Forum Replies Created
Hi all, it seems that hackers currently exploiting this issue are mainly trying to attack YOURDOMAIN.COM/register (where ‘register’ is the default slug for registering).
So while it’s certainly NOT a patch, you could make it a bit harder for hackers by temporarily changing the ‘register’ slug to something less predictable (not ‘registration’, but something more random).
When UM releases the actual patch, you can of course rename the slug back to ‘register’.
Hi all, it seems that hackers currently exploiting this issue are mainly trying to attack YOURDOMAIN.COM/register (where ‘register’ is the default slug for registering).
So while it’s certainly NOT a patch, you could make it a bit harder for hackers by temporarily changing the ‘register’ slug to something less predictable (not ‘registration’, but something more random).
When UM releases the actual patch, you can of course rename the slug back to ‘register’.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YOP Poll] PHP 8 compatibilityPHP v 8.0.28
HI there,
Although this issue has been solved for a few weeks; it is occuring again after updating WCML, WPML, WooCommerce, etc. to their newest versions. Has the fix been removed again?
Hi jodamo5,
Thanks for your question and clear information. Unfortunately, the Codestyling Localization plugin has been removed from the repository recently. We’re currently trying to find out more about the reasons behind this removal, after which we can decide whether or not it is useful to extend support of this Preserver add-on, which obviously depends heavily on the capabilities of the Codestyling Localization plugin.
We will get back to you soon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeStyling Localization Preserver] Preserver can't write to folderHi Stepfret,
Thanks for your feedback.
The folder should be created if it doesn’t exist, but maybe something else is wrong. Could you try to create the ‘plugin’ folder manually if you know how to do this? And afterwards please tell me if you still receive an error when clicking on ‘generate mo-file’.
Does the CSL plugin tell you it can’t create .mo files? If so, what is the error you get? Or how did you find out the .mo files are not generated? I’m asking because I want to find out why the CSL plugin is able to write .mo files, but the Preserver isn’t.
Hi flegmatiq,
Could you please tell me more about the error you get?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeStyling Localization Preserver] After update original files deleted?Marked as resolved.
Marked as resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [CodeStyling Localization Preserver] works with every translation ?All your custom translations made with CodeStyling Localization are preserved using this plugin, but note that it starts preserving your translations from the moment you activate the CodeStyling Localization Preserver. Translation changes made before installing this plugin are not preserved automatically (since it can’t keep track of events from the past), but are two ways to approach this issue, as described in the FAQ: there,
The solution described above is not a very safe one, and it doesn’t solve the problem. The real issue is WordPress changed the way the database has to be addressed since version 3.9, and the plugin hasn’t adapted tot this yet. You can download a fixed version here:
I’ll try informing the author.
Sowmedia.nlForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Name of this theme?You might use this tool to check which theme is behind a website:
The themes look like Rustik: (light skin).
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