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  • Heh heh, you guessed right. All it’s doing is increasing the color attribute from white to black. The one thing you’ll need to change is “ws” to either “rap” (for the entire page to fade in) or “content” (for the “content” div to fade in, but not the sidebar). Then in your <body> tag add the attribute “onload="sa()"” so you have <body onload=”sa()”>.

    Heh heh, I was about to use this on a project at work. On a hunch I tried it without javascript. Needless to say the words never faded in, leaving me with a lot of white and some oddly spaced links. :\
    Maybe I won’t be using this after all…

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP Reverse Posts
    Thread Starter stevarino


    Unless they are using GET variables for their permalinks (some people do), and with that method there is no cookie set. ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP Reverse Posts
    Thread Starter stevarino


    I actually really like it now that it’s built. It fits in perfectly with the list_cats function and makes things so much easier.

    Heh, you could always re-download it and just copy the new index.php over your current one. With problems like that, it’s important to keep track of what you edit (and maybe even keep a backup).

    That is entirely up to you! ??
    It depends on where you want WP to appear. If you want it in the root html directory (/public_html), then yes. But you can also put it in a folder within public_html – like “/public_html/weblog” would make WP appear at “”.
    So it’s entirely up to you.

    “topics that we all can relate to, such as politics” – HAHAHA!
    – Sorry. ??
    Actually I love Dive Into Mark, I think it’s one of the best out there. I’m suprised how well I relate with both him and Meyer. The one weblogger I don’t get is Kottke. To me he’s incredibly boring.
    About the blogrolls: there is an amazing amount of content in those links. A weblog is a personal website, and those links often times are a more honest representation of the author than the content itself. When somebody links to someone, they’re saying “hey, this is important.” When someone blogrolls someone, it’s even more important.

    LOL thats a lot of information to fit on one screen and constantly scrolling will only make it harder.
    What about a flash template? You see an area, click it, and up pops a title with explanation and css rules. Combine that with a “slide show” mode where people can just cycle through the layout, and we have a great tool to teach people not only wordpress, but also css!

    I’m amazed how often these problems come up. ??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: PHP Help

    You need quotes.
    <?php include(“$siteurl/static/$page.php”); ?>
    That should work!

    lol I <3 anonymous comments! Brilliant.
    My whole confusion over this new board is what’s the point? You can’t “make up” developers, and you can’t radically change WP on your own and still call it WP.
    And I think this board is great as it is. Maybe a preview for all the special-character problems that come up, but the “edit” function takes care of that and more (well being an anon, you might not have known). ??
    The light-weight design is more of a “stream-lined” then “featureless” desicion. PMs annoy me, there are better methods to communicate privately. And at a glance I can see what’s been updated or not. How can you *not* like this?

    Thread Starter stevarino


    Seriously, is anybody going to even try and offer a theory as to what’s wrong? Do I have some stigma or something that I don’t know about?
    The DB data is fine, I checked that out. None of my edits are doing that, the complete upgrade and removal of my-hacks proved that. The XHTML itself is flawless. So what’s going on? Why is WordPress messing up my content and why are the developers ignoring this thread? Is anyone even looking into this?
    I seriously don’t mean to criticize or hurt anyone, but it’s just really frustrating that my weblog is crippled and everyone refuses to help. It’s not like I don’t do my share around here!

    “Better way”?!? Those browsers you’re talking about are legacy browsers, version 3 and under. Every modern browser understands the object, and the ones that don’t probably shouldn’t be served flash content anyway. The method I posted is actually from A List Apart, so it’s a proven way to go. Also the “worse” way, as can be implied, includes simple XHTML for browsers to fall back on if they choke on the <object> (in this case, a <h1> with page header content). Your method doesn’t even come close to validating.
    And would you trust someone who can’t even read the directions on how to post code as to what’s “better”? ??

    While we’re on the subject, any chance of turning the template editor into a simple file manager?

    Thread Starter stevarino


    Actually another question. I’m recieving character encoding errors in my comments. These do not appear anywhere else but on posts where comments have been made and I can find no such misplaced characters on the actual post (although I admit I know very little about such things). Help?

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