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  • I don’t recommend anybody install Editor Monkey. It’s one thing to install, quite another – a nightmare – to ever remove.

    See this post:

    Editor Monkey wins ‘most intrusive plugin of the century’ award and is a real pig to remove. But it can be done!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WYSIWYG Trouble — Plugins

    Read this post:

    Editor Monkey wins ‘most intrusive plugin of the century’ award and is a real pig to remove. But it can be done!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: editor monkey problem

    Solved it… Aha! Right, okay, follow Bricolou’s sound advice and take great care in doing so. But that’s not all you have to do.

    No matter what you have set up under writing options on your dashboard, the default rich-text editor won’t come back until you go into wp_usermeta and edit rich_editing manually back from ‘false’ to ‘true’.

    Do that, and your installation is returned to as it should be. I do hope that helps people get away from this appallingly intrusive plugin. It’s frankly unforgiveable that the plugin creator doesn’t at least provide a detailed outline for what to do if you want to uninstall. Sure, it’s too complicated for your average user anyway but SOME degree of documentation, clear as can be, would go a long way to addressing the loathing this plugin inspires when you can’t get rid of it properly…

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: editor monkey problem

    I’ve done all this and still dont’ have my toolbar buttons back. I’ve searched the plugin forum, I’ve searched Google et al, and nowhere can I find any kind of uninstall procedure outlined. This plugin has to be the most annoying ever! I can see no trace of it in phpmyadmin and STILL I don’t have WordPress back as I want it! Help!

    Also, in the options menu, the new version of the plugin points to which doesn’t exist…. Thought you should know in case nobody else has noticed.

    I upgraded over the weekend from an earlier version of this plugin, wp-esbn 1.2, to wp-numly 1.5 and now my posts aren’t being assigned numly numbers.

    When it comes to WordPress and upgrading plugins, I wonder sometimes why I don’t just stop upgrading if things are okay. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it – but am trying to contact Cal for advice these past three days, nothing back yet and I can’t find anywhere online that still has the old version available for download. I wanted to try to get back to the old one and now I can’t. So Cal, have you any ideas as to what I can do, please?

    Thread Starter spicycauldron


    Hi there atelier455 (and anyone else with this problem)! I’m pleased to say I decided to give the very latest version of this plugin a try today – 0.5 – and I didn’t expect it to work having had no luck with 0.3 and 0.4 but… hoorah! It worked just fine. It was able to get authorisation from Flickr without any problem, and has integrated well into my site.

    I still have one problem, but it is low-priority and doesn’t affect the functionality. When you click on my photos tab, the sidebar disappears until you go elsewhere on the site and it comes back. Other than that, everything’s great! So I suggest you give 0.5 a try, see what happens.

    Um, just noticed a big bug: the post above is mine; the one before it isn’t, but in my browser at least it appears that when I posted my reply to the chap who’d last written before me, my login name/website now shows next to his forum comment – making it appear I wrote it and I didn’t. His forum name/info has up and vanished. Oopsie! How on earth did THAT happen? Someone needs to look at why that’s happened. Apologies to the person who wrote that comment about going from 2.0 to 2.0.1… it wasn’t my fault, guv’nor! Honest!

    Talk about enable sending referrers… this problem seems to have security implications for the forums themselves!

    Yeah, I noticed that the fix posted can’t be applied; the file is ‘admin-functions.php’, though, not ‘admin.php’ and the developers have moved the damn function off to another php file in the system, obviously.

    I’ve posted about this problem over the past few days to my blog, twice. First, if an official solution doesn’t work first time you try it – it didn’t for me when I did my first-ever install (2.0), I had to go hunting the web – then don’t discount it forever as it may work next time you encounter the error. And believe me, if my experience is anything to go by, you’re likely to.

    At the end of last week, after I’d run the upgrade from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3, all was well. A few hours later, all was not well. The fix that time round was the firewall privacy settings which hadn’t worked the first time for me. So, all well and good. I was able to do everything again.

