Forum Replies Created
I tested your solution by installing a plugin in the mu-plugins folder following the provided code. I replaced “YOUR_MASK_URL_HERE” with my custom login URL. Unfortunately, this does not solve the problem.
In my previous message, I had provided the following code:
wp_redirect( wp_login_url( add_query_arg( $_GET, site_url( 'oauth/authorize' ) ) ) );
This code is used by the OAuth Server plugin to log in the user. The
function correctly retrieves the custom URL defined via Defender and the login mask field. However, the redirection does not take place and the error message is displayed. From what I have observed, the problem seems to stem from a blocking of the redirection to the custom login page (any other redirection works).Hello,
Thank you for your reply.
This is a problem with your woocommerce block plugin.
I ran the basic tests:- Changed theme to woocommerce storefront theme. The problem is still there.
- Update plugins. The problem is still present.
- Change the shopping cart (replace the block cart with the woocommerce-cart shortcode) The problem is solved.
The blocks proposed by the woocommerce block plugins are interesting and more optimized than the basic woocommerce elements, so I’d like to be able to use them (cart and mini-cart…).
If I don’t have an answer here, who can I contact to report this fix?Thank you
We have made a few many tests to display webp images on our website but without success.We tried to use the <picture> method but it doesn’t really work with our theme. So we went back to the rewrite method.
We don’t have a cache on the server and don’t use cdn.
The code is well added in the nginx.config and the server restarted.We use for this version of our website the free version of cloudflare. Can this conflict with your plugins ? And prevent the display of webp ?
Thank you for your answers
Hi, We actually want to use the rewrite method, for technical reasons in relation to our wordpress themes. I tried to clear the cache and remove all lazyloading present on the site.
We put the code that is in one of the docs of imagify :
location ~* ^(/.+)\.(jpg|jpeg|jpe|png|gif)$ { add_header Vary Accept; if ($http_accept ~* “webp”){ set $imwebp A; } if (-f $request_filename.webp) { set $imwebp “${imwebp}B”; } if ($imwebp = AB) { rewrite ^(.*) $1.webp; } }
And have restarted the nginix. Where exactly should the code be placed in the file? Thanks for your help ??