Sterling Hamilton
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)] SVG in image gallery is not workingI am assuming we are good here. Hope things worked out!
Hey @ibeji — is that still happening?
If that’s still happening, I am going to assume you are using an older version of PHP.
That line is the Namespace. Which is PHP code allowing for me to name my functions freely and not worrying about conflicting with other plugins and stuff. — now required PHP 7 or greater.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)] wordpress 4.7 compatibilityI am totally not on break… anymore ??
This is actually fixed now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)] Got the ‘security’ error@kts915 I’ve put that code into the plugin — shouldn’t cause a conflict if that plugin exists with mine, also the code will stop itself from working after 4.7.3 — a little risky assuming it will be fixed by then but #codedangerously
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)] Got the ‘security’ errorThanks for the help KTS915. I’ll take a look into if there’s more I can do within my plugin to get around the 4.7.1 change.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Search Meter] Search Meter not workingI encountered this “not working”. Version 2.13.2.
Normally install plugins via the WP-CLI — and that’s how I installed this one.
While debugging, I monitored the traffic and noticed that I was getting errors like this:NOTICE: PHP message: WordPress database error Table 'project.wp_searchmeter' doesn't exist for query DELETE FROM
wp_searchmeterWhich means that … for some reason when I installed it and activated it — it did not create it’s database tables.
So… I just went to the actual plugins screen, deactivated it, and then reactivated it. That fixed the database problem. Then I noticed it wasn’t writing my searches to it, no matter what I did. I then started looking at the code.
There’s this bit of code:
tguy_sm_array_value($_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER')
… that basically is saying “Do not log searches unless the HTTP_REFERER value exists.” — The HTTP Referer value just means that traffic needs to originate from a place. ANY PLACE. It’s pointless code… I know what they were going for here… which was to ask the question “did this request come from the site” but… that’s not what it does. ALSO… HTTP_REFERER drops if you involve HTTPS to NON-HTTPS at any point. OR if people are in private browsing mode.Search engines should not be using search results pages… those pages should actually be NOINDEX NOFOLLOW — here’s an article on that:
ANYWAY… here’s what I did to finally start seeing results.
- Make sure you have the latest version of the plugin (2.13.2 as of this response)
- Deactivate the plugin.
- Reactivate the plugin.
- Go to settings, make sure that your user level can view results. To be safe you can just set this to “All logged-in users”.
- Disable “Ignore searches made by logged-in administrators” for your testing purposes. Enable it later if you want.
- Now, go to your home page, and type in a search term, and submit it. You must NOT be in private browsing mode. You should now see results.
Hope this helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)] SVG in image gallery is not workingCode your Theme developer needs to address specifically:
function expositio_image_tag($thumbnail_id, $size = 'post-thumbnail') { $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($thumbnail_id); if ($meta === false || $meta === '') { return sprintf( '<img src="%s" width="%s" height="%s" alt="" />', wpShower::defaultImage(), wpShower::$default_image_width, wpShower::$default_image_height ); } $src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($thumbnail_id, $size); $size_available = isset($meta['sizes'][$size]); return sprintf( '<img src="%s" width="%s" height="%s" alt="" />', $src[0], $size_available ? $meta['sizes'][$size]['width'] : $meta['width'], $size_available ? $meta['sizes'][$size]['height'] : $meta['height'] ); }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)] SVG in image gallery is not workingAlrighty — I have created a patch for that ticket — I have created a feature that fixes this problem once they implement that patch.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)] SVG in image gallery is not workingForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)] SVG in image gallery is not workingAlrighty — so after a little bit of hunting I know what needs to happen.
FOR YOU: You should contact the developer of your them here:
You request could be something around:
Hey there, your Theme is using wp_get_attachment_metadata() for determining if it should use the default featured.png file or the provided image — this isn’t working with SVG files at the moment, could you use a different method to work with file attachments?
FOR ME: I’m submitting a ticket to core to help address the problem. I will later, add a function that might supplement the core feature until it comes out.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)] SVG in image gallery is not workingJust documenting it here —
in core would be the place this is failing if this is indeed something that I was taking for granted in the plugin.I may need to augment the functionality of this core method so that the meta information is in fact generated for uploaded files.
Before I start down that path I will take a look at how others are handling this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)] SVG in image gallery is not workingSo I did you a favor, I downloaded your Theme and took a look at the code.
I set it up locally and replicated your problem.I will track down the issue.
There’s a way the Author could change how they are getting featured images and this would fix the problem.
They are currently relying on
and that’s not working for some reason.So that means either I did something wrong in my plugin or there is a core bug.
But regardless, the Author of your Theme could add a work around here.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)] SVG in image gallery is not workingWell, good news, the plugin isn’t doing anything that would cause that problem.
I added an SVG as a featured image and it went to the front end as an SVG.
Though… I need to now add a hack for height/width there.
Anyway, this bug you are experiencing, I am almost 100% sure it’s the Theme you are using and not a problem with the Plugin.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)] SVG in image gallery is not workingWell that featured image is coming from the Theme itself.
It’s not like you uploaded ABC.svg and it became ABC.png — I would assume that something is going on with the team.But I will do a real fast test to make sure that featured images are working properly within the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)] SVG in image gallery is not workingYeah, if I go to that page, and then search the source code for “svg” — nothing comes up.