    Today, got up, wrote a post to my blog and the [insert foul language] error was back; not only that, but what’s doubly annoying is when you hit ‘back’ on your browser you’ve lost what you wrote, which is pretty lame. It would be marginally less irritating if you didn’t. I’d say cut and paste before every post but that’s an added layer of nuisance usually, and this error seems to pop up randomly.

    Today’s fix for me, which may or may not last, which may or may not work next time it happens, was to go into options/general, as one person above suggested and not to change the site to wordpress but to simply add a / – so, for me, became and that worked straightaway.

    I know WHY ‘you need to enable sending referrers’ but the problems it seeks to avoid are far, far outweighed by the inconvenience, frustration and anger it evokes in a huge number of WordPress users. Developers, please note: get rid of it altogether. Approach the problem from scratch. Ditch this because it cannot, CANNOT be fixed – you’ve had plenty of new versions to do so and still haven’t – so why not try approaching what you’re trying to do from a new perspective altogether. Surely you can provide the security you’re seeking to without locking out so many users from their sites? Without official solutions as likely to not work as work? Without users desperately seeking hacks which really WILL compromise the security of their blogs? I know I for one would give anything to see the back of this loathesome error. I absolutely hate it and cuss whoever thought it was a good thing to implement in the first place. Rethink! Please!

    The Spicy Cauldron

    I’ve resolved the problem but I wish I could say how exactly. I switched to a different theme – one of the defaults – then switched back straightaway to the theme I prefer, Regulus 2.0. Et voila, the problem was gone! Folks can now comment on my blog using either IE or Firefox. All I have to do now is find a means of getting FAlbum to work, though I might wait for that to be updated as it’s not exactly compatible with 2.0 despite what the WordPress 2.0 plugin compatibility page says.

    All the plugins I am using with Regulus 2 are compatible with WordPress 2.0.1 and I love the theme. It’s perfect for my purposes and I appreciate the hard work that must have gone into it.

    My site – http:/ – looks fantastic and WORKS in Internet Explorer. In Firefox I’ve had a heck of a time. I can’t get comments to work – I just get a blank comments.php page coming up after hitting send – and am wondering if the fault lies with the theme? Is there a php file in it I need to tweak and if so, can someone give me some instruction? I’d appreciate it as I’m new to both WordPress and php. Many thanks. There are other things going wrong, notably FAlbum but that, I think, is because it is stretching things a bit to say it’s exactly compatible with WordPress 2.0. Again, though, works fine in IE just not Firefox.

    Oh, and my site is Help would be appreciated!

    All the plugins I am using are compatible, I checked with the list. My site – http:/ – looks fantastic and WORKS in Internet Explorer. In Firefox I’ve had a heck of a time. Not only do comments not work – I just get a blank comments.php page coming up after hitting send – but I can’t do stuff in admin using Firefox – that oh-too-common referrer error, all documented fixes tried to no effect – and when I view the site using Firefox, it looks great on the surface but you can’t get beyond the photo thumbnails. All problems I’m seeking answers to in other forums – save for the comment problem. I’m really hoping someone could take a look at my site in Firefox vs IE and come up with a theory or better yet, a fix.

    Thread Starter spicycauldron


    I’ve fixed the problem. The upgrade had changed the Theme folder permissions. It was no longer writable. I made it writable, and the Themes came back. So if anyone else encounters this – other newbies like me, perhaps – that’s what you need to do. Info on file permissions at the following URL:

    I used this fix with 2.0 and it worked but I installed 2.0.1 today and ‘enable sending referrers’ came back. I swore. When I checked in admin.php the function check_admin_referer() isn’t there anymore. So they’ve closed the only way I can see to fix the damn problem. Anyone help, please?

    I am new to WordPress (2.0) and to php but so far am finding my way well enough, with a few frustrations to contend with, though. I can currently only send comments if I access my site using IE. I cannot send them using Firefox, all I get is a blank screen after hitting send. Can someone please help?

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