Lucas Karpiuk
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Just a simple checkout pageif I recall correctly, you should be able to create a product in WPeC and check a box to indicate that it is, in effect, a donation product – allowing the buyer to specify the amount for the ‘product’ themselves. they would then carry on and checkout using the payment module provided by the gold cart plugin as normal.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Template from scratch: Sidebars not showing widgetyou’re registering a sidebar called ‘home_right_1’ in functions.php, but in sidebar.php you’re attempting to display a sidebar called ‘sidebar-1’
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Moving or redirecting new site (subdomain) to old site (main domain)You may find this article in the Codex of value:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Google indexes a URL that does not exist on my blogIn the third paragraph of the “Taxes and retirement income propel moving abroad” article, you have a link that is malformed – it looks like you’ve left off the https:// (and possibly an ‘m’?) at the beginning of the link when you added it to the article.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Need both index.html and index.phpI usually go with a WP plugin when I’m faced with this scenario. There are several ‘maintenance’ plugins available that will allow you to display a customized placeholder page for any anonymous web traffic, while anyone logged into WP admin will see the site as you’re developing it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to apply "cases" for fixed positioned posts in a loop?Two approaches to this depending on your browser compatibility requirements.
1) Front-end (CSS)
You can use the :nth-child() declaration to apply styling to the 1, 5, 10… post on the page. You can find a demo/generator (and link to Chris’ in-depth article) here:
This would be my preferred method, but the downside is that IE only supports this from version 9+ – if that matters to you.
2) Back-end (PHP)
The other approach would be to add a class name to the 1, 5, 10… post during the loop. At the top of your loop, increase a variable, and then check it’s value to see if it qualifies for your special class name or not. If it does, you can pass the class name to post_class() in your markup.
To check the value of your counter, you can use something like the modulus operator:
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] upload to dropbox failsper this thread, try turning off the “maintenance mode” option in your job:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] Backup to Dropbox failsPer this thread, you can workaround this issue by turning off the “maintenance mode” option in your job:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackWPup – WordPress Backup & Restore Plugin] Backing Up Files errorHi Andrew,
From this thread, you can workaround this by turning off the “maintenance mode” option:
Unrelated, but I note that there is not currently a way to remove an image once selected.
Poor form of me to bring up a separate issue in this thread, my apologies. But since I already did, this is how I’ve addressed it locally – although I won’t be surprised if there’s a better method available.
s8-simple-taxonomy-images/js/s8-taxonomy-images.js (inserted above “$(“#s8_tax_image”).focus(function()…”)
s8_tax_image_remove = $("<p><a href=''>Remove</a></p>").click(function(){ $("#s8_tax_image").val(""); return false; }); $("#s8_tax_image").after(s8_tax_image_remove);
s8-simple-taxonomy-images/s8-taxonomy-images.php (added to if statement that begins on line 96)
else { delete_option('s8_tax_image_'.$taxonomy.'_'.$term_id); }
I was able to successfully re-create this issue.
When selecting your desired image in Thickbox, make sure you click the “File URL” button to populate the “Link URL” field before choosing to “Use This Image” – WordPress remembers this setting, so if you recently inserted an image anywhere else via Thickbox with no “Link URL” it will be blank (I believe it’s also blank by default, so a new install would behave this way as well).
I was able to fix this locally by updating s8-simple-taxonomy-images/js/s8-taxonomy-images.js
img = $(html).find('img').andSelf().filter('img'); imgurl = img.attr('src'); imgclass = img.attr('class');
I also removed the console.log call as that will crash IE<9 if I recall correctly.
Unrelated, but I note that there is not currently a way to remove an image once selected.