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  • Hey,

    what are the dimensions of your featured images? Our plugin works best with square images larger than 150x150px.

    I suggest you go to plugin settings and tick the checkbox next to Use custom size thumbnails option. You’ll have to enter the dimensions: just write 150 in both input boxes. Don’t forget to save the changes and then reload the page with your post. If you work with Chrome, you’ll probably have to reload it a couple of times.

    Let me know if this works.

    Thanks again for moving the issue here.
    I’ll install both of those plugins to see what’s going on.

    Stay tuned ??


    Thanks again ??
    Yes, I’ll contact them and get back to you asap.


    Hey Dariusz,
    thanks for reaching out and for all the links – don’t worry, we appreciate your help ??
    We’re sorry you’re having issues with our plugin and we’ll gladly help.

    However, I suggest we move this discussion in another support topic as it seems to me it is not so related to previous issues already mentioned here, although the message you got is the same. Can you please create a new topic? Thanks

    In the meanwhile we’ll test our plugin with WPML and check what’s going on. It would be also helpful, if you’d provide the version of your WordPress and WPML plugin.

    Take care & have a nice holiday ??


    thanks again for reaching out. Our plugin stores images it uses for thumbnails if they are located elsewhere (as in your case). It adds a prefix rp_ so you know it’s a related post thumbnail. Deleting those images won’t help, they’ll reappear every time you delete them. Older versions of WordPress Related Posts did the same (at least the last 4 or 5 ones), only the name of the image added was different.

    If you want to get rid of this problem, I suggest you save those images to your Media Library and replace them in posts. You can also set some featured image (or set thumbnail for them via custom field) for these problematic posts…

    Hope this helps,

    Hey, thanks for reporting this.

    Actually WordPress Related Posts plugin saves an image it uses for a thumbnail in Media Library if this image is hotlinked in the post (url not the same as the url of the blog). It is very likely that special characters in image file name caused these issues.

    I’ve noticed that you already opened a support topic on our plugin’s page. Thanks! We’ll continue discussion there.

    Hey @ michaeljmac, sorry it took us so long, but we have some good news and some bad news.

    Good news is that we figured out why search everything doesn’t work with WP-FAQ and the bad news is that this is a bug in WP-FAQ plugin. I already opened a topic at their support forum, so it’s up to them now when they’ll have the time to fix this.
    However… until they do this, you can add a line of code in classes/class-faq.php file of their plugin that will enable search.

    You have to add 'exclude_from_search' => false, to arguments starting in line 33 of class-faq.php file. You should end up with something like this:

    $args = array(
                'labels' => $labels,
                'public' => false,
                'publicly_queryable' => true,
    	    'exclude_from_search' => false,
                'show_ui' => true,
                'show_in_menu' => true,
                'query_var' => true,
                'rewrite' => false,
                'capability_type' => 'post',
                'has_archive' => true,
                'hierarchical' => false,
                'menu_position' => null,
                'menu_icon' => PLUGINURL . 'images/icon-faq.png',
                'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'faq_groups'),
            register_post_type('faq', $args);

    I’ll mark this topic as resolved now, but if you need any further assistance – we’re still here ??


    Hey Joe,

    thanks for reaching out and reporting this issue. Fortunately we’re aware of it and we plan to update the plugin early next week.

    Thanks again.

    Take care & have a nice day,


    thanks for reaching out.

    According to WPEngine’s documentation is just a notice to you that the query exceeds 1024 characters and that it might be optimized, so there’s nothing to worry about.
    This particular query returns related posts – posts with similar calculated tags (e.g. A_kitchen, A_tabl,…) for particular post and can’t be optimized without completely changing the way this plugin works.

    Hope this helps.

    Take care & have a nice day,




    thanks for opening a new thread. We don’t pay so much attention to the already resolved ones ??

    I can see that you have Related Posts plugin installed, but in the code excerpt you are calling a function st_related_posts that our plugin doesn’t use. I guess this function is probably from simple tags plugin or something similar.

    I suggest you check your Related Posts settings and make sure the option “Auto Insert Related Posts” is unchecked. Then add following line to your single template (instead of the existing one):

    <?php if(function_exists('wp_related_posts')) { wp_related_posts();} ?>

    Please let me know if this works.

    Take care & have a nice day,




    we figured out how to use WP-FAQ plugin, so we’ll test a bit more to figure out why our plugin doesn’t pick up FAQ entries.

    Stay tuned.





    first, we are very sorry we did not respond to you via email. We experienced some technical difficulties and I’m afraid your email got lost in the pile. Again, we’re sorry for this.

    Now, to your thumbnail problem on mobile devices. I was able to reproduce this issue on Android phone.
    The thing is: desktop theme uses thumbnails of 200x150px, while mobile uses 150x150px. I suspect there are no thumbnails of 150x150px generated and mobile theme can’t find them, so you get default thumbnails.

    We plan to remove these mobile settings in a week or two and leave only responsive desktop themes, but until then I suggest you try the following:
    1) Generate 150×150 thumbnails for featured images you use in your posts. You can use Regenerate thumbnails plugin, but make sure you have thumbnail size in Settings->Media set to 150x150px.
    2) OR change custom css of your mobile themes to match the css of your desktop theme.

    Let me know if you need any further assistance, I’ll gladly help.

    Take care & have a nice day,




    as far as I can see this rating has nothing to do with our Related Posts plugin. There is a span tag outside all div tags and I’d say it belongs to rating plugin.

    I would suggest you check your template and/or rating plugin. Have you by any chance update any plugin/template?




    Hi, I’m really glad you’re willing to share your experience with me.

    Would you be so kind and drop an email at support @ – just to let me know when you’re available for a quick chat? We can continue our communication via email.

    Thanks again.




    Hi, thanks for reaching out.

    Did you perhaps use Zemanta browser extension on your blog? If enabled our browser extension works also with self-hosted WordPress installations (.org) and that would explain why you’re seeing it on your .org site, even though you didn’t install it there.

    Here are instructions on how to disable/enable Zemanta extension, in case you have extension installed.

    Please let me know if this will solve your issue.

    Furthermore, I would love to hear your feedback on how we could make Zemanta more useful, more interesting and definitely less intrusive for you. I’m a product manager for Zemanta’s plugins and always on a lookout how to improve them. Would you be willing share your thoughts with me via email [support @] or in a short skype/hangout interview?

    Thanks ??

    Looking forward to hearing from you,

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