Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Automatic Upgrade Not workingThere is one last thing to check when all else fails. Depending on the default memory limit for your PHP installation you may be constrained by a low default. For me the telltale sign was that the zip file would download fine, hence it wasn’t a permissioning issue.
You can increase the memory limit by adding the following to your .htaccess file (assuming you have access to this file)
AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
php_value memory_limit 64MThe first line tells apache to process .php files with the php5 module. The second increases the memory. (check with webhost to make sure this is supported)
Alternately you can add the following to your wp-config file:
define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);Again, this requires that your host allow you to increase the php memory.
– Trip
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] Server-Database CrashAs an update to this problem I wanted to make sure this wasn’t related to disk space issues or something like that. I took a look just to be sure and I have a ton of space available.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Nothing will update “automatically”dgivista’s recommendation did the trick for me. Prior to the change I would get Downloading update from and then the page would complete to DONE.
-> Add this code in htaccess and have a try;
php_value memory_limit 64M3. Try adding this line to your wp-config.php file:
define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’32M’);Setting define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’32M’) alone was not enough to get it to work; it required both.
TripForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t post/edit: requesting authentication “magic”This just started on one of my user’s sites. It looks like a hack to me. Has anyone gotten to the root of the problem?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Internet Explorer Abort OperationThat I can believe. I also have sitemeter on the blogs that were affected. It could be the timing such that they repaired it over the period of which I disabled and re-enabled the javascript associated with my blogads. In any case it seems to have corrected itself. – Trip
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Internet Explorer Abort OperationIt looks like perhaps they or somebody beat me to it. I checked some other sites that I have the same blogads enabled on and it is back to normal.
My sites that did not work earlier seem to be back to normal with the blogads reactivated.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be linked to a change in javascrip. For instance if the server that linked in the javascript was slow or partially loading the scripts I could see where it might generate this sort of issue.
The only thing I can say definitively was that the sites worked when I stubbed out the blogads <!– –>. They are all fine now that I have turned the blogads back on. Might never know the actual cause but won’t lose too much sleep unless it happens again.
– Trip
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Internet Explorer Abort OperationSolution – It looks like BlogAds made some change to their back end. Not quite sure what but it is related to javascript. I do not use BlogAds css so that can be eliminated in my case.
I will be contacting them to see what happened.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Internet Explorer Abort OperationHaving the same exact thing on all my blogs as of this morning.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Widgets “Locked Down” – can’t changeHi inntell,
Java has nothing to do with neither javascript or PHP. Most likely the thing that helped you was the change in active scripting which is an internet explorer option.
Personally I prefer firefox. They likely use different versions of javascript.
The issues noted above sound like a javascript issue but if it is indeed related to changing hosts I would suspect different versions of PHP or perhaps a difference in php safe mode operations. I have no answers here but wanted to correct the misinformation on Java being a solution to any problem noted above.
Take care,
TripForum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade 2.5 to 2.5.1 but 2.5 remainsHi banannie,
That’s excellent news. Please let me know if you find any of the inserted text as I’d like to find out what files they were targeting. I did a quick grep but did not find any of the code which probably makes sense since I nuked my original wp files per the upgrade to 2.5/2.5.1. – Trip
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade 2.5 to 2.5.1 but 2.5 remainsHi gmsand,
In my case I wrote scripts that completely backs up all themes, plugins and user created content but not anything related to the wordpress core. I then nuke all files in the domain directory, apply a full fresh installation and reapply the themes and plugins and user specific data.
There is possibly a file missing somewhere but then I would have imagined that I would have had problems on all the domains I upgraded. Fortunately for me the only issue I had was on the domains that showed signs of the exploit I referred to above.
I wouldn’t have been able to fix these issues without shell or sftp access combined with access to the database user and wp-options table.
Obviously removing the user called ‘wordpress’ shouldn’t fix anything so I believe the fix for me occurred when I manually removed the phantom active plugin from the database column for active plugins. This came in the form of a big string like ./../../../../../../../tmp. I don’t know how the string got there, perhaps an installation bug or artifact or a plugin installed left it behind. Who knows. I didn not find this string in the databases of blogs that did not exhibit this upgrade issue.
When I removed that entry all of my plugins became disabled so perhaps I munged the edit. I re-enabled them through the admin console and it was fine as were the blogs in question. In retrospect I would have manually disabled all the plugins through the admin console and then checked to see if that string was still in the database. If so I would have removed it at that time. In any event it worked for me.
Whether or not all of this is attributable to a true exploit or an errant plug-in is still up for grabs IMHO. All I can tell you is that I found the
article, cleaned up per it’s suggestions and all was fine. The active plugins thing was actually contained in a user comment on that site.Two plugins that I use that have given me issues since 2.5 are the TinyMCE Advanced plugin that stopped working between 2.5 and 2.5.1 and the fluency admin console that worked fine for about a week then suddenly stopped working coincidentally around the date time stamped concurrent with the .pngg files. I have never been able to get fluency to work (firefox/css2) since then and have given up on it. The TinyMCE advanced was fixed with it’s latest upgrade that came out a couple of days ago. These two plugins are common on all the domains hosted by me.
I hope this gives more insight.
I caution anyone mucking around in the database or file system to PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO BACK UP YOUR WORK AHEAD OF TIME!! It should only take about 10 minutes and will be well worth the time and effort.
– Trip
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade 2.5 to 2.5.1 but 2.5 remainsHi yorokobi,
A mailing list would be a good idea. I will look around today to see if one exists and if not I will fire one up where we can all watch each others backs.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade 2.5 to 2.5.1 but 2.5 remainsHi,
It turns out that the blog that I was having issues with appears to have been hacked per this blog article here:
After fixing the issues iterated in the blog post the troubled blogs now work just fine.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade 2.5 to 2.5.1 but 2.5 remainsThis is obviously a real issue. I upgraded about 6 domains without problem but the seventh persists on telling me that I am still at 2.5. After upgrading the blog gave me the message that my database was out of date. I upgraded through the link and now it still tells me that I am at version 2.5.
I am a web host so I upgrade all domains using the same script.
I checked the version file and it says 2.5.1. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Security question after being hacked twice in 10 daysUpdate: I re-installed wp 2.5 to all sites affected and everything looks good now. I may have had a file system issue on my server; don’t believe I was hacked. – Trip