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  • Plugin Author Dave


    Great – what was the issue?

    Plugin Author Dave


    Hello again,

    Currently you’ll have to edit the script yourself. The easiest way to do this without downloading and uploading files is to login to the wordpress admin panel and use the editor there. Note that if you update the script, any changes you have made will be overwritten.
    1) Login to WP-Admin
    2) Go to Plugins > Editor on the side menu
    3) Select SEATT on the top right
    4) Select seatt_events_include.php
    5) You can search for $users, this will take you to the first query you need to edit. Switch the code mentioned above and hit update file

    That should get you up and running, let me know how you get on.

    Plugin Author Dave


    Hi nalzsf – depending on the version, the below should help.

    If you want them on the event page, you could change the following:

    $users = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, user_id FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."seatt_attendees WHERE event_id = %d ORDER BY id ASC", $event_id));
    			$num = 1;
    			foreach ($users as $user) {
    				$user_info = get_userdata($user->user_id);
    				$seatt_output .= '<li>' . esc_html($user_info->user_login) . '</li>';

    to something like:

    $users = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT id, user_id, user_comment FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."seatt_attendees WHERE event_id = %d ORDER BY id ASC", $event_id));
    			$num = 1;
    			foreach ($users as $user) {
    				$user_info = get_userdata($user->user_id);
    				$seatt_output .= '<li>' . esc_html($user_info->user_login) . ' - ' . esc_html($user->user_comment) . '</li>';

    Essentially you need to:
    1) Add “user_comment” to the database call
    2) Add “$user->user_comment” in the loop

    Plugin Author Dave


    Absolutely! You’re free to use the base-app in any way you choose!

    I’d be keen on seeing what you’ve added, if you get a chance please sent it through to [email protected]


    Plugin Author Dave


    What you’re suggesting is a good idea, and one that I might build in at some point.

    I personally would use a jquery div, and just have a range of links or buttons to show/hide the respective signup.

    As far as making this happen in code, you would need to add the corresponding <div> around the signup code, and have the script put out a link to each one, then the hidden divs.

    Unfortunately I’m unable to help more at the moment – sorry!

    Plugin Author Dave


    Sorry for the delay in replying! I left this feature out (so that it was wp-user registration only), as allowing visitors to sign up invited a load of issues with spam, people signing up other people, bots, and difficulty with modifying people’s registration status.

    Opening up and using the WP system just seemed like the cleaner option!

    Plugin Author Dave


    Hi iAJ,

    There isn’t currently a way of doing this, and I think it would be a little difficult to implement in this simple plugin. As I understand your request, you would need to either:
    1) List all wordpress users that haven’t explicitly registered, as unregistered
    2) Pre-set which users could register for the event, thus providing the unregistered list

    I suppose you could also just include a list of everybody in the page text?

    Plugin Author Dave


    Great – thanks for sharing, I hadn’t even thought about reversing!

    Plugin Author Dave


    Hi – sorry I missed your post. If you still have a question please reply and I’ll provide some guidance on how to change it.


    Plugin Author Dave


    Thanks for the feedback, I am hoping to update it soon so will see what I can include.

    Thanks again!

    Plugin Author Dave


    Hi there,

    Sorry for the delay, if you’re still interested in this please get back in touch and I will have a quick look for you.


    Plugin Author Dave


    No problems, feel free to start a new thread if you have any other questions!

    If you’ve got the time I’d appreciate a review, but don’t worry if not ??

    Plugin Author Dave


    The newest version fixes some other problems too, but if you really don’t want to upgrade then you can change line 48 to:

    $attendees = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."seatt_attendees WHERE event_id = %d", $event->id));

    Plugin Author Dave


    WordPress 3.5 changed how wpdb::prepare functioned, but this was fixed in seatt 1.2.7 – if you upgrade to the latest version (updated in december) it should fix that error.

    Plugin Author Dave


    Sorry – yet again I’ve not got the emails through for this forum.

    I believe I’ve replied to your email, cristianiosub? If not just post up another support thread and I’ll reply there.

    Depending on what length you need the comment to be, you might want to change
    <input name="seatt_comment" type="text" id="seatt_comment" size="40" maxlength="40">


    <input name="seatt_comment" type="text" id="seatt_comment" size="40" maxlength="150">

    This will allow longer comments.

    To display the comments to everyone you need to change the following on line 60 from

    SELECT id, user_id


    SELECT id, user_id, user_comment

    and then change

    $seatt_output .= '<li>' . $user_info->user_login . '</li>';


    $seatt_output .= '<li>' . $user_info->user_login . ' - ' . $user->user_comment . '</li>';

    Do bear in mind that if you update the script through the control panel after making changes, they will be lost. Let me know how you get on!

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