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  • Thread Starter sosukeinu


    perfect! thank you very much.

    Awesome! thank you so much.

    Thread Starter sosukeinu


    After deleting my jobs, and creating a new job, then adjusting the settings under the settings page (Max. normal script runtime: 30 sec.
    and Max. long script runtime: 300 sec.) Works fine on one of my sites. One site still has errors that I’m working through. Thanks for the great plugin! I’ll let you know as I find out more.

    Thread Starter sosukeinu


    I used the ‘clean options’ plugin to delete some options for uninstalled plugins that i had lingering around, and since that time I have had no warning or errors,…strange. Thank you for your response. Love the plugin!

    Thread Starter sosukeinu


    well, if you add the code from my first post here to the entry.php in P2, it does an ajax delete, that is, the page stays the same, and the post disappears and appears in the trash in the backend, but it appends that ugly trash string to the URL. I haven’t found how to do this with comments yet, I expect it has something to do with line 190 in functions.php
    <span class="meta"><?php comment_time(); ?> <?php _e( 'on', 'p2' ); ?> <?php comment_date(); ?> <span class="actions"><a href="#comment-<?php comment_ID( ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Permalink', 'p2' ); ?></a><?php echo comment_reply_link(array( 'depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth'], 'before' => ' | ' )); ?><?php edit_comment_link( __( 'Edit' , 'p2' ), ' | ','' ); ?></span><br /></span>
    or maybe line 319

    <span class="meta">
    						<span class="actions"><a href="$permalink">$permalink_text</a> $reply_link $edit_link</span>

    Either way, the ajax that controls the comment editing function could be copied/pasted/and altered to allow for deletion,…it think. That appears to be around line 645 in p2.js

    case "comment" :
    				var thisCommentEditArea;
    				$(element).hover( removeYellow, removeYellow );
    				if (inlineEditComments != 0 && isUserLoggedIn) {
    					thisCommentEditArea = $(element).find('div.comment-edit').eq(0);
    					$(element).find('a.comment-edit-link:first').click( function() {
    						return false;
    					thisCommentEditArea.editable(ajaxUrl, {event: 'edit', loadurl: ajaxUrl + '&action=get_comment&_inline_edit=' + nonce,
    						id: 'comment_ID', name: 'comment_content', type    : 'autogrow', cssclass: 'textedit', rows: '3',
    						indicator : '<img src="' + templateDir +'/i/indicator.gif">', loadtext: eetxt.loading, cancel: eetxt.cancel,
    						submit  :, tooltip   : '', width: '90%', onblur: 'ignore',
    						submitdata: {action:'save_comment',_inline_edit: nonce}});

    but I’m not well-versed enough to know exactly how to alter this to allow for true front-end ajax deletion. Perhaps someone with more knowledge can give us some direction. Until then, it’s going to be a lot of trial and error for me until i can get it to work. When I do, I’ll be sure to post my solution, though it probably won’t be the best. ?? Keep me posted as to whether you find an acceptable solution. Thanks.

    Thread Starter sosukeinu


    thanks. i kind of figured p2 was a special case. i’ve made some pretty significant customiztions, so i guess i’ll just forgo updates for this project. Just a personal project anyway. thank you every one for your answers. ??

    Thread Starter sosukeinu


    i did move the functions.php over to the child, but the reason I had to make the declaration in the parent theme rather than the child theme, is that the main theme already requires options-page.php
    require_once( P2_INC_PATH . '/options-page.php' );
    so when i include the updated path as
    require_once( STYLESHEETPATH . '/inc/options-page.php' );
    it says i can’t re declare a class that is called from the main functions file

    Thread Starter sosukeinu


    That worked, but doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose of a child theme? I wonder if there is a way to do this without modifying the original template so I don’t have to reinsert that line each time the template is updated. but until i find out how,…this works. thank you very much.

    Thread Starter sosukeinu


    I want to have two different styles that can be applied to comments, either right aligned or left aligned, and I want the poster to be able to choose which one they want by making a selection before posting the comment. I know it seems kind of strange, but there is a reason for it. Simply alternating would be easier, but it would not accomplish what I’m trying to do. thank you for your response.

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