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  • Thread Starter southcast


    You can try now. I was doing some maintenance work on other domains. BTW it is just a fresh wp-install and there is no other plugins except jwplayer for wordpress. It was installed only to make tests on this specific issue. I have already explained my entire case. Hope you can help.

    Thread Starter southcast


    it is a testsite of course and here is the link

    Thread Starter southcast


    I downloaded the sdk and made changes and uploaded it to the directory public_html/wp-content/plugins/jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress/skins/ but the player still remains unaffected as there is no setting in the admin to choose skin in the free version. FYI I use the free version.

    On the other hand, I did a small test by having removed absolutely all the skins from /public_html/wp-content/plugins/jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress/skins/ directory and yet the player plays unaffected, which means that the skin is being served from your servers most probably. Hence the reason I asked in my initial question and am asking you again – are the skins directly streamed from your server somehow ?. Because if that is the case then there is no way the solution you suggested is gonna work.

    We are truly grateful for such a great plugin. Forgive me but I think you have given me a misleading solution. If the solution I am looking for is only for the paid version or such, just say so and I will consider buying it. This is a second time I got such a vague reply from you guys. First time was in this thread.

    Hoping for a good change.

    Thread Starter southcast


    @thibotus01, exactly what I am thinking.
    @Longtail Video – would you please note this ?

    Thread Starter southcast


    try replacing the second line of code with this.
    if ( (!is_single()) || (!is_page()) ) {

    Thread Starter southcast


    I had this sorted earlier, thought will just leave an answer here for someone looking to do something similar. Well the code below is rough and is just an example so you will need to modify according to your need. The code will give you the status of the users online-offline.

    <?php if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
          $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
          if ( 19 == $current_user->ID ) {
          echo 'JOHN - ONLINE';
          } else {
          echo 'JOHN - OFFLINE';

    To show the time of the last login needs a little more tweaks. First paste this function to your functions.php

    function your_last_login($login) {
        global $user_ID;
        $user = get_userdatabylogin($login);
        update_usermeta($user->ID, 'last_login', current_time('mysql'));
    function get_last_login($user_id) {
        $last_login = get_user_meta($user_id, 'last_login', true);
        $date_format = get_option('date_format') . ' ' . get_option('time_format');
        $the_last_login = mysql2date($date_format, $last_login, false);
        echo $the_last_login;

    and then use this on your template file to get the last login details.

             global $userdata;
             echo  'Last Login:';

    If you want you can make a tiny plugin out of this.
    Cheers !

    Thread Starter southcast


    @Longtail, I must have miserably failed to explain the issue after such a lengthy explanation. ?? . Anyways I have figured it out after a few minutes of search and research. Now the jwplayer plugin only prints the scripts in my single default and custom post type posts as I wanted. I will leave the solution here in case someone is looking for same optimization.

    This code removes what jwplayer plugin prints in the header (you will find it in the view-source) from all the other excluded pages such as category, tag, date, months, year etc archives, search pages, custom-page-templates, standard pages etc. Feel free to modify the conditionals as you wish.

    function remove_jw_print() {
        if ( (!is_single()) && ( !is_singular(array( 'research','faqs' )) ) ) {
                remove_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array('JWP6_Plugin', 'insert_javascript'));
                remove_action('wp_head', array('JWP6_Plugin', 'insert_license_key'));
                remove_action('wp_head', array('JWP6_Plugin', 'insert_jwp6_load_event'));
    			wp_dequeue_script('jwplayer', JWP6_Plugin::player_url());
    add_action ( 'wp_head','remove_jw_print', 3 );
    Thread Starter southcast


    For those stuck in a similar situation. Selective Loading plugin did exactly what I needed.

    Same issue here. In my case it does not get saved at all. I know it as I kept checking for changes in the source code. Incredible idea for a plugin otherwise.

    I was willing to migrate from another plugin plugin organizer as it did not give such features. I wish the author gets a little time to devote on this plugin to help rest of us mortals. ??

    Thread Starter southcast


    Hey Jeff, Yes I am aware of the global disable/enable page. The scenario is, I have this one plugin globally disabled as it was loading across all the ‘pages’ and ‘archives’ pages. But now I needed it to load across all the posts. Hope that was clear.

    I run a single wp-install and haven’t changed the wp_prefix, so my table name is ‘post_meta’. I lost the track when you said Then you just need to copy the meta_keys and meta_values and enter them as new rows for the post IDs you want to set them on. May I make it clear again that I need this query to effect all posts at one go (as I mentioned earlier, making changes on each of them will be a nightmare).

    I am providing below, the relevant meta_keys and respective meta_values I have retrieved from the phpmyadmin.Based on the given info I hope you will be able to suggest me a proper and complete sql query. Very new to php here, thanks.

    1. meta_value : a:1:{i:0;s:49:"jw-player-plugin-for-wordpress/jwplayermodule.php";}
    1. meta_key   : _PO_enabled_plugins
    2. meta_key   : _PO_disabled_plugins
    2. meta_value : a:0:{}
    3. meta_key   : _PO_affect_children
    3. meta_value : 0
    Thread Starter southcast


    thanks @keith, everything is awesome now.

    @paraddictednet, I would like to do this but could you please elaborate on your last statement “permalinks must end with the post’s slug to make this work”. I hope you are talking about pretty permalinks where the posts url are not according the year, month, date… or so but based on actual words in the title.

    Another important thing I would like to get help with is, I have a frontend post creator form. Do you think this hack could work with the form so the the uploaded images will be attached to the posts. If so please be kind and explain.

    Thread Starter southcast


    sorted, thanks.

    Thread Starter southcast


    @what do you mean by select a responsive player size. ?

    @longtail – So, I go my jw-player settings -> select my player -> edit player -> and I configure the width and height as following.

    Height : 360 and Width : 620.

    I went to the front-end sample post – minimize and maximize the browser – to check if the video has become responsive. But unfortunately no. What am I missing?

    FYI – I use a premium theme, which is responsive. I use custom fields to input youtube links and display it in my posts via jwplayer_tag_callback.

    Thread Starter southcast


    Never mind, I got it. Just had to change the post-type in the line
    481 of dot-irecommendthis.php
    Just leaving a feedback here in case someone else wished to do the same.
    Once again. Thank you Mr. Developer for such a cool plugin.

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