Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [RSS for Yandex Zen] Добавление в RSS дополнительного контентаэто форум по дзену.
Пардон, использую оба ваших (замечательных!) плагина. Промахнулся
просто забейте код вывода в индивидуальный или общий шаблон в настройках плагина
Огромное спасибо! Всё получилось
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mihdan: Yandex Turbo Feed] Фильтр записей в ленте?Что можно 100 лент создать, я уже понял. =) Я не нашёл, как отфильтровать по конкретному тегу или рубрике…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Cleverwise phpBB Statistics] Didn’t work with wp 5.4 and bb 3.3On a second look I did found a bug myself:
In WPAPI config sample file you have this contents (short open tad, no close tag):
<? /* Designed to work with WordPress Plugin "Cleverwise PHPBB Stats" Variable File */ /////// Set the security key to prevent unauthorized access /////// Place your choosen security key between the apostrophes $securitykey='SET-YOUR-SECRET-KEY-HERE'; /////// Optional setting: If you wish to omit (exclude) certain forums /////// from being used when grabbing last post, then list the numbers /////// separate by commas. /////// Ex: 4,8,11 $omitforumlist='';
After fixing <?php tags everything works.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yandex.News Feed by Teplitsa] Остатки html-кода в turbo rssВообще судя по всему, что-то странное делает сам плагин, для сравнения валидный с точки зрения яндекса фид для дзен: и странный фид для турбо:
Если пройтись поиском и найти постик про в vmode awards, то видно вот это: Plugins
In reply to: [Yandex.News Feed by Teplitsa] Остатки html-кода в turbo rssСпасибо!
Раз уж зашла речь про хуки – где-то есть документация или в код плагина смотреть?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yandex.News Feed by Teplitsa] Остатки html-кода в turbo rssВидимо, да.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Eight Paper] Post date in Featured sliderAny news?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Eight Paper] Theme translationSame with “Previous/Next” in the end of the post
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Eight Paper] Post date in Featured sliderCSS won’t help since both dates are echoed at once for some unknown reason:
Finally, I found it, line 100 in inc/widgets/ep-widget-fields.php
If I changeecho wp_kses_post($dropdown);
echo $dropdown;
everything works like a charm!Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Eight Paper] Post date in Featured slider
Since it’s a test server, you’ll need a password: 456456P.S. And please, recheck this thread: I have almost same problem and it’s definitely not the plugin influence. I even can give you an administrative account for debug purposes
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Eight Paper] Side column on home page@makol in case you still have trouble with this issue, try to select for page used as homepage a template without sidebar. Worked well for me
Same here, have no select box for categories. Tried to disable all plugins but no chance.
Screenshot: Plugins
In reply to: [Author Bio Box] Any chance to add VKontakte social network?Thanks a lot!
Here it is:
Here is EPS:
And here is PSD: Plugins
In reply to: [Author Avatars List/Block] Filter output by category name or ID.Sorry, my fault. I should define number of variables passed to filter. All works like a charm now.