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  • Thread Starter starmatt


    I figured out how to do it like so:

    <![if !(lt IE 8)]>
    <SCRIPT type="text/javascript" src="javascript url"> </SCRIPT>

    Using < instead of <!-- for the beginning keeps other browsers from thinking it’s a comment. Also needs a > instead of a --> at the end.

    Thread Starter starmatt


    I’m only putting the html text in a text widget in the sidebar, so php is out. I suppose I could put it in the sidebar in the theme, but I’d like to avoid that if possible.

    My question is more how this affects other browsers. At first pass, this looks like I can have the script run only in ie8 or newer, but what does that do for firefox and others? At present, the script works fine in other browsers.

    Thread Starter starmatt


    esmi, I don’t quite follow the logic. If I put it in conditional comments, I can load the script only in IE (or some versions of IE), but the problem only exists in IE. Is there a conditional comment to exclude IE?

    Thread Starter starmatt


    Additional attempts to figure this out:

    1. Changing themes back to the default theme doesn’t solve the problem.
    2. Deleting all the plugins doesn’t solve the problem.

    Anyone got any ideas?

    I’m having the same problem. I’m not using the same Contact form plugin, just inserted a search form and can’t put the text on the same line as the input tag. Any solutions?

    So I checked to see if curl was available on my server (“curl –version” at the prompt) and it is (7.18.0), but it wasn’t enable by default, so I edited php.ini to include the line:
    (it was there, but commented out with a semicolon). Now my load times are similar to when I hacked the php to disable the curl. It’s still 30s for me, but that’s better than 120+s, which is what it was before.

    If I do the php hack (disable curl), it drops my time down to about 30 seconds. After installing wp-tuner, it says almost all that time is spent on “Start” (Time:31,561.4 ms with only 1.5ms of that being DB Time). Before disabling the curl all the numbers were similar except Start took 55s or more). So disabling the curl helps (I’ll see what my host has to say about that), but it’s not the only thing slowing me down.


    You can add me to the list of slow admin folks. The site loads fine, but whenever I save or update anything on the admin side, it sits “waiting for server” for about 60 seconds. Gears doesn’t really help (though once the page gets past the “waiting for server” stage, it loads more quickly). It’s not a plugin thing and happens both on a fresh install and an upgrade from 2.6. It happens in Safari, firefox 3, and firefox 2. I’ll probably install wp-super-cache and wp-tuner, but I suspect they’ll just confirm what other people have found.

    I’m about to implement the php hack suggested to see if that helps, but wanted to ask: This hack disables the pinging, but are there any other important functions you lose? Also is there a way to manually ping the necessary servers on update (I know there is, I’m just not sure how to go about it)? I know it’s not the most desirable solution to the problem, but it’s driving me crazy to try to tweak a new website design and sit for a minute or so waiting to see if I need to adjust the layout again and again. Once I get out of the designing phase, I’ll probably undo the hack since the page is mostly static.


    How difficult is it to add other buttons (i.e. facebook, twitter, etc.)? Any idea when the non-widget use will be available?

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