I was able to find my own solutions!
The code is laid out very intuitively, otherwise I would never have found 99% of these items.
Here is what I did.
Under Post header, change the title font size.
.post-title {
font-size: XXXem;
Unter Post Content, change the post font size.
.post-content { font-size: XXXem; }
Under section 0. CSS Reset, i was able to change the font size on the sidebar.
I found that I could adjust the width of my blogs posts without affecting the sidebar in the STRUCTURE section.
.section-inner {
width: XXXXpx;
lastly I tweaked the navigation menu font size and area height.
.blog-menu a {
padding: XXpx XXpx;
font-size: XXpx;
Check out my website and let me know if you like the changes, or if you have any ideas on how I can improve upon it.