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  • You may have found a solution by now. If not, check this: it appears that you must have at least one page actually published in order for the missing parts of the Reader Settings to reappear. That worked for me, but I found it didn’t do me much good. I could specify my Landing Page (as my one published page) as the current home page, but I couldn’t specify my actual home page or blog page in those settings because — of course — I’m just building the site and am not ready to publish those pages yet.

    I don’t know who at WordPress thought this would be a good idea or what the rationale behind it is, but I’m pretty much ready to smack somebody in the head with a bat.

    On the chance that additional supporting voices might help, I’m also looking forward to something from Wordfence that would prevent fake sign-ups. Those guys are driving me nuts, as I’m having to ban them manually…ever day.

    It’s gotten so annoying that I’m looking for an additional (and hopefully temporary plugin that can address the problem in the meantime. I already know that whatever I find, you guys will ultimately do it better..>:)



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