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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sketch] Too Many Portfolio Pages?Chad,
Can you help me describe my problem in the proper terminology, so I can post it accurately. Thank you!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sketch] Too Many Portfolio Pages?PS. Should I move this query to another category in the forums since it is unlikely a Sketch issue. I would appreciate be steered in the right direction! Thank you.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sketch] Too Many Portfolio Pages?Hi Chad,
I had 2 blackouts yesterday. I will start by disabling a few plug-ins.
Here is the course of action my hosting site recommended:? Bad plugins (such as cache or backup plugins) that run intermittently or on random page/site loads. You may want to disable any such plugins to see if these are the cause.
? Incorrectly coded “.htaccess” rules such as mod_rewrite, user_agent, and other rules or settings in the file that may affect some visits or page loads but not others.
? Too many page requests or too long of a page load time. This can occur with many systems (especially Joomla) that are set to perform certain functions every “X” page loads.
? A custom PHP setting that is not set the way the application specifies (such as “register_globals”). You may need to change PHP settings by using a custom “php.ini” file in your “cgi-bin” folder.
If these do not correct your errors, you may want to check with the software vendor to find out why the errors are occurring specific to your installation. I apologize, but we cannot investigate the cause of intermittent internal server errors on your application.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sketch] Too Many Portfolio Pages?Chad,
What does WP Super Cache do? I’m afraid to deactivate, since I dont know what it does. Could it be a culprit? I don’t understand what it does, but some of the terms I read sound like terms my hosting company used in their email to me.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sketch] Too Many Portfolio Pages?Thanks, Chad.
I received an email from my host offering me 4 things it could be, and I couldn’t understand any of them. For whatever reason, the crashing has stopped (for now). The host did suggest disabling plug-ins and testing without to see if any caused a problem.
The post with 36 images had 12 galleries in rows. Is that a problem?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sketch] Too Many Portfolio Pages?Hi @lynneandchad,
Thanks for testing my site. I revised it yesterday and trimmed some images. Also turned all galleries into thumbnail images instead of SKETCHSQUARE format.
I know the site is going down because I have Jetpack monitoring. It went down 7 times since Jan 1, 2017. Once for up to an hour.
Last year Network Solutions (host) increased the size (? not sure right term) of my wordpress site, but the crashs still happened.
One more thought: I did a blog post with over 36 images (in 12 galleries). Would that have caused it? That post is no longer current.
Thanks again!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sketch] Urgent! Comments Form Disappeared@alchymyth I could hug you. I never had to turn on comments before. They simply were there as default. And the option to allow did not show up on the page edit. But I did find it in “quick edit” in the pages list. Thank you!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sketch] Modify Comments SectionThank you, Kathryn. Sorry I forgot the link. I’ve watched your video about the child theme and feel almost ready to tackle it. Thanks for the answer. Alex
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sketch] Redirect Portfolio Feature PhotoLove it. Seems simple. Think I’ve got it!
- This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by sparkleballlady.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Extortion Email Asking Site RansomQuestion: does it make your site much more secure to have an admin page with a more complicated address than ?? And if so, is there a place that gives directions for this change?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Extortion Email Asking Site Ransomgood to know, @pidengmor. thank you– my site was tres soft, so this is a blessing (maybe) in disguise. More learning.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Extortion Email Asking Site Ransomhey @anevins,
The following things I don’t understand nor know if they’re applicable to my site:
1. SFTP vs FTP
2. File Permissions
3. Securing WP-Admin
4. Firewall for my siteThank you!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Extortion Email Asking Site Ransomthank you, @sterndata. I googled the group. some attacks do happen. some are copycat. my site needs as much protection as I can muster since I plan to launch a new product this week.
- This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by sparkleballlady.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sketch] MODIFY feature display on HOME PAGESiobhan– is there a way without creating a child theme to make the featured photos on the homepage go automatically into a slideshow as opposed to static? That would help my issue for the timebeing. Thanks! Alex
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Sketch] Need better Share Plugin for Portfolio PhotosOK. I figured it out. Per your recommendation on an earlier thread, I installed Yoast SEO because of FB posting issues. But today I deactivated Yoast. I went back to Jetpack and re- set up their Sharing system. I also scraped Facebook of previous images, which I guess I must do periodically. NOW it all seems to work fine, and anything a person wants to share should have an appropriate image to match.
I thank you for your patience and guiding me through this process!