7 years, 3 months ago
The image underneath the header of the page is a beautiful hiking trail in Central Idaho.
You would love it.
I will put it in the text portion.
I removed the image and inserted it into the top of the text portion of the page. I’m pretty sure it is the same as a “static” page. It is the page. I will make a new one with a featured image at It would sure be nice if I could have it work the way you’re saying!
I really appreciate your help and experise. Is there any way to put color into the header text on those black and white headers?
Thank you Sacred Path!
I didn’t notice at first, but this fix covered up the one page with an image I WANT. It seems to be an all or nothing fix, where if I use it i can’t have any images. This could mean changing themes and starting over.
Yes sacred path, that works, thank you! The header text is still white, is there a fix for that also? I appreciate your help very much!