Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Pay Counter] Conteggio accredito nuovi articoliAllora lo stato è a posto… Post type è la prima opzione nel box Miscellanea mi sembra, vanno spuntati i post type da cui i post da contare sono caratterizzati. Se anche quello è a posto ti chiederei un temporaneo account amministratore, se per te non è un problema, per toccare con mano il problema e verificare se è un problema di configurazione o un bug effettivo (ci guardo domani).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Pay Counter] Conteggio accredito nuovi articoliCiao,
i post non vengono completamente mostrati, non è un problema di conteggio dei post scritti, giusto? Hai controllato anche che i post type e post status selezionati siano corretti?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Pay Counter] V2: W3 Total Cache compatibilityBut of course! Filed a support request! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Pay Counter] V2: W3 Total Cache compatibilityVersion 2.0 is finally out! For the PRO still some days…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Pay Counter] When will be released version 2?Version 2.0 is finally out! For the PRO still some days…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Pay Counter] How to reduce the zones of counting system?With the newly released version 2.0, you can now have from 2 to 10 zones.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Pay Counter] V2: W3 Total Cache compatibilityThat is good news indeed ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Pay Counter] V2: W3 Total Cache compatibilityNo, no addons needed. There will be a PRO addon by me which will make Analytics and PayPal available.
One big piece of news is that from version 2 on the plugin will be extensible, so if you need to customize it you will be able to use actions and filters.
> But the fact that it has no counting might raise the chance to be compatible with caching since no database operation is needed on post load. Right!?
Well, I don’t really know. Anyway, it’s not that no database operation is needed, is more that LESS database operations are needed.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Pay Counter] V2: W3 Total Cache compatibility>So maybe updating will not be all that easy for me, since you changed the database design that my custom made plugin relies on
That is sure to happen, also because the plugin doesn’t have a visits counting system of its own and relies on other plugins (enough to specify the postmeta that holds the visits) or Google Analytics.
>Will it be possible to turn off “expensive” operations like word count if not needed (only keep the stats functionality)?
Indeed it will be. In this sense, the plugin will be much more modular.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Pay Counter] V2: W3 Total Cache compatibilityHello,
thanks for asking! In what way did latest versions break your site? Just to be sure not to commit the same mistake again!Frankly, I don’t know what it takes to be compatible with W3 (if you know, please let me know, I’m eager to implement it). Anyway, I’ve made my best to make the plugin as lightest as possible, especially on the database side: the plugin doesn’t have a table of its own anymore and, most important, doesn’t store all data in the database but rather computes them on each page load. This may seem way slower at first, but counting words every time instead of querying the database (and updating it every time they’re changed) is far lighter.
It’s quite a challenge to make Post Pay Counter smooth and light because of the considerable amount of data it needs to handle, but I am really trying. I would advise you to wait version 2, it’s a matter of days now: common tasks should be quite faster!
Hope this helps.
Have a nice day,
StefanoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Pay Counter] PayPal Adaptive PaymentsCiao,
la funzionalità sarà disponibile a breve, permetterà sia l’uso degli Adaptive Payments sia dei Mass Payments. Per i primi non è necessaria alcuna autorizzazione, ma non è possibile pagare più di 6 utenti alla volta; per i secondi non c’è limitazione di numero ma è necessario richiederne l’attivazione a PayPal (nulla di complesso comunque).Sono molto interessato di sapere le tue preoccupazioni e le tue necessità in merito, mi aiuterebbe a farmi un’idea più chiara sull’uso che gli utenti ne farebbero. Non sarà necessario disattivare la funzionalità, al massimo sarà sufficiente non usarla. Non consiglio di mettere direttamente le mani sul plugin, specialmente così a ridosso di una major release. Se hai la pazienza di attendere fino alla fine del mese, dovrebbe essere tutto online per quel tempo.
Per altri dubbi sono qui.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Pay Counter] how to show stats in a static page?Actually, on second thoughts, in version 2 it may not be something hard to implement. I will probably add it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Can a freemium plugin be hosted in the directory?I had guessed it, just wanted clarification… thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Pay Counter] How to reduce the zones of counting system?With version 2 you will be able to have from 2 to 2 thousand thousand zones. So yeah, two weeks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Pay Counter] When will be released version 2?Hello! Thanks for your interest.
The beta has already been released to the beta testers, so if no big problems arise I expect the final version to be around in a couple of weeks. If this is not too a long timespan, I’d advise you to wait: the new release carries quite many differences from the current one.
Hope this helps.