Step-Byte-Service GmbH
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we’ll try to think about a solution in the future.
Best regards
I could not reproduce this issue with the given shortcode. Could you please give us a little more information regarding the following questions:
Which plugin version are your using?
Which WordPress version are you using?
The provider function is made available through the leaflet-providers.js. Can you check via developer tools wether the file is loaded correctly?
Do you have other Leaflet-based plugins installed and activated?Best regards
yes that is how it works for now. Maybe we will provide a different way for adding the API Keys in future updates.
Best regards,
we just released an update that should fix this issue. Could you please update to version 1.1.1 and try again?
Best regards,
which WordPress and php version are you currently using? For the new plugin version the version requirements needed to be increased for both wordpress and php.
Could you check the php error log for any php errors and open the developer panel of your browser to check the console output for any javascript errors?
Best regards
OpenStreetMap defaults to the local language in each part of the world. Right now we don’t offer an option to change the language as the language used for the labels depends on what the map tile providers chose for their respective map styles. We have included a number of map providers that use english labels instead of the default languages. That includes some map styles from Stadia, Thunderforest, Mapbox, CartoDB and Maptiler.
If you want to have english labels you will need to choose a different map style from one of these providers.
Best regards,
our plugin does not have a seperate settings page. If your are using the gutenberg editor or wpbakery page builder, the fields for API keys will appear (if needed) in the settings of the map below the field where you chose the provider.
If you are using shortcodes only, then you have to provide the API key in the params of the map shortcode, if you choose a provider where an API key is needed. You can find a detailed list of the shortcodes params and the providers here:,SHORTCODES,-The%20Plugin%20comes
Best regards
the error is solved in the latest version of the plugin.
Best regards
you can enqueue the asset files manually in PHP with
wp_enqueue_style('sbs-openstreetmap'); wp_enqueue_script('sbs-openstreetmap');
Hope this helps
thanks for your interest. I could not replicate the issue. The page you listed is password protected, therefore I cannot check the issue currently. Can you make it public or mail the credentials?
Best regards
route support is one of the planned features of the plugin. However, I currently do not know when it’ll be implemented.
Thanks for your interest in the plugin.
It should work and I could not replicate this problem. The Stamen Terrain style seems to support zoom levels up to 15 only, the other Stamen styles work with all levels.
Do you use the latest plugin version (1.0.7)? Which browser (vendor/version/operating system) do you use? Are you using the Gutenberg block or the Page Builder element?
Could you open the developer panel of your browser and check the console output for any errors and the network requests of the tiles for statuscodes >= 400?
Best regards
I’ve seen this status code recently too. I checked the URL schema and it looks correct ({z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png). Status code 429 is “Too Many Requests”. It seems Wikimedia lowered the request rate limit (for third-party domains). However, I did not find any information about current limits. I would advise to change the map style to something else.
Best regards
Hello Claire,
thanks for your comment. The plugin does support just one marker currently. Multiple markers might be included in a later version.
Best regards,
can you update to version 1.0.5? It contains fixes to support browsers with older Javascript versions.
* Use of backend Gutenberg editor in IE 11 is currently unsupported (and probably never will). Frontend view works in IE 11 now
* Geosearch does not work with older browsers like IE11 due to lack of Promise support in those browsers. Therefore the marker position should be specified by location, not by address if legacy browser support is required. If geosearch is needed, one should enqueue polyfills for missing JS features. Depending on requests polyfills might get included in a later version.Hope this helps and fixes your issue.