban a commenter’s ability to post on the site.

    So everyone MUST register to comment on any Typekey weblog? As I see it that’s a pretty big hassle for commenters. And also I’m a HUGE fan of anonymous comments but TypeKey says no to that too.
    And what happens when a DoS attack hits them (bound to happen when you annoy spammers)? No-one could sign in to comment, meaning your comments are locked. Right?
    Again, this is totally speculative based off the teaser.

    Ack, rboren beat me.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Comments: Live Preview

    Pretty cool. I never knew about the innerHTML method in javascript before…

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