Thanks for the reply.
I have no customisation with UM hooks at all. The install info in the UM Settings page shows the correct site URL with the https:// at the front, however, the automatically generated password reset link is missing the colon for some reason (https//) and as a result the link doesn’t work.
Just prior to you replying I modified the previous code I had used slightly, this seems to have worked. Here is the updated code for anyone that wants to give it a try:
add_filter( "um_confirm_user_password_form_edit_field", "my_um_remove_placeholder", 10, 2 );
function my_um_remove_placeholder( $output, $set_mode ) {
if( $set_mode == 'register' || $set_mode == 'password') {
$output = str_replace( 'placeholder="Confirm Password"', 'placeholder=""', $output );
return $output;