wow totally new to wordpress and these forums but this to me is like children squabbling and from a moderator to boot.
I may post something that is not in the correct place and may even sound disillusioned with the replies, but I do not expect rudeness and disrespect from moderators.
Not been use to forums and not a web-designer of long standing I would expect even from volunteers a little decorum . Cultures across the world use these site and cultures from across the world have different ways of expressing themselves.
Moshu reply although technically correct I found abrupt and discortous maybe they were having a bad day but that is no excuse for a short tone.
We all started to learn somewhere I myself at the age of 50+ am just starting to embark on this adventure. so a little tolerance would be helpful and encouraging.
I will in advance apologies for posting in the incorrect place asking stupid questions and anything else you may feel not necessary.