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  • Thread Starter srvr4sb


    tnx 4 reply:
    YES – direct admin as a control panel, current site is an html site, direct admin is the control panel on my server – customer says direct admin is too difficult to use, & since I have several users that are happy with WP, I would like to convert his html site to WP & add plugins: wordfence which blocks logins from IPs that are not on safe list, and Akismet blocks spammers, and some other plugins that I’ve personally found successful add ons..

    Thread Starter srvr4sb



    Thread Starter srvr4sb


    I prefer not to change the theme, since the Tesseract Version: 2.1.2 is the one I am attempting to learn & use. About the other thing that might be an issue, is, the slow response to the question I posted for the author.

    BB Lite Version DOES NOT SHOW IN THE Tesseract Version: 2.1.2 TUTORIAL.


    Thread Starter srvr4sb


    It would not appear that Tesseract had anything to do with it.

    Thread Starter srvr4sb


    hmm, I’m using the SiteOrigin Page Builder that came with Tesseract Version: 2.1.2 — i’m unaware of any bundling of BB Lite Version with Tesseract since it already has SiteOrigin Page Builder, I’ve removed the other themes and still get ‘bugged” by the beaver message..

    BTW: I just watched the Tesseract video and no mention is made of the BB Lite Version in his screen shots within the tutorial. So, I’m pretty certain it did not come with Tesseract.. Since, I’ve removed all the other themes I don’t know how to get this BB Lite Version out of the picture.

    Thread Starter srvr4sb


    Since the posts are sent to subscribers on Saturday AM, I waited to change the code & subsequently reactivated plugin & so today changed line in public_html/.htaccess via cPanel file manager:

    Options -Indexes
    Options Indexes

    Whereupon the change, once again locked all from site, so, I logged into cPanel file manager, and restored the Options -Indexes, and once again site is working, whereupon I deactivated All In One WP Security & Firewall, so, this problem remains unsolved.

    I would GLADLY make a GENEROUS DONATION IF one of authors would supply me with a fix,
    so, that I could activate plugin & allow access to directory listing of the archive folders.

    THE All In One WP Security & Firewall discourages hacking attempts on my other 2 sites, and consequently, reduced the email notifications of access attempts significantly.

    So, how about it — kindly supply this non-coder with a workable fix, & you will get a generous donation for your time — ?? ….

    That is my solemn PROMISE..

    Thank you in advance,

    Thread Starter srvr4sb


    hmm, thanks for suggestion, however, to disable ALL Firewall rules, I tend to think is a bit more extreme, and assume there is just a line or 2 that needs to be changed or removed in the settings added to the Firewall Rules by All In One WP Security & Firewall.

    I see in the settings added by All In One WP Security & Firewall
    there are numerous RedirectMatch entries, Perhaps something there should be changed?

    Perhaps changing
    Options -Indexes
    Options Indexes
    Will that allow viewing the directories that have no default index file??

    I’m reluctant to change something & messing it all up.

    On a windoze pc use the hosts file to work privatly on your blog, or site:

    1) do not point your sites name servers to the site;
    either get a cheap temporary hosting with a company other
    than your current host, set up the domain on the other host, & point the domain to temporary host; or (temporarily) just enter the wrong name servers; or, if your domain is registered with a registry like eNom or NameCheap or 1 of eNoms thousands of agents, just enter an IP address different from the correct IP in the “A” records of name servers.

    This prevents public access to site.

    2) in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc is a file named hosts (no extension): make a copy of hosts like hosts.bakup then, right-click on hosts, open with wordpad.exe add 2 lines after the sample line for localhost

    serverIP [TAB]
    serverIP [TAB]

    Save the hosts file, close wordpad, close all browsers, open browser & type your domain in the address bar. You will see your site “live” on the server, & can make changes, add/remove plugins, add entries, even add back dated entries, you will be the only one that “sees” your site, because the hosts file takes priority over the public name server info.

    Once you are ready to go live, update name servers for your domain to the correct info; it may take 72 hrs. for your DNS to propagate, after which, you remove the entries from hosts file, save it, so you see what the public is seeing..

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