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it’s MySQL 4.1.21, so that probably isn’t the problem.
and i got the same error as kingkong. i have an older version of this plugin installed on a site running wp 2.5 on the same server and it works perfectly.
i’ve set the threshold to 0.1, and even tried 0.01 and i know for a fact that there are related posts, but i am still getting “No related posts.” i also don’t get any match results when logged in as the admin. i’m running 2.6 with the latest version of the plugin. what do i do?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Stealth Login] Doesnt Worksorry, skullbit. not skillbit…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Stealth Login] Doesnt Workhey skillbit, the contact form on your web site isn’t working.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Stealth Login] Doesnt WorkI just installed this plugin but when I tried (repeatedly) to save the settings I was told the .htaccess file wasn’t updated. I tried clearing the .htaccess file but that didn’t work either. So the plugin’s not working. I’m running 2.5 with the following other plugins installed: 1bit, advanced permalinks, drain hole, register plus, role manager, and simple tags.
Any ideas? I’d love to get this thing working!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP.com account and WP Blog Stats stopped workinglooks like i’m having this problem and no one else has figured it out either.
i guess i’ll just uninstall the plugin and stop trying to make it work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Stats Plugin Won’t Accept API Keyi’m having the same problem, but the thing that’s really weird is that i HAD blog stats working and then when i launched the site and redirected the blog address location blog stats stopped working. when i try to access stats through the dashboard i’m prompted to enter my username and password, but now wp.com won’t accept the password for the account that i got the API key with. AND wp.com isn’t resetting my password even though i’ve put through the request about 2 dozen times over the past 36 hours.