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  • Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Our WordPress Site

    hi OnMaMan,
    Your design is great, I won’t suggest you to change it.

    If anything, I will suggest you to post some more content on your blog pages. Perhaps with a few good pictures to keep the interest of the readers.

    You can use social media in your post pages and make your blog more social friendly.

    Overall, the design is good, would not recommend any changes,

    Hi fhennecker,
    About reaching people, if you got an advertisement budget then there is no limit to the amount of people you want to reach.

    However, if you are looking to try this for free, your best options will be commenting on related blogs, posting on forums, networking with other bloggers and webmasters on social media, etc.

    few weeks won’t give you much results, keep at it for several months and then you will see some results,


    hi Villas Diani,
    Just went through your blog, overall, good work.

    would like to suggest you a few things.

    The top slider is good, plenty of good pictures, however every image you have in it is water marked with your blog’s url. It is a good idea to water mark your pictures, but usually keeping the water mark at the corner with smaller fonts looks good.

    Also, if you keep a blog on the sub-page and update it with related information, your content will stay fresh.

    keep it updated,

    hi black Panther,

    Firstly, would suggest you to remove or change the background image. I guess it is a bit too … Get something family friendly there…

    The header space is good, try getting a logo or a brandable header in the top.

    Your slider on the top has certain posts that has images which are too big. Would suggest you to re-size those.

    There are way too many things on your homepage, especially the voting buttons below every post. It is a good idea to keep the voting buttons on the post pages alone. Also, would suggest you to cut down on the stuff you keep on the sidebar, makes it look too crowdy.

    Your blog is good, keep it updated,

    hi F. Hennecker,
    Good work with your blog,

    One of the best things about your blog is that it is up to the point. The first, un-scrolled screen is used very wisely. You have a very good looking logo on the top and then the tag line and the description says it all. Very nicely explained.

    It is a good concept but will require some hard work to get people to use it. Your blog is still very new.

    Keep up the good work,

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: my book website

    hi hal,
    Just went through your blog, it seems pretty simple and basic.

    Here are a few things that i would like to suggest:

    1) Change the background image/color – The deep blue is kind of bad on the eyes.

    2) Your theme will require some work. If you are planning to sell your book from this blog, you will require a good design, much more professional looking.

    3) I will also suggest you to remove the huge image on the top, it is not related to your blog, why keep it? perhaps keeping a brandable logo or a banner might be a good idea.


    hi ubaidullahbutt,
    excellent work with your blog, you have got plenty of posts.

    Still, here are a few things you can do to make it better:

    1) You have google ads on the sidebar, but the color combination of the ads are striking. It does not works that way, make it eyes friendly by opting for the same color title and urls as the rest of the text on your blog.

    2) Your posts are list based, such posts are excellent for viral effects on social media. Would suggest you to add some social media voting buttons on your post pages.

    overall, it is a great blog,
    keep it updated,

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Designer site

    hi aginsky,
    I guess your blog’s background is one of the best i have seen today.

    It seems like it is your personal/portfolio site – limor aginsky, good to get an exact match of your name in the domain. Congrats.

    I will suggest you to get a logo, it will boost your personal brand.

    Your page loading is slow, but that must be due to the images you have in your posts. Would recommend you to speed up the page loading, perhaps you can divide the posts into sub-parts, thus individual page loading speeds will increase.

    I found an image that is 1.4 MB. There must be a way to lower it.


    hi SWhelper,
    A blog becomes successful mainly due to it’s content, and your blog has plenty of quality content. So, good work so far.

    Nice logo, you have selected a good looking theme and used it properly. I like the way you have configured social media with your blog.

    I will suggest you to put some social voting buttons, there are already but those are static buttons, add the voting ones. Your posts have the ability to go viral on the social media.

    you have a nice blog, keep it updated,

    hi djjohnny268,
    Nice work with the plugin, your blog looks perfect for a gaming site.

    Also, your domain is good, short and easy.

    About the design, your logo is nice and brandable but the background image is a bit strong. Try getting something which is more friendly for the eyes.

    Overall, it is a good site,

    hi Derien,
    Congratulations on re-designing your wordpress blog,

    About your second post, would suggest you to start a separate thread for the other blog.

    Your digital camera blog is good, nicely configured with amazon. Are you using a plugin to do it?

    anyway, keep it updated, and try posting some good information articles as well.


    hi hsameerc,
    Just went through your blog, but i have to say that your blog took ages to load. You need to work on your site loading speed.

    The homepage of your blog is excellent. Your portfolio presentation is great.

    Like your blog page as well, very clean and simple. Would be looking foreword to read more, keep it updated.


    hi Daniel,
    Yes, this looks much better. Good work.

    Now you have a good portfolio site. Congrats.


    hi saurabhd,
    This is the feedback forum, for questions such as yours, you will have to post it on the trouble shooting or the plugins and hacks forum.


    hi senorfrog,
    Nice blog you have on Philippines. The domain is great as well.

    Here are a few quick suggestions:

    1) Get a logo or a header. The top part looks too simple.

    2) You have too many posts on the front page which makes the scrolling far too down. Keep a few good posts from both recent and featured, on the homepage.

    You have got plenty of content which shows that your blog is established.
    Keep it updated and best of luck,

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