Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Search engines round-upOT: Would it really be that much trouble to register? I’m having the hardest time remembering who said what to whom…
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: ThisIsNPR.orgIf I may chime in? I think the site design is great. Can never go wrong with a sharp grey design. ??
Now some suggestions. I see you’re using the Orkut script for fading text. While cool, the method is seriously flawed. If I load your page without javascript, I see no text. I’m betting this is also causing the flashing problem.
You should check here on how to fix that.
And why are you using frames? I see a frameset with two frames, one your content frame taking up 100% of the screen, and a second with 0% and without a source. Any reason?
But besides that I think the site looks great with some interesting content. Keep it up!Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: What’s up with the WP Logo?I miss Calvin… ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 1.2-alpha comments and other problemHeh heh, yah the lack of indication confused me too. Same thing happened at photomatt’s page. The only reason why I knew I had commented and did not imagine the previous 30 seconds was that his comment form remembered my details. :\
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: 1.2-alpha comments and other problemI get the “always on” comment registration. At first I thought it was a “feature” but now I see it’s an option not sticking. I don’t think I’ve checked email more in my life than in the last few days… ??
Running the 28th nightly here btw.Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: You’re crazy…..I’m sorry, but every time I look at that title I think
“So why won’t you marry me?” “Because you’re crazy!” “Why am I crazy?” “Because you want to marry me!”
*Sigh* good ‘ol Yossarian…Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Style the wp elementsHi Holli,
Template tags, as well as a lot of other information, can be found in the wiki: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Proper HTML?Ohhh….I see what you’re saying… What about changing the <div> to a ?That’s what makes sense semantically, although I don’t know if that helps your CSS stylings. I just always delete the “Filed under: ” and never thought twice of it. ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How do they do THAT?Oooh, I just checked out the site. Very cool effect! Did you know it even works with the translate links? ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Atom feed ruturns .php file suffix, not .xml“I suppose I could add xml to the suffixes that pass through the PHP parser (my HTML files now all are passed to PHP), and then just change the name of the file and the places that reference it.”
That is the best method to achieve what you want. ??
“How are other apps doing this? Generating the file every umpteen minutes with a cronjob and saving it as a static file?”
Every time a person comments or a post is edited/created, the files are generated and saved as static xml files. This makes dynamic content difficult to produce in systems like that.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How do they do THAT?As far as the firefox problem, no clue! ??
Are you serving the text as text/html or application/xhtml+xml? There seems to be some new rules when dealing with xml and javascript.Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: JAvascript errorWhich browser do you use?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Atom feed ruturns .php file suffix, not .xmlThe content-type headers should tell your browser/agregrater what the file is, not the extension. This is how *.php can send html code without being a *.htm extension.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Graphical CSSIt looks great. Some tips, if you don’t mind:
Distinguish between the sections, either by indenting the text over but leaving the numbers as a hanging indent or by adding horizontal rules/borders/something to distinguish a border. Maybe both. The page looks like it lacks structure, which I think could really help. Also adding pre blocks with margins would help.
But it looks good! Keep it up! ??Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: some feature requestsOn second read, I don’t think I get what the author is asking either… :\