Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] Redirect hundreds old pages to just only new one pageZainB that’s actually the plugin I am using, and we are talking now in the plugin’s support forum ??
The plugin is indeed useful! I like it. You can redirect there pretty much whatever you want.
However for those, like me, who doesn’t understand REgExes some scenarios a bit difficult.For time being I end up using global regex post.php(.*)
It’s not what wanted and I needed but at least I don’t get dozens of 404 erros..Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Shipping Method stays un-selected #2The issue has been resolved! And some according changes seems were made
more to read
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Multiple "Welcome to WooCommerce" links/screensThere was un update, that included fix that addressed the issue
So I believe now this issue has been resolved and topic can be closed! If someone find the same problem just update your WC or just follow the link with explanation and solutions.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Multiple "Welcome to WooCommerce" links/screensGuys, do you have this plugin? “Admin Menu Editor” by
If yes, then this thread might be in use for you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Multiple "Welcome to WooCommerce" links/screensI have the same thing on multiple woo commerce sites. And what’s funny is in first version there was one “welcome” link, in the second version there was two links.. and now after the last upgrade 2.1.x there is three links ?? I guess in third version we will have 4 links, and so on :)))
It looks to me like installation script does not deinstall properly previous links.awesome! Thanks Henrik
Thanks Henrik,
Looks good.
But can we trust to it?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Quick Development and Deployment practices?Thanks WPyogi for your respond..
Well.. since I started topic.. many things changed.. as one of them I quit that job :)) and started work again as freelancer.
But I am still improving and streamline my own development processSo just to keep this post useful and updated I will edit from time to time..
Now my best and easiest way is to use ManageWP solution.
They have site clone, import and export feature..
I have fresh clean install snapshot.. which I clone in couple clicks for each new project.
Once the project is finished I export it in couple clicks to any ftp…
So far that’s best and smoothest process I found..But I am still believe there are some ways to streamline this process even more..
I haven’t tried SVN (beanstalkapp) solution yet.. Looks like with SVN/Git I could just create a branch from original wordpress instance, deploy it onto stage server..
Once I finished with site, deploy it onto production server..
So this approach gives 2 in 1.. versioning and deploymentForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to battle with such spamy comments?Thanks amsgator.. appreciate your input
jonabajona107, did you check wordpress “Search Engine Visibility” settings?
Go to Settings -> Reading -> Search Engine Visibility
The line “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” has to be uncheckedForum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: CDN – Worth it?Actually CDN is not for balancing your website it stands for Content Delivery Network..
From my understanding CDN distributes your content across CDN provider’s network that geologically resided in different countries. That means that if your site often accessed from USA, but the actual website server resides somewhere in Europe.. Then CDN will help deliver your content to USA visitors faster and in short way..
If that’s the case, then it is indeed worth to employ some kind of geo distributed cache..
When you set up you CDN.. CDN provider will cache your static files on its servers.. and next time visitor will visit your website, those cached files (e.g. images) will be delivered from closest cache-server to visitor (instead form your one). By such approach cached content will be delivered to visitors faster that from you local server. and that how you achieve speed improvements. my experience even for local distribution CDN helps to avoid http blocking.
Main advantage of it is that browsers support 2-4 multiple downloads, but only from separate hosts.. If all images and content, scripts are loading from one host.. then each file blocks next one until it would be fully downloaded..But as Jason pointed out.. you should check your website first, what’s actually takes up the load.. to make sure you are not cracking a nut with a sledgehammer.. ??
I suggest you to try Chrome or Safari Inspector or FireFox firebug.. they will show you graphically all captured network requests and process..My choice of CDN was Amazon CloudFront
They used to provide Free tiers for one year.. And they have wide range of geo zones Register with them and give it a try..Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: what the plugin is this+1 to cubecoour
It does look to me as manually inserted code into the theme.It’s quite simple though.. and doesn’t involve any special developer ??
All what you need is to insert into the header.php or page.php(or index.php) into particular place, depending on your theme, this code snippet (but you are not limited to it, feel free to alter it)<div id="My-Top-Network-Bar"> <ol> <li id="bar-mediaite"><a href="">Mediaite</a></li> <li id="bar-gossipcop"><a href="">Gossip Cop</a></li> <li id="bar-geekosystem"><a href="">Geekosystem</a></li> <li id="bar-styleite"><a href="">Styleite</a></li> <li id="bar-sportsgrid"><a href="">SportsGrid</a></li> <li id="bar-marysue"><a href="">The Mary Sue</a></li> <li id="bar-thejanedough"><a href="">The Jane Dough</a></li> <li id="bar-thebraiser"><a class="bar-current" href="">The Braiser</a></li> </ol> </div>
And style it in anyway (if you know how) by css referencing to #My-Top-Network-Bar ID.
Hope that helps..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to battle with such spamy comments?Here is email I am getting sure what those pingbacks mean!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to create a custom type home page form to edit content?Anyone? Perhaps I need to rephrase the question? I am not sure I clearly described what I wanted.. Just don\t know the right terms perhaps..
Thank you mrpritchett!
I’ll try this.. let you know how it goes ??